2-6-2. Composition and appointment of Government Operations and Audit Committee--Duties and reports--Assistance.
There shall be appointed at each regular session of the Legislature a Government Operations and Audit Committee of ten, consisting of five members of the Senate appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, one of whom shall be a member of the Judiciary Committee, and five members of the House of Representatives appointed by the speaker of the house, one of whom shall be a member of the Judiciary Committee, for the purpose of inquiry and review of any phase of the operations and the fiscal affairs of any department, institution, board, or agency of the state, to review any findings of abuse or neglect in a juvenile corrections facility, to make a continuing study of the operation of the state's correctional system, and to make a detailed report to the Senate and House of Representatives and submit a copy of its report to the appropriation committee of each house of the Legislature at the next succeeding session of the Legislature or any special session of the Legislature upon request of the body.
The Department of Legislative Audit shall provide assistance, including clerical help, to the committee upon request.
Source: SDC 1939, §55.0610; SL 1953, ch 285; SL 1955, ch 234; SL 1957, ch 280; SL 1984, ch 14, §1; SL 1995, ch 13, §2; SL 2000, ch 128, §11.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 2 - Legislature and Statutes
Chapter 06 - Legislative Committees And Investigations
Section 2-6-1 - Administration of oaths by committee member.
Section 2-6-4 - Investigative authority of Government Operations and Audit Committee--Subpoenas.
Section 2-6-4.1 - Report may be required where audit finding reoccurs--Contents of report.
Section 2-6-4.2 - Criteria for issuing subpoena.
Section 2-6-5 - Disobedience of legislative summons as misdemeanor.
Section 2-6-6 - Refusal to testify or produce evidence before Legislature as misdemeanor.
Section 2-6-8 - Retirement laws study committee created--Purpose.
Section 2-6-9 - Appointment and terms of Retirement Laws Committee members--Political affiliations.
Section 2-6-10 - Officers of Retirement Laws Committee--Staff assistance.
Section 2-6-11 - Study of retirement laws by committee--Emphasis.
Section 2-6-15 - Reports by bonding entities to joint committee--Contents--Other assistance.
Section 2-6-16 - Reports to joint committee on particular issues of bonds or notes--Contents.
Section 2-6-17 - Detailed accounting to committee on underlying security and investments.
Section 2-6-18 - Agency explanation to committee of programs and operations.
Section 2-6-19 - Water Development Oversight Committee created--Purpose.
Section 2-6-20 - State-Tribal Relations Committee created.
Section 2-6-21 - Membership of State-Tribal Relations Committee.
Section 2-6-22 - Committee heads--Staff assistance.
Section 2-6-23 - Responsibilities of State-Tribal Relations Committee.
Section 2-6-36 - Performance management and state agency defined.
Section 2-6-37 - Performance management review--Schedule--Content--Uniform template.
Section 2-6-39 - Annual compiled report presented to legislators--Website.