South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 1 - Department Of Health And Environmental Control
Section 44-1-140. Department may promulgate and enforce rules and regulations for public health.

The Department of Health and Environmental Control may make, adopt, promulgate and enforce reasonable rules and regulations from time to time requiring and providing:
(1) For the thorough sanitation and disinfection of all passenger cars, sleeping cars, steamboats and other vehicles of transportation in this State and all convict camps, penitentiaries, jails, hotels, schools and other places used by or open to the public;
(2) For the sanitation of hotels, restaurants, cafes, drugstores, hot dog and hamburger stands and all other places or establishments providing eating or drinking facilities and all other places known as private nursing homes or places of similar nature, operated for gain or profit;
(3) For the production, storing, labeling, transportation and selling of milk and milk products, filled milk and filled milk products, imitation milk and imitation milk products, synthetic milk and synthetic milk products, milk derivatives and any other products made in semblance of milk or milk products;
(4) For the sanitation and control of abattoirs, meat markets, whether the same be definitely provided for that purpose or used in connection with other business, and bottling plants;
(5) For the classification of waters and for the safety and sanitation in the harvesting, storing, processing, handling and transportation of mollusks, fin fish and crustaceans;
(6) For the control of disease-bearing insects, including the impounding of waters;
(7) For the safety, safe operation and sanitation of public swimming pools and other public bathing places, construction, tourist and trailer camps and fairs;
(8) For the control of industrial plants, including the protection of workers from fumes, gases and dust, whether obnoxious or toxic;
(9) For the use of water in air humidifiers;
(10) For the care, segregation and isolation of persons having or suspected of having any communicable, contagious or infectious disease;
(11) For the regulation of the methods of disposition of garbage or sewage and any like refuse matter in or near any village, town or city of the State, incorporated or unincorporated, and to abate obnoxious and offensive odors caused or produced by septic tank toilets by prosecution, injunction or otherwise;
(12) For the thorough investigation and study of the causes of all diseases, epidemic and otherwise, in this State, the means for the prevention of contagious disease and the publication and distribution of such information as may contribute to the preservation of the public health and the prevention of disease; and
(13) For alteration of safety glazing material standards and the defining of additional structural locations as hazardous areas, and for notice and hearing procedures by which to effect these changes.
The Department may make separate orders and rules to meet any emergency not provided for by general rules and regulations, for the purpose of suppressing nuisances dangerous to the public health and communicable, contagious and infectious diseases and other danger to the public life and health.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 32-8; 1952 Code Section 32-8; 1942 Code Section 5002; 1932 Code Section 5002; Civ. C. '22 Section 2313; 1912 (27) 744; 1926 (34) 1015; 1947 (45) 115; 1968 (55) 3042; 1972 (57) 2687; 1973 (58) 297; 1977 Act No. 153 Sections 1, 2.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 44 - Health

Chapter 1 - Department Of Health And Environmental Control

Section 44-1-20. Department of Health and Environmental Control created under supervision of Board of Health and Environmental Control.

Section 44-1-30. Meetings of Board; compensation of members.

Section 44-1-40. Selection, term,and salary of director.

Section 44-1-50. Administrative reviews; power to organize department.

Section 44-1-60. Appeals from department decisions giving rise to contested case; procedures.

Section 44-1-65. Appeals of department permitting decisions for animal facilities; procedures.

Section 44-1-70. Rules and regulations of board must be approved by General Assembly.

Section 44-1-80. Duties and powers of board as to communicable or epidemic diseases.

Section 44-1-90. Board shall advise municipal and county authorities.

Section 44-1-100. Assistance from peace and health officers.

Section 44-1-110. Duties of department in regard to public health, in general.

Section 44-1-130. Department may establish health districts and district advisory boards of health.

Section 44-1-140. Department may promulgate and enforce rules and regulations for public health.

Section 44-1-143. Requirements for home-based food production operations.

Section 44-1-145. Minimum cooking temperature for ground beef; exceptions.

Section 44-1-148. Resale for human consumption prohibited for fresh meat or fresh meat products if returned by a consumer.

Section 44-1-150. Penalty for violating rules of department.

Section 44-1-151. Penalties for violations involving shellfish.

Section 44-1-152. Disposition of revenues from fines and forfeitures for violation of shellfish laws.

Section 44-1-155. Release on bail of person apprehended by shellfish patrolman upon charge of violating health and sanitary aspects of shellfish, crab, and shrimp laws or regulations.

Section 44-1-160. Prosecution of nuisance not affected by rule-making power of department.

Section 44-1-165. Expedited Review Program established; promulgation of regulations; pilot programs; Expedited Review Fund.

Section 44-1-170. Department shall supervise local boards of health.

Section 44-1-180. Department may establish charges for health care.

Section 44-1-190. Department may investigate ability to pay and determine amount of charges; contracts for care and treatment.

Section 44-1-200. Department may provide home health services.

Section 44-1-210. Disposition of moneys collected.

Section 44-1-215. Retaining certain funds.

Section 44-1-220. Skilled and intermediate care nursing facilities licensed by department shall furnish itemized statements of charges for services.

Section 44-1-230. Consideration to be given to benefits available to individuals to meet costs of medical or health services.

Section 44-1-260. Early periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment screening; referral for assistive technology evaluation; definitions.

Section 44-1-280. Coordination with First Steps to School Readiness initiative.

Section 44-1-290. Supplier of effluent for irrigation as public utility.

Section 44-1-300. Exemption from enforcement of regulation that would prohibit churches and charitable organizations from serving food to public.

Section 44-1-310. Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Review Committee.

Section 44-1-315. Environmental permits and permittees; boundary clarification.