In order to enable it to carry out the purposes of this chapter, the Authority:
(1) Shall have the powers of a body corporate, including the power to sue and be sued, to make contracts and to adopt and use a common seal and alter it as may be deemed expedient;
(2) May rent, lease, buy, own, acquire, mortgage and dispose of such property, real or personal, as the Authority may deem proper to carry out the purposes and provisions of this chapter, all or any of them;
(3) May acquire, construct, maintain, equip and operate wharves, docks, ships, piers, quays, elevators, compresses, refrigeration storage plants, warehouses and other structures and any and all facilities needful for the convenient use of the same in the aid of commerce, including the dredging of approaches thereto and the construction of belt line roads and highways and bridges and causeways thereon and other bridges and causeways necessary or useful in connection therewith and shipyards, shipping facilities and transportation facilities incident thereto and useful or convenient for the use thereof, including terminal railroads;
(4) May acquire, construct, maintain, operate and contract to operate in any of said counties airports, seaplane bases, naval bases and any other facilities necessary or useful in carrying out the purposes of this chapter and of the Authority;
(5) Shall adopt an organizational structure for authority operations implemented by the executive director;
(6) Shall establish an office for the transaction of its business in the city of Charleston and such other offices within and without the State as may be deemed by the board to be necessary or useful in carrying out the purposes of this chapter;
(7) May create and operate such agencies and departments as the board may deem necessary or useful for the furtherance of any of the purposes of this chapter;
(8) May pay all necessary costs and expenses involved in and incident to the formation and organization of the Authority and incident to the administration and operation thereof and all other costs and expenses reasonably necessary or expedient in carrying out and accomplishing the purposes of this chapter;
(9) May apply for and accept loans and grants of money from any Federal agency for any and all of the purposes authorized in this chapter and expend such moneys in accordance with the directions and requirements attached thereto or imposed thereon by any such Federal agency and give such evidences of indebtedness as shall be required by any such Federal agency, except that no indebtedness of any kind incurred or created by the Authority shall constitute an indebtedness of the State, or any political subdivision thereof, and no such indebtedness shall involve or be secured by the faith, credit or taxing power of the State, or any political subdivision thereof;
(10) May act as agent for the United States of America or any agency, department, corporation or instrumentality thereof, in any matter coming within the purposes or powers of the Authority;
(11) May adopt, alter or repeal its own bylaws, rules and regulations governing the manner in which its business may be transacted and in which the powers granted to it may be enjoyed and may provide for the appointment of such committees, and the functions thereof, as the Authority may deem necessary or expedient in facilitating its business;
(12) May do any and all other acts and things in this chapter authorized or required to be done, whether or not included in the general powers in this section mentioned;
(13) May do any and all things necessary to accomplish the purposes of this chapter; and
(14) May promulgate rules and regulations governing the use of or doing business on the Authority's property or facilities, including the adoption of safety standards and insurance coverage or proof of financial responsibility, and may provide for the licensing of persons, firms or corporations using or doing business on such property or facilities, and for license fees to cover the expense thereof. Licenses may be revoked after notice and hearing by the Authority for wilful breach of or failure to comply with such rules and regulations.
But the Authority shall not engage in shipbuilding except upon the unanimous vote of its members.
(15) Shall develop a long-range port development and capital financing plan, with a minimum twenty-year forecast period at the time of adoption that provides for the promotion, development, construction, equipping, maintaining, and operation of the state's harbors and seaports to maximize their economic benefit to the State, including, but not limited to, Charleston and Georgetown. The plan must be revised at least every five years, to reflect and account for changing conditions. The long-range plan must be submitted to the General Assembly;
(16) Shall review port operations and proposals for future operations and construction to determine whether utilizing a public-private partnership to achieve the current or proposed operational goals and development is the most advantageous method to the State and would result in the most timely, economical, efficient, and successful fulfillment of the operational goals or completion of the development project;
(17) Shall take all necessary steps it finds reasonable to establish rail access to port facilities in Charleston County by any Class I railway operating in Charleston County on the effective date of this item. The authority shall report annually to the General Assembly and the Governor on the status of efforts to establish rail access.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 54-14; 1952 Code Section 54-14; 1942 (42) 1535; 1957 (50) 30; 2009 Act No. 73, Sections 3, 4, eff June 16, 2009.
Effect of Amendment
The 2009 amendment, rewrote item (5) which formerly dealt with employment, dismissal and fixing the compensation of board employees; and added item (15) relating to development of a long-range port development and capital financing plan, item (16) relating to review of port operations and proposals for future operations and construction, and item (17) relating to rail access.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 54 - Ports and Maritime Matters
Chapter 3 - South Carolina State Ports Authority
Section 54-3-10. Creation and membership of State Ports Authority.
Section 54-3-20. Appointment and terms of members; vacancies.
Section 54-3-30. Organization; officers; meetings.
Section 54-3-50. Removal by Governor.
Section 54-3-60. Board member qualifications.
Section 54-3-70. Performance review of executive director.
Section 54-3-80. Discharge of duties by members of board of directors.
Section 54-3-101. Executive Director of Port Operations.
Section 54-3-102. Duties of executive director; appointment of division directors and staff.
Section 54-3-103. Approval of compensation of executive and division directors.
Section 54-3-104. Director of Port Operations for port of Georgetown.
Section 54-3-105. Affirmative duty of Director of Port Operations for port of Georgetown.
Section 54-3-110. Improvement of certain harbors or seaports.
Section 54-3-115. Development of port in Jasper County.
Section 54-3-117. North Charleston container terminal.
Section 54-3-118. Public-private partnerships to increase capital investments in port facilities.
Section 54-3-120. Jurisdiction of Authority.
Section 54-3-130. Purposes of Authority.
Section 54-3-140. Powers of Authority.
Section 54-3-150. Acquisition of property.
Section 54-3-155. Sale of real property, building, terminals, or other permanent structures.
Section 54-3-160. Powers with respect to certain property.
Section 54-3-170. Use of certain State property.
Section 54-3-180. Exchange of property; removal of structures.
Section 54-3-200. Acquisition and operation of terminal railroads.
Section 54-3-210. Contracts with railroad employees.
Section 54-3-220. Connecting with or crossing other railroads.
Section 54-3-230. Foreign-trade zones.
Section 54-3-240. Inland ports.
Section 54-3-245. Seafood industrial port in Beaufort County.
Section 54-3-250. Inspection of motor vehicles prior to exportation.
Section 54-3-260. Construction of terminal or railroad on Daniel Island.
Section 54-3-420. Examination of facilities.
Section 54-3-430. Requiring repair or improvement of facilities.
Section 54-3-440. Authority may order improvements to facilities on petition.
Section 54-3-450. Unsafe or unsuitable facilities.
Section 54-3-460. Penalties for violations of rules and regulations.
Section 54-3-480. Article inapplicable to portions of Charleston County.
Section 54-3-620. Permit for construction of wharf or other obstruction.
Section 54-3-640. Duties of Authority as to repair of docks; owners liable for neglect.
Section 54-3-650. Authority shall prosecute for fines and penalties.
Section 54-3-700. Sale of property; conditions and requirements of sale.
Section 54-3-810. Jurisdiction and powers of Authority over harbor and bay of Charleston.
Section 54-3-820. Deposit of excavated material.
Section 54-3-830. Harbor master and port wardens.
Section 54-3-840. Fees and harbor or port charges.
Section 54-3-850. Payment and disbursement of fees, harbor or port charges, fines and penalties.
Section 54-3-860. Authority shall report annually to General Assembly.
Section 54-3-1010. Issuance of bonds.
Section 54-3-1020. Disbursement of funds; surplus.
Section 54-3-1030. State port construction fund.
Section 54-3-1040. Annual financial statement.
Section 54-3-1050. Property of Authority exempt from taxation.
Section 54-3-1060. Transaction register.
Section 54-3-1310. Powers and duties.
Section 54-3-1320. Waiver of qualifications for board candidate.
Section 54-3-1330. Cooperation by state agencies.
Section 54-3-1340. Oversight report; performance review surveys.
Section 54-3-1350. Documents relating to sale of real property owned by commission; confidentiality.
Section 54-3-1360. Mileage, subsistence, and per diem; reimbursement of certain expenses.