An employer that fails to file a report concerning wages or contributions pursuant to Chapters 27 through 41 of this title within fifteen days from the date upon which the department mailed a demand for the report, the department shall assess the employer a penalty of ten percent of the contributions due but no less than twenty-five nor more than one thousand dollars in addition to the contributions payable with respect to the report.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 68-204.1; 1969 (56) 268; 1985 Act No. 154, Section 4; 2010 Act No. 234, Section 1, eff January 1, 2011.
Effect of Amendment
The 2010 amendment rewrote the section.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 41 - Labor and Employment
Chapter 31 - Contributions And Payments To The Unemployment Trust Fund
Section 41-31-10. General rate of contribution.
Section 41-31-20. Employers' accounts.
Section 41-31-30. Classification of employers.
Section 41-31-40. Base rate computation periods.
Section 41-31-45. Debt status estimates; promulgation of regulations.
Section 41-31-50. Determination of tax rates.
Section 41-31-52. Benefits for seasonal workers.
Section 41-31-55. Additional surcharges when fund insolvent; rates; deposit in special account.
Section 41-31-80. Omitted by 2010 Act No. 234, Section 1, eff January 1, 2011.
Section 41-31-90. Effect of change of corporate name.
Section 41-31-100. Successor by purchase, merger of entire business as employer; notice.
Section 41-31-110. Computation of base rates applicable to successors.
Section 41-31-120. Successor by merger, purchase of part of established business.
Section 41-31-130. Refunds not authorized; adjustments made by deductions from future payments.
Section 41-31-140. Transfer of experience rating account.
Section 41-31-150. Treatment of fractions of a cent.
Section 41-31-160. Contribution reports shall not be required more frequently than quarterly.
Section 41-31-170. Report to employer on status of account; protests.
Section 41-31-320. Examination of reports and computation of contribution; notice of excess due.
Section 41-31-330. Imposition of penalty.
Section 41-31-350. Penalty for failure to file report.
Section 41-31-360. Adjustments and refunds.
Section 41-31-370. Interest on unpaid contributions.
Section 41-31-380. Lien for contributions, interest, penalties, and costs.
Section 41-31-390. Issuance of warrant of execution for collection.
Section 41-31-400. Procedure under execution.
Section 41-31-420. Priorities under legal dissolution or distribution.
Section 41-31-600. Definition of "nonprofit organization".
Section 41-31-610. Application of article.
Section 41-31-620. Election to make payments in lieu of contributions.
Section 41-31-640. Security to insure payments.
Section 41-31-650. Failure to post security.
Section 41-31-660. Amount of payments; group accounts.
Section 41-31-810. Application of Article 5.
Section 41-31-910. General provisions.
Section 41-31-920. Inclusion of assessments in quarterly contribution report.