South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 11 - Designation And Nomination Of Candidates
Section 7-11-71. Petitions in election for commissioners of public service districts.

Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 7-11-70, petitions to nominate candidates elected in the general election to serve as commissioners of public service districts shall require signatures of not less than two hundred fifty qualified electors of the district concerned or five percent of the total number of electors of the district, whichever is the lesser, if such petitions are otherwise in compliance with this chapter.
HISTORY: 1978 Act No. 597 eff July 18, 1978.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 7 - Elections

Chapter 11 - Designation And Nomination Of Candidates

Section 7-11-10. Methods of nominating candidates.

Section 7-11-10. Methods of nominating candidates.

Section 7-11-12. Joint election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor; qualifications; procedures.

Section 7-11-15. Qualifications to run as a candidate in general elections.

Section 7-11-20. Conduct of party conventions or party primary elections generally; presidential preference primaries.

Section 7-11-25. Advisory primaries conducted by political party.

Section 7-11-30. Convention nomination of candidates.

Section 7-11-40. Names and addresses of candidates for House of Representatives reported to State Election Commission.

Section 7-11-50. Substitution when party nominee dies, becomes disqualified, or resigns for legitimate nonpolitical reason.

Section 7-11-53. Nomination of substitute candidate.

Section 7-11-55. Substitution of candidates when nominee selected by primary election.

Section 7-11-70. Nomination by petition.

Section 7-11-71. Petitions in election for commissioners of public service districts.

Section 7-11-80. Form of nominating petition.

Section 7-11-85. Verification of petition; bases for rejection of petitioners.

Section 7-11-90. Unopposed candidates.

Section 7-11-210. Notice of candidacy and pledge.

Section 7-11-420. Amounts and proration of assessments to be paid by candidates for State Senator in multi-county districts.