South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 11 - Police Officers Retirement System
Section 9-11-80. Retirement allowances; disability retirement; periodic reexaminations; discontinuation or reduction of allowances.

(1) On the application of a member in service or the member's employer, a member who has the years of earned service required for the member's class pursuant to Section 9-11-60(1) or any contributing member who is disabled as a result of an injury arising out of and in the course of the performance of the member's duties regardless of length of membership, may be retired by the retirement board not less than thirty days and not more than nine months next following the date of filing the application on a disability retirement allowance if the system, after a medical examination of the member, certifies that the member is mentally or physically incapacitated for the further performance of duty, that the incapacity is likely to be permanent, and that the member should be retired. For purposes of this section, a member is considered to be in service on the date the application is filed if the member is not retired and the last day the member was employed by a covered employer in the system occurred not more than one year before the date of filing.
The South Carolina Retirement System may contract with the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation to evaluate the medical evidence submitted with the disability application relative to the job being performed and make recommendations to the system. The system may approve a disability retirement subject to the member participating in vocational rehabilitation with the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. Upon determination by the department that a member retired on disability is able to reenter the job market and work is available, the retirement system may adjust the benefit paid by the system in accordance with Sections 9-1-1580, 9-1-1590, 9-9-60, and 9-11-90.
(2)(A) Upon disability retirement based upon an application received by the system before January 1, 2014, the member shall receive a disability retirement allowance which shall be equal to a service retirement allowance computed on the basis of his average final compensation, his years of credited service and his accumulated additional contributions at the date of his disability retirement; provided, however, that, at disability retirement, his disability retirement allowance shall be determined on the basis of the number of years of credited service the member would have completed had he remained in service until attaining age fifty-five and on the basis of the average final compensation. For the purpose of calculating the disability retirement allowance, the additional credited service so determined must be either Class One service, Class Two service, or Class Three service depending upon the classification of the member at the time of retirement.
(B) Upon disability retirement based upon an application received by the system after December 31, 2013, the member shall receive a disability retirement allowance which is equal to a service retirement allowance computed on the basis of the member's average final compensation, the member's years of credited service, and the member's accumulated additional contributions at the date of the member's disability retirement. However, at disability retirement, the member's disability retirement allowance must be determined on the basis of the member's average final compensation at retirement and on the basis of the number of years of credited service the member would have completed had the member remained in service until attaining age fifty-five or until attaining twenty-five years of credited service, whichever is less. For the purpose of calculating the disability retirement allowance, the additional credited service so determined must be either Class One service, Class Two service, or Class Three service depending upon the classification of the member at the time of retirement.
(3) Once each year during the first five years following the retirement of a member on a disability retirement allowance, and once in every three-year period thereafter, the board may require any disability beneficiary who has not yet attained the age of fifty-five years to undergo a medical examination, such examination to be made at the place of residence of the beneficiary or other place mutually agreed upon, by the system. If a disability beneficiary who has not yet attained the age of fifty-five years refuses to submit to any such medical examination, the member's retirement allowance may be discontinued until the member's withdrawal of such refusal, and if the refusal continues for one year, all the member's rights in and to the member's retirement allowance may be revoked, but upon revocation any unexpended portion of the member's accumulated contributions to date of retirement shall be returned to the member.
(4) If the system certifies that the member's disability has been removed and that the member has regained earning capacity, the member's disability retirement allowance may be discontinued, or if the disability has been partly removed and the member's earning capacity regained in part, the disability retirement allowance may be reduced proportionately as provided pursuant to Section 9-1-1580. The determination of the board as to any disputed question, after due consideration accorded to the member, is conclusive. If the retirement allowance of any member retired for disability is discontinued or reduced, and if the member again suffers disability within five years of the date of the member's recovery and again loses earning capacity, the member is entitled to apply to the board for a restoration of the original retirement allowance, and the board may restore all or part of the member's original retirement allowance. At the expiration of the five-year period, if the retirement allowance has not been restored, all rights in and to the member's disability retirement allowance are revoked. The member then is entitled to a deferred early retirement allowance as provided in Section 9-11-70 based upon the member's average final compensation and credited service at the member's date of disability retirement.
(5) After age fifty-five, a disability retiree is subject to the same earnings limitation as a service retiree.
(6) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, upon retirement for disability after October 15, 1992, at any age, a member must receive a disability retirement allowance equal to at least fifteen percent of his average final compensation.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 61-338; 1962 (52) 1933; 1971 (57) 66; 1974 (58) 2032; 1979 Act No. 102 Section 2; 1979 Act No. 140 Section 1; 1980 Act No. 408; 1981 Act No. 32 Section 4; 1982 Act No. 466 Part II Section 23B; 1984 Act No. 383, Section 3; 1985 Act No. 74 Section 3; 1986 Act No. 529, Section 7, eff June 18, 1986; 1993 Act No. 166, Section 2, eff June 16, 1993; 2000 Act No. 387, Part II, Section 67N, eff January 1, 2001; 2010 Act No. 162, Section 3, eff May 12, 2010; 2012 Act No. 278, Pt III, Section 24, eff July 1, 2012; 2013 Act No. 69, Section 1, eff June 13, 2013; 2018 Act No. 221 (H.4698), Section 2.C, eff May 18, 2018.

Editor's Note
Section 9-11-70, referenced in item (4), was repealed by 2012 Act No. 278.
2018 Act No. 221, Section 2.D, provides as follows:
"D. This SECTION takes effect upon approval by the Governor and applies to members who retire after December 31, 2016. A member whose one year deadline has expired or will expire in less than ninety days from the date of the Governor's approval has ninety days from the Governor's approval of this act to file an application for disability retirement."
Effect of Amendment
2018 Act No. 221, Section 2.C, in (1), in the second sentence, substituted "one year" for "ninety days".

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 9 - Retirement Systems

Chapter 11 - Police Officers Retirement System

Section 9-11-10. Definitions.

Section 9-11-15. Payments to beneficiaries may include payments to persons, trustees, and estates.

Section 9-11-20. System created; corporate powers; name; director.

Section 9-11-25. Retirement of probate judges.

Section 9-11-27. Magistrates' participation in the South Carolina Police Officers Retirement System.

Section 9-11-30. The Board shall administer system; powers and duties.

Section 9-11-35. Confidentiality of member records.

Section 9-11-40. Application to become an employer under system; membership in system; classification of members; transfer of contributions and credited service to South Carolina Retirement System; continuation of membership in correlated systems.

Section 9-11-45. Employer may require members of local retirement system to become members of South Carolina Police Officers' Retirement System; maintenance of local system.

Section 9-11-48. Transfer of local retirement system for firefighters to state system.

Section 9-11-50. Establishing service credit by making payments into the system; reestablishment of service credits; employer payments; credit for unused sick leave; rules and regulations.

Section 9-11-60. Retirement allowances; retirement after age fifty-five; purchases of additional service credit.

Section 9-11-80. Retirement allowances; disability retirement; periodic reexaminations; discontinuation or reduction of allowances.

Section 9-11-90. Effect of restoring beneficiary to service; retirement after return to service.

Section 9-11-100. Members who stop police work may withdraw contributions.

Section 9-11-110. Lump sum paid in event of death.

Section 9-11-120. Preretirement Death Benefit Program; post-retirement death benefit payment.

Section 9-11-125. Death Benefit Plan.

Section 9-11-130. Survivor may elect to receive allowance for life in lieu of lump-sum payment.

Section 9-11-140. Accidental Death Benefit Program.

Section 9-11-150. Optional forms of retirement allowances.

Section 9-11-155. Compliance with Internal Revenue Code.

Section 9-11-160. Allowances paid monthly.

Section 9-11-170. Supplemental Allowance Program.

Section 9-11-175. Compliance with Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(9).

Section 9-11-180. Department of Public Safety authorized to pay certain monies into system on behalf of active highway patrol member employees; use of such monies.

Section 9-11-190. Certain monies paid into system from state's general fund on behalf of active member employees; use of such monies.

Section 9-11-200. Certain monies may be paid into system by employers on behalf of active member employees; use of such monies.

Section 9-11-210. Contributions of members; employer to pay required member contributions on earnings after July 1, 1982; tax treatment; funding; retirement treatment.

Section 9-11-220. Contributions of employers.

Section 9-11-225. Employer and employee contribution rates.

Section 9-11-230. Contributions paid monthly; state funds may be withheld if records or money not received on time.

Section 9-11-260. Deposit of assets.

Section 9-11-265. Interest on member accounts.

Section 9-11-270. Allowances and other rights exempt from taxation and legal process; exceptions; assignment.

Section 9-11-280. Contracts with members are obligations of system only; rights of members upon termination of system or discontinuation of contributions.

Section 9-11-290. Property of system is exempt from state and local taxes.

Section 9-11-300. Increase in retirement allowances as of July 1, 1974.

Section 9-11-312. Retirement allowance adjustment.

Section 9-11-315. Beneficiaries receiving Medicaid (Title XIX) sponsored nursing home care; effect on benefits; exception.

Section 9-11-320. False statements and falsification of records.

Section 9-11-350. Compensation used to determine benefits to be subject to federal limitations.

Section 9-11-355. Compliance with USERRA.

Section 9-11-360. Compliance with Internal Revenue Code Section 415.

Section 9-11-510. South Carolina Police Officers Retirement System shall pay certain retirement allowances and death benefits; appropriations.

Section 9-11-520. Rights of participants on June 30, 1963 in service of political subdivisions not members of South Carolina Police Officers Retirement System.

Section 9-11-525. Increase in monthly benefits under Police Insurance and Annuity Fund.