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Section 2-6-1 - Administration of oaths by committee member. - 2-6-1. Administration of oaths by committee member. Any member of...
Section 2-6-2 - Composition and appointment of Government Operations and Audit Committee--Duties and reports--Assistance. - 2-6-2. Composition and appointment of Government Operations and Audit Committee--Duties...
Section 2-6-4 - Investigative authority of Government Operations and Audit Committee--Subpoenas. - 2-6-4. Investigative authority of Government Operations and Audit Committee--Subpoenas. The...
Section 2-6-4.1 - Report may be required where audit finding reoccurs--Contents of report. - 2-6-4.1. Report may be required where audit finding reoccurs--Contents of...
Section 2-6-4.2 - Criteria for issuing subpoena. - 2-6-4.2. Criteria for issuing subpoena. Before a subpoena may be...
Section 2-6-5 - Disobedience of legislative summons as misdemeanor. - 2-6-5. Disobedience of legislative summons as misdemeanor. Any person who...
Section 2-6-6 - Refusal to testify or produce evidence before Legislature as misdemeanor. - 2-6-6. Refusal to testify or produce evidence before Legislature as...
Section 2-6-7 - Forfeiture of office by legislator in violation--Disqualification from public office. - 2-6-7. Forfeiture of office by legislator in violation--Disqualification from public...
Section 2-6-8 - Retirement laws study committee created--Purpose. - 2-6-8. Retirement laws study committee created--Purpose. There is hereby created...
Section 2-6-9 - Appointment and terms of Retirement Laws Committee members--Political affiliations. - 2-6-9. Appointment and terms of Retirement Laws Committee members--Political affiliations....
Section 2-6-10 - Officers of Retirement Laws Committee--Staff assistance. - 2-6-10. Officers of Retirement Laws Committee--Staff assistance. The Retirement Laws...
Section 2-6-11 - Study of retirement laws by committee--Emphasis. - 2-6-11. Study of retirement laws by committee--Emphasis. The Retirement Laws...
Section 2-6-12 - Legislative drafts and recommendations by Retirement Laws Committee--Reports--Review of proposals. - 2-6-12. Legislative drafts and recommendations by Retirement Laws Committee--Reports--Review of...
Section 2-6-14 - Joint Bonding Review Committee established--Agencies subject to review by joint committee. - 2-6-14. Joint Bonding Review Committee established--Agencies subject to review by...
Section 2-6-15 - Reports by bonding entities to joint committee--Contents--Other assistance. - 2-6-15. Reports by bonding entities to joint committee--Contents--Other assistance. Each...
Section 2-6-16 - Reports to joint committee on particular issues of bonds or notes--Contents. - 2-6-16. Reports to joint committee on particular issues of bonds...
Section 2-6-17 - Detailed accounting to committee on underlying security and investments. - 2-6-17. Detailed accounting to committee on underlying security and investments....
Section 2-6-18 - Agency explanation to committee of programs and operations. - 2-6-18. Agency explanation to committee of programs and operations. The...
Section 2-6-19 - Water Development Oversight Committee created--Purpose. - 2-6-19. Water Development Oversight Committee created--Purpose. There is hereby created...
Section 2-6-20 - State-Tribal Relations Committee created. - 2-6-20. State-Tribal Relations Committee created. There is hereby created the...
Section 2-6-21 - Membership of State-Tribal Relations Committee. - 2-6-21. Membership of State-Tribal Relations Committee. The State-Tribal Relations Committee...
Section 2-6-22 - Committee heads--Staff assistance. - 2-6-22. Committee heads--Staff assistance. The State-Tribal Relations Committee shall be...
Section 2-6-23 - Responsibilities of State-Tribal Relations Committee. - 2-6-23. Responsibilities of State-Tribal Relations Committee. The State-Tribal Relations Committee...
Section 2-6-35 - Government Operations and Audit Committee to implement performance management review process. - 2-6-35. Government Operations and Audit Committee to implement performance management...
Section 2-6-36 - Performance management and state agency defined. - 2-6-36. Performance management and state agency defined. For the purposes...
Section 2-6-37 - Performance management review--Schedule--Content--Uniform template. - 2-6-37. Performance management review--Schedule--Content--Uniform template. The Government Operations and Audit...
Section 2-6-38 - Agency report highlighting performance measures showing progress toward desired outcomes. - 2-6-38. Agency report highlighting performance measures showing progress toward desired...
Section 2-6-39 - Annual compiled report presented to legislators--Website. - 2-6-39. Annual compiled report presented to legislators--Website. The Legislative Research...