South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 11 - Designation And Nomination Of Candidates
Section 7-11-53. Nomination of substitute candidate.

If the executive committee of a political party substitutes a candidate for a general or special election pursuant to Section 7-11-50, it must do so as soon as is reasonably possible. The executive committee must nominate a substitute candidate for an office not more than thirty days from the date the candidacy becomes vacant. If a party fails to name a substitute candidate within thirty days pursuant to Section 7-11-50, that party is prohibited from nominating a candidate for that office.
HISTORY: 2006 Act No. 337, Section 1, eff June 8, 2006.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 7 - Elections

Chapter 11 - Designation And Nomination Of Candidates

Section 7-11-10. Methods of nominating candidates.

Section 7-11-10. Methods of nominating candidates.

Section 7-11-12. Joint election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor; qualifications; procedures.

Section 7-11-15. Qualifications to run as a candidate in general elections.

Section 7-11-20. Conduct of party conventions or party primary elections generally; presidential preference primaries.

Section 7-11-25. Advisory primaries conducted by political party.

Section 7-11-30. Convention nomination of candidates.

Section 7-11-40. Names and addresses of candidates for House of Representatives reported to State Election Commission.

Section 7-11-50. Substitution when party nominee dies, becomes disqualified, or resigns for legitimate nonpolitical reason.

Section 7-11-53. Nomination of substitute candidate.

Section 7-11-55. Substitution of candidates when nominee selected by primary election.

Section 7-11-70. Nomination by petition.

Section 7-11-71. Petitions in election for commissioners of public service districts.

Section 7-11-80. Form of nominating petition.

Section 7-11-85. Verification of petition; bases for rejection of petitioners.

Section 7-11-90. Unopposed candidates.

Section 7-11-210. Notice of candidacy and pledge.

Section 7-11-420. Amounts and proration of assessments to be paid by candidates for State Senator in multi-county districts.