(A) For the purposes of this section:
(1) "Average high cost multiple" means the number of years the department could pay unemployment compensation, based upon the statewide reserve ratio, if the department paid the compensation at a rate equivalent to the average benefit cost rate in the three calendar years during the previous twenty calendar years, or the last three recessions, in which the benefit cost rates were the highest.
(2) "Benefit cost rate" means the rate determined by dividing the unemployment compensation benefits paid during a calendar year by the total covered wages in the State during that year. The calculation of the benefit cost rate may not include the wages and unemployment compensation paid by employers covered under Section 3309 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
(3) "Income needed to pay benefits" means the estimate of benefits payable in a given calendar year less the estimate of interest to be earned by the unemployment insurance trust fund for that calendar year.
(4) "Statewide reserve ratio" means the ratio determined by dividing the balance in the trust fund reserve as of June thirtieth by the total covered wages for the previous twelve months in the State as of June thirtieth. The calculation of the statewide reserve ratio may not include the wages and unemployment compensation paid by employers covered under Section 3309 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
(5) "Fund adequacy target" means an average high-cost multiple of one.
(6) "Trust fund reserve" excludes distributions from the federal government pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1103, commonly referred to as the Reed Act.
(B) For each calendar year during which the state Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund is in debt status, the department must estimate the amount of income necessary to pay benefits for that year, the amount of income necessary to avoid automatic FUTA credit reductions, and an amount of income necessary to repay all outstanding federal loans within five years. Additional estimates of interest costs shall be determined concurrently.
(1) Estimates of the revenue needed to pay benefits will be based on Congressional Budget Office projections for the subsequent calendar year's total unemployment rate. This total unemployment rate will be adjusted for South Carolina based on the historic relationship between the unemployment rate in South Carolina and the national unemployment rate calculated from 1980 to present.
(2) The historic relationship, calculated from 1980 to present, between the total unemployment rate and the insured unemployment rate in South Carolina will be used to adjust the projected total unemployment rate to the rate of insured unemployment.
(3) Estimates of forecasted benefits will be based upon the prior three year average of the annual number of weeks compensated multiplied by an estimate of the average weekly benefit for the next year.
(4) Estimates of amounts to pay to avoid FUTA credit reductions and amount of repayments on the loan will be projected through consultation with officials at the US Department of Labor.
(C) After the fund returns to solvency, the department must promulgate regulations concerning the income needed to pay benefits in each year and return the trust fund to an adequate level as defined in subsection (A)(5).
HISTORY: 2010 Act No. 234, Section 1, eff January 1, 2011.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 41 - Labor and Employment
Chapter 31 - Contributions And Payments To The Unemployment Trust Fund
Section 41-31-10. General rate of contribution.
Section 41-31-20. Employers' accounts.
Section 41-31-30. Classification of employers.
Section 41-31-40. Base rate computation periods.
Section 41-31-45. Debt status estimates; promulgation of regulations.
Section 41-31-50. Determination of tax rates.
Section 41-31-52. Benefits for seasonal workers.
Section 41-31-55. Additional surcharges when fund insolvent; rates; deposit in special account.
Section 41-31-80. Omitted by 2010 Act No. 234, Section 1, eff January 1, 2011.
Section 41-31-90. Effect of change of corporate name.
Section 41-31-100. Successor by purchase, merger of entire business as employer; notice.
Section 41-31-110. Computation of base rates applicable to successors.
Section 41-31-120. Successor by merger, purchase of part of established business.
Section 41-31-130. Refunds not authorized; adjustments made by deductions from future payments.
Section 41-31-140. Transfer of experience rating account.
Section 41-31-150. Treatment of fractions of a cent.
Section 41-31-160. Contribution reports shall not be required more frequently than quarterly.
Section 41-31-170. Report to employer on status of account; protests.
Section 41-31-320. Examination of reports and computation of contribution; notice of excess due.
Section 41-31-330. Imposition of penalty.
Section 41-31-350. Penalty for failure to file report.
Section 41-31-360. Adjustments and refunds.
Section 41-31-370. Interest on unpaid contributions.
Section 41-31-380. Lien for contributions, interest, penalties, and costs.
Section 41-31-390. Issuance of warrant of execution for collection.
Section 41-31-400. Procedure under execution.
Section 41-31-420. Priorities under legal dissolution or distribution.
Section 41-31-600. Definition of "nonprofit organization".
Section 41-31-610. Application of article.
Section 41-31-620. Election to make payments in lieu of contributions.
Section 41-31-640. Security to insure payments.
Section 41-31-650. Failure to post security.
Section 41-31-660. Amount of payments; group accounts.
Section 41-31-810. Application of Article 5.
Section 41-31-910. General provisions.
Section 41-31-920. Inclusion of assessments in quarterly contribution report.