South Carolina Code of Laws
Article 5 - Protection Of Persons Under Disability And Their Property
Section 62-5-515. Informing another person regarding this part not prohibited.

Nothing in this part prohibits a person from informing another person of the existence of this part, delivering to another person a copy of this part or a form for a health care power of attorney, or counseling another person in good faith concerning the execution of a health care power of attorney.
HISTORY: 1992 Act No. 306, Section 1; 2005 Act No. 172, Section 1; 2006 Act No. 365, Section 1; 2008 Act No. 303, Sections 2, 3, eff June 11, 2008; 2010 Act No. 244, Section 41, eff June 7, 2010; formerly 1976 Code Section 62-5-504; 2016 Act No. 279, Section 2, eff January 1, 2017.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 62 - South Carolina Probate Code

Article 5 - Protection Of Persons Under Disability And Their Property

Section 62-5-101. Definitions and use of terms.

Section 62-5-102. Consolidation of proceedings.

Section 62-5-103. Facility of payment or delivery.

Section 62-5-104. Director of Department of Mental Health or his designee may act as conservator.

Section 62-5-105. Costs and expenses; attorney's fees.

Section 62-5-106. Responsibilities and duties of guardian ad litem; reports.

Section 62-5-107. Finding of incapacity.

Section 62-5-108. Temporary orders and hearings.

Section 62-5-201. Jurisdiction.

Section 62-5-301. Testamentary nomination of guardian for incapacitated individual.

Section 62-5-302. Venue.

Section 62-5-303. Procedure for court appointment of a guardian; summons and petition.

Section 62-5-303A. Procedure for court appointment of a guardian; service.

Section 62-5-303B. Procedure for court appointment of a guardian; appointments of counsel, guardians ad litem, and an examiner.

Section 62-5-303C. Procedure for court appointment of a guardian; hearing.

Section 62-5-303D. Procedure for court appointment of a guardian; report evaluating condition of alleged incapacitated individual.

Section 62-5-304. Order of appointment; alternatives; limitations on guardian's powers.

Section 62-5-304A. Rights and powers of ward and guardian.

Section 62-5-305. Acceptance of appointment; consent to jurisdiction.

Section 62-5-306. Termination of guardianship for incapacitated person; accounting of funds.

Section 62-5-307. Informal request for relief.

Section 62-5-307A. Removal of guardian; termination of incapacity.

Section 62-5-308. Guardian; qualifications; priorities.

Section 62-5-309. Delegation of guardian's powers.

Section 62-5-310. Proceedings subsequent to appointment; venue.

Section 62-5-401. Venue.

Section 62-5-402. Protective proceedings; minors.

Section 62-5-403. Protective proceedings; incapacitated and disabled persons.

Section 62-5-403A. Service of summons and petition.

Section 62-5-403B. Appointment of counsel and guardian ad litem.

Section 62-5-403C. Hearing; waiver.

Section 62-5-403D. Report of examiner.

Section 62-5-404. Protective proceedings; limited conservatorship.

Section 62-5-405. Protective arrangements.

Section 62-5-406. Reserved.

Section 62-5-407. Order of appointment; rights and powers of protected person.

Section 62-5-408. Conservator; qualifications; priorities.

Section 62-5-409. Bond.

Section 62-5-410. Terms and requirements of bonds.

Section 62-5-411. Acceptance of appointment; consent to jurisdiction.

Section 62-5-412. Compensation and expenses.

Section 62-5-413. Informal request for relief.

Section 62-5-414. General duty of conservator; financial plan.

Section 62-5-415. Inventory and records.

Section 62-5-416. Reporting requirements.

Section 62-5-417. Conservators; title by appointment.

Section 62-5-418. Fiduciary letters of conservatorship.

Section 62-5-419. Sale or encumbrance involving conflict of interest.

Section 62-5-420. Persons dealing with conservators; protection.

Section 62-5-421. Interest of protected person not transferable or assignable.

Section 62-5-422. Powers of conservator in administration.

Section 62-5-423. Distributive duties and powers of conservator.

Section 62-5-424. Reserved.

Section 62-5-425. Preservation of estate plan.

Section 62-5-426. Claims against protected person.

Section 62-5-427. Individual liability of conservator.

Section 62-5-428. Actions for requests subsequent to appointment; procedures.

Section 62-5-429. Payment of debt and delivery of property to foreign conservator without local proceedings.

Section 62-5-430. Foreign conservator; proof of authority; bond; powers.

Section 62-5-431. Payment of benefits from U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to a minor or an incapacitated person; definitions.

Section 62-5-432. Special needs trust.

Section 62-5-433. Definitions; procedures for settlement of claims in favor of or against minors or incapacitated persons.

Section 62-5-500. Short title.

Section 62-5-501. Definitions.

Section 62-5-502. Health care power of attorney is a durable power of attorney; applicability of part.

Section 62-5-503. Requirements for health care power of attorney.

Section 62-5-504. Form of health care power of attorney.

Section 62-5-505. Health care agent powers.

Section 62-5-506. Compensation of agent; liability for costs of care or services.

Section 62-5-507. Pregnancy of principal.

Section 62-5-508. Duty of health care or nursing care provider.

Section 62-5-509. Duty of agent.

Section 62-5-510. Immunity from liability.

Section 62-5-511. Appointment of successor agents.

Section 62-5-512. Revocation of health care power of attorney.

Section 62-5-513. Execution of health care power of attorney; signing requirement; mercy killing not approved; absence of health care power of attorney.

Section 62-5-514. Criminal liability.

Section 62-5-515. Informing another person regarding this part not prohibited.

Section 62-5-516. Civil liability.

Section 62-5-517. Document or writing deemed to comply with requirements of this part.

Section 62-5-518. Validity of a durable power of attorney.

Section 62-5-700. Short title.

Section 62-5-701. Exclusive jurisdiction.

Section 62-5-702. Definitions.

Section 62-5-703. Treatment of foreign countries.

Section 62-5-704. Court communication with court in another state; record required; exceptions; participation of parties.

Section 62-5-705. Requests to court of another state; requests from court of another state.

Section 62-5-706. Testimony of witness located in another state.

Section 62-5-707. Jurisdiction of court.

Section 62-5-708. Special jurisdiction.

Section 62-5-709. Exclusive and continuing jurisdiction; exception.

Section 62-5-710. Declining jurisdiction; more appropriate forum; dismissal or stay of proceeding.

Section 62-5-711. Jurisdiction acquired due to unjustifiable conduct; assessment of reasonable expenses against responsible party.

Section 62-5-712. Notice requirements to alleged incapacitated individual's home state.

Section 62-5-713. Rules for dealing with conflicting petitions in this and another state.

Section 62-5-714. Petition to transfer guardianship or conservatorship to another state; notice; hearing; provisional and final orders.

Section 62-5-715. Confirmation of transfer from another state; petition to accept guardianship or conservatorship; determination of needed modification.

Section 62-5-716. Registration of orders from another state; powers in this state.