South Carolina Code of Laws
Article 5 - Protection Of Persons Under Disability And Their Property
Section 62-5-414. General duty of conservator; financial plan.

(A) In the exercise of his powers, a conservator is to act as a fiduciary and shall observe the standards of care applicable to trustees.
(B) The court may require a conservator to file a financial plan for managing, expending, and distributing the assets of the protected person's estate. The plan must be tailored for the protected person and the conservator shall revise the plan as the needs and circumstances of the protected person require. The court shall approve, disapprove, or modify the plan in any proceeding as the court determines is necessary based upon the qualifications of the fiduciary. Nothing herein shall require the court to oversee or approve the conservator's investment choices. The conservator shall provide a copy of the plan to the protected person's guardian, if any, or the protected person.
(C) The conservator shall include in the financial plan:
(1) a statement of the extent to which the protected person may be able to develop or restore his ability to manage his property;
(2) an estimate of whether the assets are sufficient to meet the current and future needs of the protected person;
(3) projections of expenses and resources; and
(4) an estimate of how the financial plan may alter the overall estate plan of the protected person, including assets titled with rights of survivorship.
(D) In investing an estate, selecting assets of the estate for distribution, and using powers of revocation or withdrawal available for the use and benefit of the protected person or his dependents and exercisable by the conservator, a conservator shall take into account any estate plan of the protected person known to the conservator and is entitled to examine the protected person's will or revocable trust and any contract, transfer or joint ownership arrangement with the provisions for payment or transfer of benefits at his death to others which the protected person may have originated.
HISTORY: 1986 Act No. 539, Section 1; 2000 Act No. 398 Section 10; 2005 Act No. 66, Section 7. Formerly Code 1976 Sections 62-5-408 and 62-5-417, renumbered and amended by 2017 Act No. 87 (S.415), Section 5.A, eff January 1, 2019.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 62 - South Carolina Probate Code

Article 5 - Protection Of Persons Under Disability And Their Property

Section 62-5-101. Definitions and use of terms.

Section 62-5-102. Consolidation of proceedings.

Section 62-5-103. Facility of payment or delivery.

Section 62-5-104. Director of Department of Mental Health or his designee may act as conservator.

Section 62-5-105. Costs and expenses; attorney's fees.

Section 62-5-106. Responsibilities and duties of guardian ad litem; reports.

Section 62-5-107. Finding of incapacity.

Section 62-5-108. Temporary orders and hearings.

Section 62-5-201. Jurisdiction.

Section 62-5-301. Testamentary nomination of guardian for incapacitated individual.

Section 62-5-302. Venue.

Section 62-5-303. Procedure for court appointment of a guardian; summons and petition.

Section 62-5-303A. Procedure for court appointment of a guardian; service.

Section 62-5-303B. Procedure for court appointment of a guardian; appointments of counsel, guardians ad litem, and an examiner.

Section 62-5-303C. Procedure for court appointment of a guardian; hearing.

Section 62-5-303D. Procedure for court appointment of a guardian; report evaluating condition of alleged incapacitated individual.

Section 62-5-304. Order of appointment; alternatives; limitations on guardian's powers.

Section 62-5-304A. Rights and powers of ward and guardian.

Section 62-5-305. Acceptance of appointment; consent to jurisdiction.

Section 62-5-306. Termination of guardianship for incapacitated person; accounting of funds.

Section 62-5-307. Informal request for relief.

Section 62-5-307A. Removal of guardian; termination of incapacity.

Section 62-5-308. Guardian; qualifications; priorities.

Section 62-5-309. Delegation of guardian's powers.

Section 62-5-310. Proceedings subsequent to appointment; venue.

Section 62-5-401. Venue.

Section 62-5-402. Protective proceedings; minors.

Section 62-5-403. Protective proceedings; incapacitated and disabled persons.

Section 62-5-403A. Service of summons and petition.

Section 62-5-403B. Appointment of counsel and guardian ad litem.

Section 62-5-403C. Hearing; waiver.

Section 62-5-403D. Report of examiner.

Section 62-5-404. Protective proceedings; limited conservatorship.

Section 62-5-405. Protective arrangements.

Section 62-5-406. Reserved.

Section 62-5-407. Order of appointment; rights and powers of protected person.

Section 62-5-408. Conservator; qualifications; priorities.

Section 62-5-409. Bond.

Section 62-5-410. Terms and requirements of bonds.

Section 62-5-411. Acceptance of appointment; consent to jurisdiction.

Section 62-5-412. Compensation and expenses.

Section 62-5-413. Informal request for relief.

Section 62-5-414. General duty of conservator; financial plan.

Section 62-5-415. Inventory and records.

Section 62-5-416. Reporting requirements.

Section 62-5-417. Conservators; title by appointment.

Section 62-5-418. Fiduciary letters of conservatorship.

Section 62-5-419. Sale or encumbrance involving conflict of interest.

Section 62-5-420. Persons dealing with conservators; protection.

Section 62-5-421. Interest of protected person not transferable or assignable.

Section 62-5-422. Powers of conservator in administration.

Section 62-5-423. Distributive duties and powers of conservator.

Section 62-5-424. Reserved.

Section 62-5-425. Preservation of estate plan.

Section 62-5-426. Claims against protected person.

Section 62-5-427. Individual liability of conservator.

Section 62-5-428. Actions for requests subsequent to appointment; procedures.

Section 62-5-429. Payment of debt and delivery of property to foreign conservator without local proceedings.

Section 62-5-430. Foreign conservator; proof of authority; bond; powers.

Section 62-5-431. Payment of benefits from U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to a minor or an incapacitated person; definitions.

Section 62-5-432. Special needs trust.

Section 62-5-433. Definitions; procedures for settlement of claims in favor of or against minors or incapacitated persons.

Section 62-5-500. Short title.

Section 62-5-501. Definitions.

Section 62-5-502. Health care power of attorney is a durable power of attorney; applicability of part.

Section 62-5-503. Requirements for health care power of attorney.

Section 62-5-504. Form of health care power of attorney.

Section 62-5-505. Health care agent powers.

Section 62-5-506. Compensation of agent; liability for costs of care or services.

Section 62-5-507. Pregnancy of principal.

Section 62-5-508. Duty of health care or nursing care provider.

Section 62-5-509. Duty of agent.

Section 62-5-510. Immunity from liability.

Section 62-5-511. Appointment of successor agents.

Section 62-5-512. Revocation of health care power of attorney.

Section 62-5-513. Execution of health care power of attorney; signing requirement; mercy killing not approved; absence of health care power of attorney.

Section 62-5-514. Criminal liability.

Section 62-5-515. Informing another person regarding this part not prohibited.

Section 62-5-516. Civil liability.

Section 62-5-517. Document or writing deemed to comply with requirements of this part.

Section 62-5-518. Validity of a durable power of attorney.

Section 62-5-700. Short title.

Section 62-5-701. Exclusive jurisdiction.

Section 62-5-702. Definitions.

Section 62-5-703. Treatment of foreign countries.

Section 62-5-704. Court communication with court in another state; record required; exceptions; participation of parties.

Section 62-5-705. Requests to court of another state; requests from court of another state.

Section 62-5-706. Testimony of witness located in another state.

Section 62-5-707. Jurisdiction of court.

Section 62-5-708. Special jurisdiction.

Section 62-5-709. Exclusive and continuing jurisdiction; exception.

Section 62-5-710. Declining jurisdiction; more appropriate forum; dismissal or stay of proceeding.

Section 62-5-711. Jurisdiction acquired due to unjustifiable conduct; assessment of reasonable expenses against responsible party.

Section 62-5-712. Notice requirements to alleged incapacitated individual's home state.

Section 62-5-713. Rules for dealing with conflicting petitions in this and another state.

Section 62-5-714. Petition to transfer guardianship or conservatorship to another state; notice; hearing; provisional and final orders.

Section 62-5-715. Confirmation of transfer from another state; petition to accept guardianship or conservatorship; determination of needed modification.

Section 62-5-716. Registration of orders from another state; powers in this state.