South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 20 - South Carolina Mining Act
Section 48-20-130. Inspections; notice of deficiencies.

Upon receipt of the operator's annual report or report of completion of reclamation and at any other reasonable time the department may elect, the department shall inspect the permit area to determine if the operator has complied with the reclamation plan, the requirements of this chapter, regulations promulgated by its authority, and the terms and conditions of his permit. Accredited representatives of the department at all reasonable times may enter upon the land subject to the certificate of exploration or operating permit for the purpose of making the inspection.
The operator shall proceed with reclamation as scheduled in the approved reclamation plan. Following its inspection, the department shall give written notice to the operator of any deficiencies noted. The operator shall commence action within thirty days to rectify these deficiencies and proceed diligently until they have been corrected. The department may extend performance periods referred to in this section and in Section 48-20-90 for delays clearly beyond the operator's control but only in cases where the department finds that the operator is making every reasonable effort to comply. In the absence of corrective action by the operator to rectify deficiencies where previous written notice has been given, the department may issue a notice of uncorrected deficiencies or violations.
Upon completion of reclamation of an area of affected land, the operator shall notify the department. The department shall make an inspection of the area and, if it finds that reclamation has been properly completed, it shall notify the operator in writing and release him from further obligations regarding the affected land. At the same time, it shall release all of the appropriate portion of a performance bond or other security which he has posted under Section 48-20-110.
If at any time the department finds that reclamation of the permit area is not proceeding in accordance with the reclamation plan and that the operator has failed within thirty days, or any extension of that date after receiving a notice of uncorrected deficiencies to commence corrective action, or if the department finds that reclamation has not been completed properly in conformance with the reclamation plan within two years, or longer if authorized by the department, after termination of mining on any segment of the permit area, the operator shall show cause why it has not complied, and, upon just cause given, an extension of time to comply must be granted. If just cause is not demonstrated, the department shall initiate forfeiture proceedings against the bonds or other security filed by the operator under Section 48-20-170. The failure constitutes grounds for suspension or revocation of the operator's permit as provided in Section 48-20-160.
HISTORY: 1990 Act No. 454, Section 20.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 48 - Environmental Protection and Conservation

Chapter 20 - South Carolina Mining Act

Section 48-20-10. Short title.

Section 48-20-20. Chapter purpose.

Section 48-20-30. Department responsible for administration of chapter.

Section 48-20-40. Definitions.

Section 48-20-50. Certificates of exploration.

Section 48-20-55. General permits for limited mining.

Section 48-20-60. Operating permits generally.

Section 48-20-70. Application for, and issuance of, operating permit.

Section 48-20-80. Modifications of operating permit.

Section 48-20-90. Reclamation plans.

Section 48-20-100. Authority to assess and collect fees.

Section 48-20-110. Bonding or other security requirements.

Section 48-20-120. Annual report of operator; operating fee; late penalty.

Section 48-20-130. Inspections; notice of deficiencies.

Section 48-20-140. Administrative fee for deficiencies.

Section 48-20-150. Modification of reclamation plans.

Section 48-20-160. Notice of violations; hearings; suspension or revocation of permit.

Section 48-20-170. Bond or security forfeiture proceedings.

Section 48-20-180. Manner of giving written notice.

Section 48-20-190. Appeals of decisions or determinations of department.

Section 48-20-200. Appeals of decision of council, its committee or hearing panel; appeal of department's refusal to release bond or security.

Section 48-20-210. Department to promulgate regulations.

Section 48-20-220. Cease and desist orders; restraining orders or injunctions; civil penalties.

Section 48-20-230. Criminal penalties; authority of department to institute other actions or proceedings.

Section 48-20-240. Disposition of fees and civil penalties.

Section 48-20-250. Affect of chapter on local zoning regulations or ordinances.

Section 48-20-260. Chapter not to restrict or impair private right of action.

Section 48-20-270. Chapter not to impose liability on State for damages.

Section 48-20-280. Application of chapter.

Section 48-20-290. Authority to department to accept grants, to engage in research, and cooperate with governmental entities.

Section 48-20-300. Lands to be included in reclamation plans.

Section 48-20-310. Exceptions to civil penalty provisions.