South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 11 - State Officers And Employees
Section 8-11-120. Posting notice of job vacancies.

In addition to any other requirement provided by law, when a job vacancy occurs in any state office, agency, department, or other division of the executive branch of state government, the appointing authority must post a notice with the Office of Human Resources of the Department of Administration and the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce at least five working days before employing a person to fill the vacancy. The posting must give notice of the job vacancy, describe the duties to be performed by a person employed in that position, and include any other information required by law.
For purposes of this section, "appointing authority" shall have the same meaning as in Section 8-11-220.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 1-42.4; 1972 (57) 2429; 1990 Act No. 484, Section 1, eff May 29, 1990; 2009 Act No. 29, Section 2, eff June 2, 2009.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 8 - Public Officers and Employees

Chapter 11 - State Officers And Employees

Section 8-11-15. Minimum full-time workweek; alternative scheduling strategies and alternate work locations authorized.

Section 8-11-17. Flexible scheduling.

Section 8-11-20. Oath and bonds of certain state employees; blanket departmental bonds.

Section 8-11-30. Payment or receipt of salary which is not due.

Section 8-11-33. Withholding or deducting pay from state employee's wages.

Section 8-11-35. Salary payment schedule; maximum salaries; dual compensation; reports; exception.

Section 8-11-40. Sick leave; leave when employee attacked; leave for sick family member.

Section 8-11-41. Sick leave; application to all state agencies, departments, and institutions; auditing of sick leave records.

Section 8-11-45. Transfer of accumulated leave upon transfer of legislative employees.

Section 8-11-46. Transfer of accumulated leave upon transfer between state agency and school district.

Section 8-11-50. Compensatory time for working on legal holidays.

Section 8-11-55. Compensatory time for working overtime.

Section 8-11-57. Declaration of state of emergency or order to close state offices due to hazardous weather; paid leave.

Section 8-11-60. Removal of officers elected by General Assembly.

Section 8-11-65. Leaves of absence to be organ donor.

Section 8-11-70. Assistance in selling United States savings bonds to employees; deductions from pay.

Section 8-11-75. Repayment of deferred compensation plan loans.

Section 8-11-80. Deduction for group life, hospital, and other insurance.

Section 8-11-83. Payroll deduction for dues of certain organizations.

Section 8-11-90. Deductions for federal taxes.

Section 8-11-91. Deductions for charitable contributions.

Section 8-11-92. Qualifying criteria for charitable organizations; Secretary of State to determine eligibility.

Section 8-11-93. Minimum level of employee participation required.

Section 8-11-94. Names of contributors and amounts to be held confidential; exception for tax purposes.

Section 8-11-95. Two charitable solicitation drives permitted per year.

Section 8-11-96. When authorization for payroll deductions may be made or terminated; deductions may be prorated.

Section 8-11-97. Promulgation of regulations.

Section 8-11-98. Deductions for payment to credit union.

Section 8-11-99. Payroll deduction for parking fees on state-owned or state-operated property.

Section 8-11-100. Representation on boards and commissions when new judicial circuits created.

Section 8-11-110. Alcoholism.

Section 8-11-120. Posting notice of job vacancies.

Section 8-11-130. State agencies authorized to provide aid to employees in moving personal effects.

Section 8-11-135. Payment of moving expenses of new employees.

Section 8-11-140. Minimum wage for state employees and public school bus drivers.

Section 8-11-145. Use of sick or annual leave in conjunction with workers' compensation under certain circumstances.

Section 8-11-150. Paid parental leave; birth of child; placement of foster child.

Section 8-11-155. Use of sick leave to care for adopted child.

Section 8-11-155. Paid parental leave; adoption.

Section 8-11-160. Agency Head Salary Commission; salary increases for agency heads.

Section 8-11-162. Technical College Presidents covered by authority of Agency Head Salary Commission.

Section 8-11-165. Salary and fringe benefit survey for agency heads; limits on salaries of agency employees and presidents of a technical college; agency head salary adjustments; new members of agency governing board to attend performance appraisal t...

Section 8-11-170. Agency head dually employed by another state agency; timely payment.

Section 8-11-175. Blood drives and donations.

Section 8-11-177. Funeral leave.

Section 8-11-180. Paid leave for certified disaster service volunteers with the American Red Cross.

Section 8-11-185. Reduction in work force applicant pool; priority consideration for vacancies or new positions; prohibition on filling vacancy without seeking qualified person from pool.

Section 8-11-186. Reporting interim new full-time employment positions.

Section 8-11-187. Reporting full-time employment positions transferred to or received from another state agency.

Section 8-11-190. Use of public funds to reward state employees.

Section 8-11-192. Mandatory state agency furlough programs; consultation and guidance services.

Section 8-11-193. Employee furloughs.

Section 8-11-194. Employee benefit costs not funded from general fund.

Section 8-11-195. State employee furlough policies.

Section 8-11-196. Hiring of employees to fill temporary grant positions.

Section 8-11-197. Mileage reimbursement rate.

Section 8-11-198. Per diem from more than one source.

Section 8-11-199. American Bar Association dues payment or reimbursement.

Section 8-11-200. Reimbursement of travel expenses to persons interviewing for state employment.

Section 8-11-210. Declaration of purpose.

Section 8-11-220. Definitions.

Section 8-11-230. Creation, duties, and administrative head of State Personnel Division; duties of Department of Administration.

Section 8-11-240. Board approval of policies and programs.

Section 8-11-250. Creation, membership, and duties of Advisory Council.

Section 8-11-260. Exemptions from application of article.

Section 8-11-270. Exemptions from classification and compensation plan.

Section 8-11-271. Salary structure for instructional personnel at South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind.

Section 8-11-280. Prior actions remain in effect.

Section 8-11-290. Legislators shall receive information annually.

Section 8-11-300. Compensation increases for certain state employees currently receiving maximum compensation under their classifications.

Section 8-11-610. Manner in which annual leave is computed.

Section 8-11-620. Leave and lump-sum payment permitted upon termination of employment, death or retirement of employee; retired police officers hired by state agency.

Section 8-11-630. Employment of additional employees to replace those on leave and those terminated.

Section 8-11-640. Credit for prior State service; transfer from one agency to another.

Section 8-11-650. Workweek upon which leave is based.

Section 8-11-660. Situation in which leave may not be credited.

Section 8-11-670. Additional leave may be granted in case of emergency or extreme hardship.

Section 8-11-680. Application of article.

Section 8-11-700. Definitions.

Section 8-11-710. Request for leave from pool leave account.

Section 8-11-720. Selection of leave recipients.

Section 8-11-730. Transfer from annual or sick leave account to pool account.

Section 8-11-740. Use of leave from pool account; unused portion of pool account upon termination of leave recipient's employment.

Section 8-11-750. Termination of personal emergency.

Section 8-11-760. Leave remaining after termination of personal emergency to be restored to pool account.

Section 8-11-770. Employing agencies to maintain records and report pertinent information to division.

Section 8-11-910. Legislative intent.

Section 8-11-920. Definitions.

Section 8-11-930. Competitiveness report; determination of base pay increases; adjustment of minimum and maximum in salary grades.

Section 8-11-940. Performance increases.

Section 8-11-945. Increases applicable to certain health care providers.

Section 8-11-950. Bonus payments.

Section 8-11-960. Increases totalling more than agency maximum; audits.