South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 1 - Department Of Health And Environmental Control
Section 44-1-80. Duties and powers of board as to communicable or epidemic diseases.

(A) The Board of Health and Environmental Control or its designated agents must investigate the reported causes of communicable or epidemic disease and must enforce or prescribe these preventive measures as may be needed to suppress or prevent the spread of these diseases by proper quarantine or other measures of prevention, as may be necessary to protect the citizens of the State. The Board of Health and Environmental Control or its designated agents shall declare, when the facts justify it, any place as infected and, in case of hydrophobia or other diseases transmitted from animals to man, must declare such animal or animals quarantined, and must place all such restrictions upon ingress and egress of persons or animals therefrom as may be, in its judgment, necessary to prevent the spread of disease from the infected locality.
(B)(1) Whenever the board learns of a case of a reportable illness or health condition, an unusual cluster, or a suspicious event that it reasonably believes has the potential to cause a public health emergency, as defined in Section 44-4-130, it is authorized to notify the appropriate public safety authority, tribal authorities, and federal health and public safety authorities.
(2) The sharing of information on reportable illnesses, health conditions, unusual clusters, or suspicious events between authorized personnel must be restricted to information necessary for the treatment, control, investigation, and prevention of a public health emergency. Restriction of access to this information to those authorized personnel for the protection of public health ensures compliance with all state and federal health information privacy laws.
(3) The board and its agents must have full access to medical records and nonmedical records when necessary to investigate the causes, character, and means of preventing the spread of a qualifying health event or public health emergency. For purposes of this item, "nonmedical records" mean records of entities, including businesses, health facilities, and pharmacies, which are needed to adequately identify and locate persons believed to have been potentially exposed or known to have been infected with a contagious disease.
(4) An order of the board given to effectuate the purposes of this subsection is enforceable immediately by the public safety authority.
(5) For purposes of this subsection, the terms qualifying health event, public health emergency, and public safety authority have the same meanings as provided in Section 44-4-130.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 32-36; 1952 Code Section 32-36; 1942 Code Section 5011; 1932 Code Section 5054; Civ. C. '22 Section 2362; Civ. C. '12 Section 1614; 1908 (25) 998; 2002 Act No. 339, Section 22, eff July 2, 2002.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 44 - Health

Chapter 1 - Department Of Health And Environmental Control

Section 44-1-20. Department of Health and Environmental Control created under supervision of Board of Health and Environmental Control.

Section 44-1-30. Meetings of Board; compensation of members.

Section 44-1-40. Selection, term,and salary of director.

Section 44-1-50. Administrative reviews; power to organize department.

Section 44-1-60. Appeals from department decisions giving rise to contested case; procedures.

Section 44-1-65. Appeals of department permitting decisions for animal facilities; procedures.

Section 44-1-70. Rules and regulations of board must be approved by General Assembly.

Section 44-1-80. Duties and powers of board as to communicable or epidemic diseases.

Section 44-1-90. Board shall advise municipal and county authorities.

Section 44-1-100. Assistance from peace and health officers.

Section 44-1-110. Duties of department in regard to public health, in general.

Section 44-1-130. Department may establish health districts and district advisory boards of health.

Section 44-1-140. Department may promulgate and enforce rules and regulations for public health.

Section 44-1-143. Requirements for home-based food production operations.

Section 44-1-145. Minimum cooking temperature for ground beef; exceptions.

Section 44-1-148. Resale for human consumption prohibited for fresh meat or fresh meat products if returned by a consumer.

Section 44-1-150. Penalty for violating rules of department.

Section 44-1-151. Penalties for violations involving shellfish.

Section 44-1-152. Disposition of revenues from fines and forfeitures for violation of shellfish laws.

Section 44-1-155. Release on bail of person apprehended by shellfish patrolman upon charge of violating health and sanitary aspects of shellfish, crab, and shrimp laws or regulations.

Section 44-1-160. Prosecution of nuisance not affected by rule-making power of department.

Section 44-1-165. Expedited Review Program established; promulgation of regulations; pilot programs; Expedited Review Fund.

Section 44-1-170. Department shall supervise local boards of health.

Section 44-1-180. Department may establish charges for health care.

Section 44-1-190. Department may investigate ability to pay and determine amount of charges; contracts for care and treatment.

Section 44-1-200. Department may provide home health services.

Section 44-1-210. Disposition of moneys collected.

Section 44-1-215. Retaining certain funds.

Section 44-1-220. Skilled and intermediate care nursing facilities licensed by department shall furnish itemized statements of charges for services.

Section 44-1-230. Consideration to be given to benefits available to individuals to meet costs of medical or health services.

Section 44-1-260. Early periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment screening; referral for assistive technology evaluation; definitions.

Section 44-1-280. Coordination with First Steps to School Readiness initiative.

Section 44-1-290. Supplier of effluent for irrigation as public utility.

Section 44-1-300. Exemption from enforcement of regulation that would prohibit churches and charitable organizations from serving food to public.

Section 44-1-310. Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Review Committee.

Section 44-1-315. Environmental permits and permittees; boundary clarification.