Effective with claims filed on or after January 1, 2012:
(1) A seasonal pursuit is one which, because of seasonal conditions making it impracticable or impossible to do otherwise, customarily carries on production operations only within a regularly recurring active period or periods of less than an aggregate of thirty-six weeks in a calendar year. No pursuit shall be considered seasonal until the department makes a determination that the pursuit is seasonal. However, any successor to a seasonal pursuit shall be deemed seasonal unless the successor requests cancellation of the seasonal pursuit status within one hundred twenty days after the acquisition. This provision shall not be applicable to pending cases nor retroactive in effect.
(2) Upon application by a pursuit for seasonal pursuit status, the department shall determine or redetermine whether the pursuit is seasonal and, if seasonal, the pursuit's active period. The department may, on its own motion, redetermine a seasonal pursuit's active period. An application for a seasonal determination must be made on forms prescribed by the department and must be made at least thirty days prior to the beginning date of the period of production operations for which a determination is requested.
(3) Whenever the department has determined or redetermined a pursuit to be seasonal, the pursuit shall be notified immediately, and the notice must contain the beginning and ending dates of the pursuit's active period or periods. Pursuits determined or redetermined to be a seasonal pursuit shall display notices of its seasonal determination conspicuously on its premises in a sufficient number of places to be available for inspection by its workers. The notices shall be furnished by the department.
(4) A seasonal determination must become effective unless an interested party files an application for review within ten days of the beginning date of the first period of production operations to which it applies. An application for review shall be an application for a determination of status.
(5) All wages paid to a seasonal worker during his base period must be used in determining his weekly benefit amount; provided, however, that all weekly benefit amounts so determined shall be rounded to the nearest lower full dollar amount, if not a full dollar amount.
(6)(a) A seasonal worker is eligible to receive benefits based on seasonal wages only for a week of unemployment which occurs, or the greater part of which occurs, within the active period of the seasonal pursuit in which he earned base period wages.
(b) A seasonal worker is eligible to receive benefits based on nonseasonal wages for any week of unemployment which occurs during any active period of the seasonal pursuit in which he has earned base period wages; provided he has exhausted benefits based on seasonal wages. The worker is also eligible to receive benefits based on nonseasonal wages for any week of unemployment which occurs during the inactive period or periods of the seasonal pursuit in which he earned base period wages irrespective as to whether he has exhausted benefits based on seasonal wages.
(c) The maximum amount of benefits which a seasonal worker is eligible to receive, based on seasonal wages, shall be an amount, adjusted to the nearest multiple of one dollar, determined by multiplying the maximum benefits payable in his benefit year, as provided in Section 41-35-50, by the percentage obtained by dividing the seasonal wages in his base period by all of his base period wages.
(d) The maximum amount of benefits which a seasonal worker is eligible to receive based on nonseasonal wages shall be an amount, adjusted to the nearest multiple of one dollar, determined by multiplying the maximum benefits payable in his benefit year, as provided in Section 41-35-50, by the percentage obtained by dividing the nonseasonal wages in his base period by all of his base period wages.
(e) In no case is a seasonal worker eligible to receive a total amount of benefits in a benefit year in excess of the maximum benefits payable for such benefit year, as provided in Section 41-35-50.
(7)(a) All benefits paid to a seasonal worker based on seasonal wages shall be charged, as prescribed in Section 41-31-20, against the account of his base period employer who paid him such seasonal wages, and for the purpose of this paragraph such seasonal wages shall be deemed to constitute all of his base period wages.
(b) All benefits paid to a seasonal worker based on nonseasonal wages shall be charged, as prescribed in Section 41-31-20, against the account of his base period employer who paid him such nonseasonal wages, and for the purpose of this paragraph such nonseasonal wages shall be deemed to constitute all of his base period wages.
(8) The benefits payable to any otherwise eligible individual shall be calculated in accordance with this section for any benefit year which is established on or after the beginning date of a seasonal determination applying to a pursuit by which such individual was employed during the base period applicable to such benefit year, as if such determination had been effective in such base period.
(9) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the right of any individual whose claim for benefits is determined in accordance herewith to appeal from such determination as provided in Section 41-35-660.
(10) As used in this section:
(a) "Pursuit" means an employer or branch of an employer.
(b) "Branch of an employer" means a part of an employer's activities which is carried on or is capable of being carried on as a separate enterprise.
(c) "Production operations" means all the activities of a pursuit which are primarily related to the production of its characteristic goods or services.
(d) "Active period or periods" of a seasonal pursuit means the longest regularly recurring period or periods within which production operations of the pursuit are customarily carried on.
(e) "Seasonal wages" means the wages earned in a seasonal pursuit within its active period or periods. The department may prescribe by regulation the manner in which seasonal wages shall be reported.
(f) "Seasonal worker" means a worker at least twenty- five percent of whose base period wages are seasonal wages.
(g) "Interested party" means any individual affected by a seasonal determination.
(h) "Inactive period or periods" of a seasonal pursuit means that part of a calendar year which is not included in the active period or periods of such pursuit.
(i) "Nonseasonal wages" means the wages earned in a seasonal pursuit within the inactive period or periods of such pursuit, or wages earned at any time in a nonseasonal pursuit.
(j) "Wages" means remuneration for employment."
HISTORY: 2011 Act No. 63, Section 16, eff June 14, 2011.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 41 - Labor and Employment
Chapter 31 - Contributions And Payments To The Unemployment Trust Fund
Section 41-31-10. General rate of contribution.
Section 41-31-20. Employers' accounts.
Section 41-31-30. Classification of employers.
Section 41-31-40. Base rate computation periods.
Section 41-31-45. Debt status estimates; promulgation of regulations.
Section 41-31-50. Determination of tax rates.
Section 41-31-52. Benefits for seasonal workers.
Section 41-31-55. Additional surcharges when fund insolvent; rates; deposit in special account.
Section 41-31-80. Omitted by 2010 Act No. 234, Section 1, eff January 1, 2011.
Section 41-31-90. Effect of change of corporate name.
Section 41-31-100. Successor by purchase, merger of entire business as employer; notice.
Section 41-31-110. Computation of base rates applicable to successors.
Section 41-31-120. Successor by merger, purchase of part of established business.
Section 41-31-130. Refunds not authorized; adjustments made by deductions from future payments.
Section 41-31-140. Transfer of experience rating account.
Section 41-31-150. Treatment of fractions of a cent.
Section 41-31-160. Contribution reports shall not be required more frequently than quarterly.
Section 41-31-170. Report to employer on status of account; protests.
Section 41-31-320. Examination of reports and computation of contribution; notice of excess due.
Section 41-31-330. Imposition of penalty.
Section 41-31-350. Penalty for failure to file report.
Section 41-31-360. Adjustments and refunds.
Section 41-31-370. Interest on unpaid contributions.
Section 41-31-380. Lien for contributions, interest, penalties, and costs.
Section 41-31-390. Issuance of warrant of execution for collection.
Section 41-31-400. Procedure under execution.
Section 41-31-420. Priorities under legal dissolution or distribution.
Section 41-31-600. Definition of "nonprofit organization".
Section 41-31-610. Application of article.
Section 41-31-620. Election to make payments in lieu of contributions.
Section 41-31-640. Security to insure payments.
Section 41-31-650. Failure to post security.
Section 41-31-660. Amount of payments; group accounts.
Section 41-31-810. Application of Article 5.
Section 41-31-910. General provisions.
Section 41-31-920. Inclusion of assessments in quarterly contribution report.