South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 9 - Building Codes
Section 6-9-55. Council to promulgate certain regulations.

(A) The council shall promulgate as regulations, in accordance with the procedure and requirements contained in Article 1, Chapter 23, Title 1, any provision of or amendment to any building code that would affect construction requirements for one-family or two-family dwellings. No building code provision that would otherwise become effective after the effective date of this section concerning construction requirements for one-family or two-family dwellings shall be enforced until the effective date of the regulations required to be promulgated by this section.
(B) Notwithstanding subsection (A), a regulation mandating the installation of an automatic residential fire sprinkler system in one-family or two-family dwellings shall not become effective at any time before July 1, 2015.
(C) Notwithstanding subsection (A), Section 501.3 of the 2012 International Residential Code must not be enforced.
HISTORY: 2010 Act No. 232, Section 2, eff June 7, 2010; 2013 Act No. 65, Section 1, eff June 14, 2013; 2015 Act No. 17 (H.3662), Section 1, eff May 7, 2015.
Effect of Amendment
The 2013 amendment, in subsection (B), substituted "July 1, 2015" for "January 1, 2014", and added subsection (C) relating to the International Residential Code.
2015 Act No. 17, Section 1, substituted "enforced" for "enforced at any time before July 1, 2015".

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 6 - Local Government - Provisions Applicable to Special Purpose Districts and Other Political Subdivisions

Chapter 9 - Building Codes

Section 6-9-5. Public policy for building codes.

Section 6-9-10. Enforcement of building codes by municipalities and counties; applicability to electric cooperatives, Public Service Authority and certain public utility corporations; conflicts with federal manufactured housing construction and insta...

Section 6-9-14. Wheelchair ramps built with Medicare or Medicaid dollars; fees and permits.

Section 6-9-20. Agreements with other governmental entities for provision of services required by this chapter.

Section 6-9-30. Appointment of building official or contractual arrangement for such services; affidavit for exemption.

Section 6-9-40. Building code adoption procedure; notice, comments and public meetings; effective date; promulgation and readoption of modifications.

Section 6-9-50. Adoption by reference of nationally recognized codes and standards; outdoor burning exception.

Section 6-9-55. Council to promulgate certain regulations.

Section 6-9-60. Adoption by reference of certain nationally recognized codes and standards.

Section 6-9-63. South Carolina Building Codes Council; membership; function of council; per diem; meeting requirements.

Section 6-9-65. Regulation of construction or improvement of farm structure; authority to issue building permits.

Section 6-9-67. Classification of structures lacking commercial kitchens used in agritourism activity.

Section 6-9-70. Omitted by 2003 Act No. 83, Section 1, eff July 2, 2003.

Section 6-9-80. Mandamus and injunctive relief for violation of code or regulation; penalties.

Section 6-9-90. Imposition of fees upon vote; exceptions.

Section 6-9-100. Provisions of chapter cumulative; county and municipality authority not limited.

Section 6-9-105. Variations based on physical or climatological conditions; description of boundaries.

Section 6-9-110. Ordinances or regulations requiring purchase or acquisition of permit or license; inapplicability to certain state and school district projects; jurisdiction of deputy state fire marshals and certified State Engineer's Office personn...

Section 6-9-120. Effect on water, landscape irrigation and sewer systems.

Section 6-9-130. Codes applicable to building inspections.

Section 6-9-135. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 232, Section 4, eff June 7, 2010.