South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 3 - South Carolina State Ports Authority
Section 54-3-160. Powers with respect to certain property.

The Authority may exercise in reference to any property, assets, holdings, leases, contracts, rights, franchises or licenses conveyed to it under Section 1 of Act No. 216 of 1945 (Acts 1945, p 365) all of the rights, privileges, powers, immunities, duties and functions conferred by Sections 54-5-10, 54-5-60, 54-5-80, 54-5-90 and Sections 5-35-10 to 5-35-40 upon cities of this State having a population of fifty thousand inhabitants or more and upon port utilities commissions of such cities.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 54-16; 1952 Code Section 54-16; 1945 (44) 365.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 54 - Ports and Maritime Matters

Chapter 3 - South Carolina State Ports Authority

Section 54-3-10. Creation and membership of State Ports Authority.

Section 54-3-20. Appointment and terms of members; vacancies.

Section 54-3-30. Organization; officers; meetings.

Section 54-3-40. Treasurer.

Section 54-3-50. Removal by Governor.

Section 54-3-60. Board member qualifications.

Section 54-3-70. Performance review of executive director.

Section 54-3-80. Discharge of duties by members of board of directors.

Section 54-3-90. Conflict of interest transactions; burden of proof as to fairness; indirect interest of director; ratification of conflict of interest transaction.

Section 54-3-101. Executive Director of Port Operations.

Section 54-3-102. Duties of executive director; appointment of division directors and staff.

Section 54-3-103. Approval of compensation of executive and division directors.

Section 54-3-104. Director of Port Operations for port of Georgetown.

Section 54-3-105. Affirmative duty of Director of Port Operations for port of Georgetown.

Section 54-3-110. Improvement of certain harbors or seaports.

Section 54-3-115. Development of port in Jasper County.

Section 54-3-117. North Charleston container terminal.

Section 54-3-118. Public-private partnerships to increase capital investments in port facilities.

Section 54-3-119. Sale of property on Daniel Island and Thomas (St. Thomas) Island; rights of first refusal granted certain former landowners.

Section 54-3-120. Jurisdiction of Authority.

Section 54-3-130. Purposes of Authority.

Section 54-3-140. Powers of Authority.

Section 54-3-150. Acquisition of property.

Section 54-3-155. Sale of real property, building, terminals, or other permanent structures.

Section 54-3-160. Powers with respect to certain property.

Section 54-3-170. Use of certain State property.

Section 54-3-180. Exchange of property; removal of structures.

Section 54-3-190. Lease or grant of property to United States; reimbursing United States for certain acquisition costs.

Section 54-3-200. Acquisition and operation of terminal railroads.

Section 54-3-210. Contracts with railroad employees.

Section 54-3-220. Connecting with or crossing other railroads.

Section 54-3-230. Foreign-trade zones.

Section 54-3-240. Inland ports.

Section 54-3-245. Seafood industrial port in Beaufort County.

Section 54-3-250. Inspection of motor vehicles prior to exportation.

Section 54-3-260. Construction of terminal or railroad on Daniel Island.

Section 54-3-270. Cooper River terminal facility environmental study and permitting; indemnification of Port Authority members for Cooper River Bridge funding.

Section 54-3-410. Authority shall have general supervision of wharves, warehouses and terminal facilities.

Section 54-3-420. Examination of facilities.

Section 54-3-430. Requiring repair or improvement of facilities.

Section 54-3-440. Authority may order improvements to facilities on petition.

Section 54-3-450. Unsafe or unsuitable facilities.

Section 54-3-460. Penalties for violations of rules and regulations.

Section 54-3-470. Appeals.

Section 54-3-480. Article inapplicable to portions of Charleston County.

Section 54-3-610. Powers of Authority as to erection or removal of wharves, docks and other structures.

Section 54-3-620. Permit for construction of wharf or other obstruction.

Section 54-3-630. Penalty for building wharves or other obstructions beyond limits without authority.

Section 54-3-640. Duties of Authority as to repair of docks; owners liable for neglect.

Section 54-3-650. Authority shall prosecute for fines and penalties.

Section 54-3-700. Sale of property; conditions and requirements of sale.

Section 54-3-810. Jurisdiction and powers of Authority over harbor and bay of Charleston.

Section 54-3-820. Deposit of excavated material.

Section 54-3-830. Harbor master and port wardens.

Section 54-3-840. Fees and harbor or port charges.

Section 54-3-850. Payment and disbursement of fees, harbor or port charges, fines and penalties.

Section 54-3-860. Authority shall report annually to General Assembly.

Section 54-3-1010. Issuance of bonds.

Section 54-3-1020. Disbursement of funds; surplus.

Section 54-3-1030. State port construction fund.

Section 54-3-1040. Annual financial statement.

Section 54-3-1050. Property of Authority exempt from taxation.

Section 54-3-1060. Transaction register.

Section 54-3-1300. Commission established.; membership; factors to be considered in making appointments; officers and meetings.

Section 54-3-1310. Powers and duties.

Section 54-3-1320. Waiver of qualifications for board candidate.

Section 54-3-1330. Cooperation by state agencies.

Section 54-3-1340. Oversight report; performance review surveys.

Section 54-3-1350. Documents relating to sale of real property owned by commission; confidentiality.

Section 54-3-1360. Mileage, subsistence, and per diem; reimbursement of certain expenses.

Section 54-3-1370. Use of and employment of staff.