(A) The State Ports Authority has not had statutory responsibility to operate a marine terminal at Port Royal since September 21, 2004, and has ceased all marine operations at Port Royal.
(B) The State Ports Authority is hereby directed to sell all its real and personal property at Port Royal as soon as practicable. The property must be marketed for sale in whole, or in parcels, at the discretion of the State Ports Authority.
(C)(1)(a) The State Ports Authority, in its discretion, shall determine the manner of the sale. In no event shall terms of the sale extend beyond June 30, 2015, except as provided in subitems (b) and (c). The sale of the property in an amount permitted by item (3) shall satisfy the board's fiduciary duties to the authority and the authority's bondholders.
(b) If the State Ports Authority has accepted a bona fide offer to purchase a parcel of the property, or an offer to purchase the property in whole, but the sale has not closed as of June 30, 2015, then the parcel that is the subject of the pending sale, or the property as a whole, shall not be transferred pursuant to item (2) on July 1, 2015. The State Ports Authority shall have until midnight on December 31, 2015, to close the sale. If the sale is not closed by midnight on December 31, 2015, then the parcel, or the property as a whole, shall be transferred pursuant to item (2).
(c) If the State Ports Authority has received a bona fide offer for a parcel of the property, or for the property as a whole, within ninety days prior to June 30, 2015, the transfer of the parcel that is the subject of the offer, or the property as a whole, shall not be transferred pursuant to item (2) on July 1, 2015. The State Ports Authority shall have until midnight on December 31, 2015, to close the sale. If the sale is not closed by midnight on December 31, 2015, then the parcel, or the property as a whole, shall be transferred pursuant to item (2).
(2)(a) Except as provided in subsection(C)(1)(b) and (c), on July 1, 2015, the property must be irrevocably transferred to the Division of General Services in the Department of Administration, as established by Act 121 of 2014, for sale at public auction. Upon the transfer of the property to General Services, the Department of Administration is vested with all of the board's fiduciary duties to the authority and the authority's bondholders.
(b) Sale of the property pursuant to this section, and in an amount permitted by item (3), shall satisfy the board's fiduciary duties to the authority and the authority's bondholders.
(3) The State Ports Authority and General Services may accept a sales price on any parcel of the property, or the property as a whole, that is equal to, or greater than, eighty percent of the appraised value of the property to be sold. General Services may deduct from the proceeds of the sale an amount equal to the actual costs incurred in conjunction with the sale of the property. The balance of the proceeds must be transmitted to the authority. The Town of Port Royal or Beaufort County, or a combination of the two, may purchase the property at a price within the parameters established in this item.
(D) Any real or personal property at Port Royal which is to be sold must be appraised prior to the sale. The real property appraiser must be a State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, a member of the Appraisal Institute (MAI), and must be knowledgeable in appraisal and in appraising closed industrial sites. The appraisal of the real property should include its future development opportunities and those of the surrounding properties, and give due consideration to the possible existence of adverse environmental conditions and structurally unsound improvements. The sale of the real property shall comply with all state laws and procedures. All proceeds from the sale of real and personal property at Port Royal must be retained by the State Ports Authority, except as provided in subsection (C)(3), and except that the Town of Port Royal may petition the State Fiscal Accountability Authority, or its successor entity, for a portion of the net proceeds from a sale and may be allocated a portion of these net proceeds in an amount not to exceed five percent of the net proceeds upon showing the allocation is necessary to pay for infrastructure needs directly associated with and necessitated by the closing of the port as Port Royal. These funds must be expended at the direction of the Town Council of Port Royal with the approval of the State Fiscal Accountability Authority, or its successor entity, solely for infrastructure, and shall have priority over all other expenditures except usual and necessary closing costs attributable to a sales contract.
HISTORY: 2004 Act No. 313, Section 1, eff September 21, 2004; 2009 Act No. 73, Section 17, eff June 16, 2009; 2014 Act No. 230 (S.1089), Section 2, eff June 2, 2014.
Code Commissioner's Note
At the direction of the Code Commissioner, references in this section to the offices of the former State Budget and Control Board, Office of the Governor, or other agencies, were changed to reflect the transfer of them to the Department of Administration or other entities, pursuant to the directive of the South Carolina Restructuring Act, 2014 Act No. 121, Section 5(D)(1), effective July 1, 2015.
Editor's Note
2009 Act No. 73, Section 19, provides as follows:
"The General Assembly encourages discussions between interested parties and the Town of Port Royal concerning the building of a boat landing north of the Broad River in Beaufort County. Funds negotiated between the Town of Port Royal and the South Carolina State Ports Authority pursuant to Section 54-3-700 should be used to build the boat landing."
2014 Act No. 230, Section 1, provides as follows:
"SECTION 1. The General Assembly finds that:
"(1) Pursuant to Act 313 of 2004, the State Ports Authority was absolved of the statutory responsibility to operate a marine terminal at Port Royal.
"(2) Subsequent to the enactment of Act 313 of 2004, the State Ports Authority ceased marine operations at Port Royal.
"(3) Act 313 of 2004 further directed the State Ports Authority to sell its real and personal property at Port Royal and set forth the parameters of the potential sale.
"(4) Pursuant to Section 54-3-700, the State Ports Authority's real and personal property at Port Royal was to be transferred to the State Budget and Control Board because its real and personal property had not been sold by December 31, 2009.
"(5) The State Budget and Control Board subsequently delegated the responsibility for selling the real and personal property at Port Royal back to the State Ports Authority.
"(6) The State Ports Authority has been unsuccessful in its attempt to sell its real and personal property at Port Royal.
"(7) The restrictions placed upon the State Ports Authority concerning the sale of its real and personal property at Port Royal, as well as challenging market conditions, have hindered its attempts at selling the property.
"(8) It is in the best interest of the residents of the Town of Port Royal, the State of South Carolina, and the State Ports Authority, to sell the real and personal property at Port Royal so that a nonperforming asset may be placed into its highest and best use in the private sector.
"(9) The conversion of a nonperforming asset into revenues in the most expeditious manner protects the interests of the authority's bondholders as set forth in its bond covenants, and otherwise according to law."
Effect of Amendment
The 2009 amendment, in subsection (C), designated subparagraph (1), substituting "2009" for "2006" and making nonsubstantive changes, and added paragraph (2) relating to transfer of the property to the State Budget and Control Board; and, in subsection (D), added the fourth sentence relating to acceptance of a sale price, added "State" preceding "Budget and Control Board" in the sixth sentence, and made nonsubstantive changes throughout.
2014 Act No. 230, Section 1, rewrote the section.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 54 - Ports and Maritime Matters
Chapter 3 - South Carolina State Ports Authority
Section 54-3-10. Creation and membership of State Ports Authority.
Section 54-3-20. Appointment and terms of members; vacancies.
Section 54-3-30. Organization; officers; meetings.
Section 54-3-50. Removal by Governor.
Section 54-3-60. Board member qualifications.
Section 54-3-70. Performance review of executive director.
Section 54-3-80. Discharge of duties by members of board of directors.
Section 54-3-101. Executive Director of Port Operations.
Section 54-3-102. Duties of executive director; appointment of division directors and staff.
Section 54-3-103. Approval of compensation of executive and division directors.
Section 54-3-104. Director of Port Operations for port of Georgetown.
Section 54-3-105. Affirmative duty of Director of Port Operations for port of Georgetown.
Section 54-3-110. Improvement of certain harbors or seaports.
Section 54-3-115. Development of port in Jasper County.
Section 54-3-117. North Charleston container terminal.
Section 54-3-118. Public-private partnerships to increase capital investments in port facilities.
Section 54-3-120. Jurisdiction of Authority.
Section 54-3-130. Purposes of Authority.
Section 54-3-140. Powers of Authority.
Section 54-3-150. Acquisition of property.
Section 54-3-155. Sale of real property, building, terminals, or other permanent structures.
Section 54-3-160. Powers with respect to certain property.
Section 54-3-170. Use of certain State property.
Section 54-3-180. Exchange of property; removal of structures.
Section 54-3-200. Acquisition and operation of terminal railroads.
Section 54-3-210. Contracts with railroad employees.
Section 54-3-220. Connecting with or crossing other railroads.
Section 54-3-230. Foreign-trade zones.
Section 54-3-240. Inland ports.
Section 54-3-245. Seafood industrial port in Beaufort County.
Section 54-3-250. Inspection of motor vehicles prior to exportation.
Section 54-3-260. Construction of terminal or railroad on Daniel Island.
Section 54-3-420. Examination of facilities.
Section 54-3-430. Requiring repair or improvement of facilities.
Section 54-3-440. Authority may order improvements to facilities on petition.
Section 54-3-450. Unsafe or unsuitable facilities.
Section 54-3-460. Penalties for violations of rules and regulations.
Section 54-3-480. Article inapplicable to portions of Charleston County.
Section 54-3-620. Permit for construction of wharf or other obstruction.
Section 54-3-640. Duties of Authority as to repair of docks; owners liable for neglect.
Section 54-3-650. Authority shall prosecute for fines and penalties.
Section 54-3-700. Sale of property; conditions and requirements of sale.
Section 54-3-810. Jurisdiction and powers of Authority over harbor and bay of Charleston.
Section 54-3-820. Deposit of excavated material.
Section 54-3-830. Harbor master and port wardens.
Section 54-3-840. Fees and harbor or port charges.
Section 54-3-850. Payment and disbursement of fees, harbor or port charges, fines and penalties.
Section 54-3-860. Authority shall report annually to General Assembly.
Section 54-3-1010. Issuance of bonds.
Section 54-3-1020. Disbursement of funds; surplus.
Section 54-3-1030. State port construction fund.
Section 54-3-1040. Annual financial statement.
Section 54-3-1050. Property of Authority exempt from taxation.
Section 54-3-1060. Transaction register.
Section 54-3-1310. Powers and duties.
Section 54-3-1320. Waiver of qualifications for board candidate.
Section 54-3-1330. Cooperation by state agencies.
Section 54-3-1340. Oversight report; performance review surveys.
Section 54-3-1350. Documents relating to sale of real property owned by commission; confidentiality.
Section 54-3-1360. Mileage, subsistence, and per diem; reimbursement of certain expenses.