South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 31 - Contributions And Payments To The Unemployment Trust Fund
Section 41-31-110. Computation of base rates applicable to successors.

(A) Whenever any person or other legal entity has in any manner succeeded to or has acquired substantially all or a distinct and severable portion of the business of another, as provided in Sections 41-31-100 and 41-31-120, the base rates of contributions are computed as follows:
(1) If the successor is not already an employer at the time of the acquisition, the base rate of contributions applicable to the predecessor employer with respect to the period immediately preceding the date of acquisition, if there is only one predecessor employer, shall apply to the successor employer for the remainder of the calendar year.
(2) If the successor is not already an employer at the time of the acquisition and there is more than one transferring employer with a different base rate, the successor employer is assigned the base rate of that transferring employer who has the highest base rate.
(3) If the successor is already an employer at the time of the acquisition, the base rate of contributions applicable at the time of the acquisition to the successor employer shall continue to be the applicable base rate.
(B) For the purposes of items (1), (2), and (3) in subsection (A), the base rate as assigned continues in effect for the remainder of the calendar year and until the time the combined employment benefit experience record meets the requirements as provided in Section 41-31-40.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 68-179; 1952 Code Section 68-179; 1942 (42) 1691; 1943 (43) 318; 1944 (43) 1296; 1966 (54) 2640; 1981 Act No. 108 Section 7; 1986 Act No. 361, Section 2, eff April 3, 1986; 1999 Act No. 37, Section 7, eff June 1, 1999; 2002 Act No. 306, Section 6, eff June 5, 2002; 2010 Act No. 234, Section 1, eff January 1, 2011.
Effect of Amendment
The 1986 amendment made grammatical changes in this section; substituted "for the remainder of the calendar year" for "until the next computation date" and added the provision relative to computation of the rate for the subsequent calendar year in item (a); and, in the last paragraph, substituted "for the remainder of the calendar year" for "until the next computation date under Section 41-31-50", added provisions relative to computation of the rate for the subsequent calendar year, and added "and at such time as provided in Section 41-31-40".
The 1999 amendment substituted "base rate" for "rate" throughout, and made other minor changes.
The 2002 amendment, in paragraph (a), deleted the last sentence which formerly read, "The base rate for the subsequent calendar year is computed based upon the employment benefit experience record of the predecessor or upon the combined employment benefit experience record of the predecessor and the successor, if applicable, as of June thirtieth of the year in which the acquisition occurred."; in paragraphs (b) and (c), substituted "for the remainder of the year" for "until the end of the quarter in which the succession occurs"; and rewrote the last undesignated paragraph.
The 2010 amendment added the subsection (A) and (B) identifiers; changed the paragraph (a), (b), and (c) identifiers to (1), (2), and (3); in subsection (A)(2) deleted at the end text relating to the applicability of the base rate for the remainder of the year; and in subsection (A)(2) substituted "base rate." for "for the remainder of the year.".

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 41 - Labor and Employment

Chapter 31 - Contributions And Payments To The Unemployment Trust Fund

Section 41-31-5. Definitions.

Section 41-31-10. General rate of contribution.

Section 41-31-20. Employers' accounts.

Section 41-31-30. Classification of employers.

Section 41-31-40. Base rate computation periods.

Section 41-31-45. Debt status estimates; promulgation of regulations.

Section 41-31-50. Determination of tax rates.

Section 41-31-52. Benefits for seasonal workers.

Section 41-31-55. Additional surcharges when fund insolvent; rates; deposit in special account.

Section 41-31-60. Tax rate when delinquent report received; no reduction in tax rate class permitted when execution for unpaid tax is outstanding.

Section 41-31-70. Account shall not be terminated on account of suspension of business for service in armed forces.

Section 41-31-80. Omitted by 2010 Act No. 234, Section 1, eff January 1, 2011.

Section 41-31-90. Effect of change of corporate name.

Section 41-31-100. Successor by purchase, merger of entire business as employer; notice.

Section 41-31-110. Computation of base rates applicable to successors.

Section 41-31-120. Successor by merger, purchase of part of established business.

Section 41-31-125. Assignment of employment benefit record upon acquisition or reorganization of existing employment unit.

Section 41-31-130. Refunds not authorized; adjustments made by deductions from future payments.

Section 41-31-140. Transfer of experience rating account.

Section 41-31-150. Treatment of fractions of a cent.

Section 41-31-160. Contribution reports shall not be required more frequently than quarterly.

Section 41-31-170. Report to employer on status of account; protests.

Section 41-31-310. Time contributions accrue and become payable; contributions shall not be deducted from wages; limitation on collection actions.

Section 41-31-320. Examination of reports and computation of contribution; notice of excess due.

Section 41-31-330. Imposition of penalty.

Section 41-31-340. Department to give notice of improper reports; determination of contribution when employer fails to file proper report.

Section 41-31-350. Penalty for failure to file report.

Section 41-31-360. Adjustments and refunds.

Section 41-31-370. Interest on unpaid contributions.

Section 41-31-380. Lien for contributions, interest, penalties, and costs.

Section 41-31-390. Issuance of warrant of execution for collection.

Section 41-31-400. Procedure under execution.

Section 41-31-410. Fees.

Section 41-31-420. Priorities under legal dissolution or distribution.

Section 41-31-600. Definition of "nonprofit organization".

Section 41-31-610. Application of article.

Section 41-31-620. Election to make payments in lieu of contributions.

Section 41-31-630. Method of making payments; appeal from department's determination of amount due; interest and penalties.

Section 41-31-640. Security to insure payments.

Section 41-31-650. Failure to post security.

Section 41-31-660. Amount of payments; group accounts.

Section 41-31-670. Special provisions for organizations that made regular contributions prior to January 1, 1969.

Section 41-31-810. Application of Article 5.

Section 41-31-820. Deposit and review of premiums collected from state agencies; transfers from general fund to cover claims.

Section 41-31-910. General provisions.

Section 41-31-920. Inclusion of assessments in quarterly contribution report.

Section 41-31-930. Penalty for late payment.