(A) PAs may perform:
(1) medical acts, tasks, or functions within written scope of practice guidelines under physician supervision;
(2) those duties and responsibilities, including the prescribing and dispensing of drugs and medical devices, that are lawfully delegated by their supervising physicians; provided, however, only PAs holding a permanent license may prescribe drug therapy as provided in this article; and
(3) telemedicine in accordance with the requirements of Section 40-47-37 including, but not limited to, Section 40-47-37(C)(6) requiring board authorization prior to prescribing Schedule II and Schedule III prescriptions; Section 40-47-113, approved written scope of practice guidelines, and pursuant to all physician supervisory requirements imposed by this chapter.
(B) Notwithstanding any provisions of state law other than this chapter, and to the extent permitted by federal law, a PA may perform the following medical acts unless otherwise provided in the scope of practice guidelines:
(1) provide noncontrolled prescription drugs at an entity that provides free medical care for indigent patients;
(2) certify that a student is unable to attend school but may benefit from receiving instruction given in his home or hospital;
(3) refer a patient to physical therapy for treatment;
(4) pronounce death, certify the manner and cause of death, and sign death certificates pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 63, Title 44 and Chapter 8, Title 32;
(5) issue an order for a patient to receive appropriate services from a licensed hospice as defined in Chapter 71, Title 44;
(6) certify that an individual is handicapped and declare that the handicap is temporary or permanent for the purposes of the individual's application for a placard;
(7) execute a do not resuscitate order pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 78, Title 44; and
(8) issue an order for home health services pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 69, Title 44.
(C) Deleted;
(D) A PA is an agent of his supervising physician in the performance of all practice-related activities, including, but not limited to, the ordering of diagnostic, therapeutic, and other medical services.
(E) A PA may sign specified documents on behalf of the supervising physician or alternate supervising physician if authorized in the scope of practice guidelines.
HISTORY: 2000 Act No. 359, Section 1; 2006 Act No. 244, Section 2; 2018 Act No. 234 (S.345), Section 7, eff July 1, 2018; 2019 Act No. 32 (S.132), Section 2, eff August 11, 2019; 2021 Act No. 55 (S.503), Section 2, eff July 16, 2021; 2022 Act No. 171 (S.613), Section 6, eff July 15, 2022.
Effect of Amendment
2018 Act No. 234, Section 7, inserted the (A) and (B) designators; in (A), inserted (3), including telemedicine as a task physician assistants are authorized to perform; and made nonsubstantive changes.
2019 Act No. 32, Section 2, in (A), substituted "PAs" for "physician assistants" in two places, and made nonsubstantive changes; inserted (B) and (C), and redesignated (B) as (D); in (D), substituted "A PA" for "A physician assistant", deleted "or her" following "of his", and made nonsubstantive changes; and added (E).
2021 Act No. 55, Section 2, in (B), added (8), and made nonsubstantive changes.
2022 Act No. 171, Section 6, deleted (C), which related to provisions concerning the delegation by physicians assistants of certain tasks to unlicensed assistive personnel.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 40 - Professions and Occupations
Chapter 47 - Physicians And Miscellaneous Health Care Professionals
Section 40-47-5. Application of Chapter 1; conflict with other articles.
Section 40-47-20. Definitions.
Section 40-47-25. Rights and privileges of licensees.
Section 40-47-30. Licensure requirement; excepted activities; physician licensed in another state.
Section 40-47-31. Limited and temporary licenses.
Section 40-47-34. Special volunteer licenses; waiver of fees; restrictions; qualifications.
Section 40-47-35. Licensure as expert medical witness; waiver of fee.
Section 40-47-37. Practice of telemedicine, requirements.
Section 40-47-40. Continuing professional education.
Section 40-47-42. Reactivation of inactive license.
Section 40-47-43. Renewal of expired license.
Section 40-47-44. Application for reinstatement of license.
Section 40-47-70. Code of ethics.
Section 40-47-80. Investigation of complaints.
Section 40-47-90. Administering oaths.
Section 40-47-100. Restraining orders.
Section 40-47-111. Disciplinary action in another state.
Section 40-47-115. Jurisdiction of the board.
Section 40-47-116. Initial complaint; informal conference; approval of agreement.
Section 40-47-118. Discovery; exchange of information and evidence; depositions; prehearing motions.
Section 40-47-130. Grounds for denial of licensure.
Section 40-47-140. Denial of license based on prior criminal record.
Section 40-47-150. Surrender of license; public disclosure.
Section 40-47-180. Collection of fines and costs.
Section 40-47-195. Supervising physicians; scope of practice guidelines.
Section 40-47-196. Delegation of tasks.
Section 40-47-197. Supervision of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.
Section 40-47-220. Severability.
Section 40-47-500. Short title.
Section 40-47-510. Definitions.
Section 40-47-520. Licensing requirement.
Section 40-47-530. Persons not subject to provisions of this article.
Section 40-47-540. Respiratory Care Committee created; membership.
Section 40-47-550. Terms of committee members; appointment and removal; expenses.
Section 40-47-570. Employment of additional staff by director.
Section 40-47-590. Responsibilities of committee; investigatory powers of board.
Section 40-47-600. Requirements for certification of respiratory care practitioners.
Section 40-47-620. Issuance of license by board.
Section 40-47-625. Temporary licenses.
Section 40-47-640. Renewal and reinstatement of licenses.
Section 40-47-655. Limited license to practice respiratory care.
Section 40-47-660. Enforcement of article.
Section 40-47-700. Citation of article.
Section 40-47-705. Definitions.
Section 40-47-715. Powers and duties.
Section 40-47-725. Licensing of current acupuncture practitioners.
Section 40-47-730. Licenses to perform auricular therapy; qualifications; temporary licenses.
Section 40-47-750. Auricular therapy defined; supervision.
Section 40-47-755. Auricular detoxification therapy defined; supervision.
Section 40-47-760. Exempted activities.
Section 40-47-765. Grounds for revocation, suspension, or denial of license.
Section 40-47-770. Inspections.
Section 40-47-775. Display of license.
Section 40-47-780. Renewal of licenses.
Section 40-47-785. Request for inactive status.
Section 40-47-790. Licensee not to hold himself or herself out as authorized to practice medicine.
Section 40-47-800. Licensing fees.
Section 40-47-810. Third party reimbursement.
Section 40-47-905. Short title.
Section 40-47-910. Definitions.
Section 40-47-915. Application of article.
Section 40-47-920. Authority to employ staff.
Section 40-47-930. Powers and duties of committee and board.
Section 40-47-938. Supervisory relationships.
Section 40-47-940. Application for license; compliance with Section 40-47-938.
Section 40-47-945. Conditions for granting permanent license.
Section 40-47-960. Scope of practice guidelines; signature and filing requirements; contents.
Section 40-47-970. Limitations on permissible medical act, task, or function PA may perform.
Section 40-47-975, 40-47-980. Repealed by 2013 Act No. 28, Section 12, eff May 21, 2013.
Section 40-47-985. Inspection of office or facility employing physician assistant.
Section 40-47-990. Identification as PA; badge size and content.
Section 40-47-995. Termination of supervisory relationship; notice to board.
Section 40-47-1005. Misconduct mandating revocation or denial of license.
Section 40-47-1010. Renewal of license.
Section 40-47-1015. Fees for licensure.
Section 40-47-1020. Third party reimbursement to PA.
Section 40-47-1205. Short title.
Section 40-47-1210. Definitions.
Section 40-47-1215. Application of this article.
Section 40-47-1220. Department of Labor staff.
Section 40-47-1225. Anesthesiologist's Assistant Committee.
Section 40-47-1230. Duties of Anesthesiologist's Assistant Committee.
Section 40-47-1235. Functions and duties of anesthesiologist's assistants.
Section 40-47-1240. Licensure of anesthesiologist's assistants.
Section 40-47-1250. Supervision of anesthesiologist's assistants.
Section 40-47-1255. Anesthesiologist's assistants to practice pursuant to written protocol.
Section 40-47-1260. Limitations on practice of anesthesiologist's assistants.
Section 40-47-1265. Inspections.
Section 40-47-1270. Identification of anesthesiologist's assistants.
Section 40-47-1275. Termination of sponsoring relationship between anesthesiologist and assistant.
Section 40-47-1280. Violations of this article.
Section 40-47-1285. Grounds for disciplinary action.
Section 40-47-1290. License renewal.
Section 40-47-1295. Maximum fees.
Section 40-47-1300. Third party reimbursement.
Section 40-47-1510. Citation of article.
Section 40-47-1520. Definitions.
Section 40-47-1530. Registration requirement.
Section 40-47-1540. Application for registration.
Section 40-47-1550. Renewal; lapse of registration.
Section 40-47-1560. Authorized tasks and services; supervision by cardiologist; written protocols.
Section 40-47-1580. Investigations of unfitness to practice or unauthorized practice.
Section 40-47-1610. Injunctions; fines; actions by unregistered persons.