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Section 6-9-5. Public policy for building codes. - (A) The public policy of South Carolina is to maintain...
Section 6-9-10. Enforcement of building codes by municipalities and counties; applicability to electric cooperatives, Public Service Authority and certain public utility corporations; conflicts with federal manufactured housing construction and insta... - (A) All municipalities, as defined by Section 5-1-20, and counties...
Section 6-9-14. Wheelchair ramps built with Medicare or Medicaid dollars; fees and permits. - A municipality or county may not charge a permit fee...
Section 6-9-20. Agreements with other governmental entities for provision of services required by this chapter. - Municipalities and counties may establish agreements with other governmental entities...
Section 6-9-30. Appointment of building official or contractual arrangement for such services; affidavit for exemption. - (A) Each county shall appoint a building official or contract...
Section 6-9-40. Building code adoption procedure; notice, comments and public meetings; effective date; promulgation and readoption of modifications. - (A) The council is authorized to review, adopt, modify, and...
Section 6-9-50. Adoption by reference of nationally recognized codes and standards; outdoor burning exception. - (A) The council shall adopt by reference and amend only...
Section 6-9-55. Council to promulgate certain regulations. - (A) The council shall promulgate as regulations, in accordance with...
Section 6-9-60. Adoption by reference of certain nationally recognized codes and standards. - Municipalities and counties may adopt by reference only the latest...
Section 6-9-63. South Carolina Building Codes Council; membership; function of council; per diem; meeting requirements. - (A) Each member of the council must be appointed by...
Section 6-9-65. Regulation of construction or improvement of farm structure; authority to issue building permits. - (A) For purposes of this section, "farm structure" means a...
Section 6-9-67. Classification of structures lacking commercial kitchens used in agritourism activity. - Structures without a commercial kitchen used in agritourism activity as...
Section 6-9-70. Omitted by 2003 Act No. 83, Section 1, eff July 2, 2003. - Editor's Note Former Section 6-9-70 was entitled "Penalties for violation...
Section 6-9-80. Mandamus and injunctive relief for violation of code or regulation; penalties. - (A) For a violation of the building codes or regulations...
Section 6-9-90. Imposition of fees upon vote; exceptions. - Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the governing body of...
Section 6-9-100. Provisions of chapter cumulative; county and municipality authority not limited. - The provisions of this chapter are cumulative to other local...
Section 6-9-105. Variations based on physical or climatological conditions; description of boundaries. - (A) If a municipality or county contends that the codes...
Section 6-9-110. Ordinances or regulations requiring purchase or acquisition of permit or license; inapplicability to certain state and school district projects; jurisdiction of deputy state fire marshals and certified State Engineer's Office personn... - (A) A county, municipal, or other local ordinance or regulation...
Section 6-9-120. Effect on water, landscape irrigation and sewer systems. - Nothing in this chapter affects landscape irrigation systems, except those...
Section 6-9-130. Codes applicable to building inspections. - (A) Buildings must be inspected in accordance with the codes...
Section 6-9-135. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 232, Section 4, eff June 7, 2010. - Editor's Note Former Section 6-9-135 was entitled "Adoption of certain...