(A) Discovery is not permitted in a medical disciplinary proceeding except as provided in this chapter. Within twenty days of an answer being filed, the Office of General Counsel, or its designee, and the respondent or counsel shall exchange the names and addresses of all persons known to have knowledge of the relevant facts. Except as provided in Section 40-47-190, the name and address of the initial complainant or a confidential informant must not be exchanged unless the person is expected to testify in the proceeding. The Office of General Counsel, or its designee, or the respondent or counsel may withhold information only with permission of the presiding officer, who shall authorize withholding of the information only for good cause shown, taking into consideration the materiality of the information possessed by the witness and the position the witness occupies in relation to the respondent. The presiding officer's review of the withholding request must be en camera, but the party making the request shall advise the opposing party of the request without disclosing the subject of the request. The presiding officer shall set a date for the exchange of the names and addresses of all witnesses the parties intend to call at the hearing.
(B) The Office of General Counsel, or its designee, and respondent or counsel shall exchange:
(1) notwithstanding Section 40-47-190, evidence relevant to the formal charges, documents to be presented at the hearing and statements of witnesses who will be called at the hearing, except evidence privileged pursuant to other state law. For purposes of this item, a witness statement is a written statement signed or otherwise adopted or approved by the person making it or a stenographic, mechanical, electrical, or other recording, or a transcription of any of these, which is a substantially verbatim recital of an oral statement by the person making it and contemporaneously recorded; and
(2) other material only upon good cause shown to the presiding officer of the panel.
(C) Copies of transcripts of testimony taken by a court reporter pursuant to this section may be obtained by the parties from the court reporter at the expense of the requesting party and are not required to be made available to the requesting party by the opposing party unless not otherwise available.
(D) Depositions are only allowed if agreed upon by the Office of General Counsel, or its designee, and the respondent or counsel, or if the presiding officer grants permission to do so based upon a showing of good cause. The presiding officer may place restrictions or conditions on the manner, time, and place of an authorized deposition. Depositions must be completed not later than fifteen days before a scheduled hearing. A deposition request filed less than fifteen days before a scheduled hearing must not be granted absent a showing of exceptional circumstances.
(E) A party may take the deposition de bene esse of a supporting witness who will be unavailable to testify at hearing without order of the presiding officer and as a matter of right under due process of law. Other parties must be notified and afforded the opportunity to participate in the deposition de bene esse upon not less than ten days notice, unless sooner ordered by the presiding officer or agreed to by all participating parties. The admissibility of a deposition de bene esse or portion of the deposition must be determined by the presiding officer or board not less than five days prior to the time it is to be offered into evidence.
(F) Prehearing motions must be made to the presiding officer in writing and must state the grounds for relief and the relief sought. Motions pertaining to the hearing must be filed not later than ten days before the hearing date, unless otherwise ordered by the presiding officer. Any party may file a written response to the motion within five days unless the time is extended or shortened by the presiding officer.
(G) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the Office of General Counsel, or its designee, shall provide the respondent with exculpatory evidence relevant to the formal charges.
(H) Both parties have a continuing duty to supplement information required to be exchanged under this section.
(I) If a party fails to disclose timely a witness's name and address, statements by the witness, or other evidence required to be disclosed or exchanged pursuant to this section, the panel or presiding officer may grant a continuance of the hearing, preclude the party from calling the witness or introducing the document, or take other action as may be appropriate. If the Office of General Counsel, or its designee, has not disclosed timely exculpatory material, the panel or presiding officer may require the matter to be disclosed and grant a continuance or take other action as may be appropriate.
(J) Disputes concerning depositions and the disclosure or exchange of information must be determined by the panel or presiding officer. Review of these decisions are not subject to an interlocutory appeal and must be challenged by filing objections to the panel's report within fifteen days from the service of the report. Failure to file objections to the panel report constitutes acceptance of the ruling on the issue.
HISTORY: 2006 Act No. 385, Section 1.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 40 - Professions and Occupations
Chapter 47 - Physicians And Miscellaneous Health Care Professionals
Section 40-47-5. Application of Chapter 1; conflict with other articles.
Section 40-47-20. Definitions.
Section 40-47-25. Rights and privileges of licensees.
Section 40-47-30. Licensure requirement; excepted activities; physician licensed in another state.
Section 40-47-31. Limited and temporary licenses.
Section 40-47-34. Special volunteer licenses; waiver of fees; restrictions; qualifications.
Section 40-47-35. Licensure as expert medical witness; waiver of fee.
Section 40-47-37. Practice of telemedicine, requirements.
Section 40-47-40. Continuing professional education.
Section 40-47-42. Reactivation of inactive license.
Section 40-47-43. Renewal of expired license.
Section 40-47-44. Application for reinstatement of license.
Section 40-47-70. Code of ethics.
Section 40-47-80. Investigation of complaints.
Section 40-47-90. Administering oaths.
Section 40-47-100. Restraining orders.
Section 40-47-111. Disciplinary action in another state.
Section 40-47-115. Jurisdiction of the board.
Section 40-47-116. Initial complaint; informal conference; approval of agreement.
Section 40-47-118. Discovery; exchange of information and evidence; depositions; prehearing motions.
Section 40-47-130. Grounds for denial of licensure.
Section 40-47-140. Denial of license based on prior criminal record.
Section 40-47-150. Surrender of license; public disclosure.
Section 40-47-180. Collection of fines and costs.
Section 40-47-195. Supervising physicians; scope of practice guidelines.
Section 40-47-196. Delegation of tasks.
Section 40-47-197. Supervision of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.
Section 40-47-220. Severability.
Section 40-47-500. Short title.
Section 40-47-510. Definitions.
Section 40-47-520. Licensing requirement.
Section 40-47-530. Persons not subject to provisions of this article.
Section 40-47-540. Respiratory Care Committee created; membership.
Section 40-47-550. Terms of committee members; appointment and removal; expenses.
Section 40-47-570. Employment of additional staff by director.
Section 40-47-590. Responsibilities of committee; investigatory powers of board.
Section 40-47-600. Requirements for certification of respiratory care practitioners.
Section 40-47-620. Issuance of license by board.
Section 40-47-625. Temporary licenses.
Section 40-47-640. Renewal and reinstatement of licenses.
Section 40-47-655. Limited license to practice respiratory care.
Section 40-47-660. Enforcement of article.
Section 40-47-700. Citation of article.
Section 40-47-705. Definitions.
Section 40-47-715. Powers and duties.
Section 40-47-725. Licensing of current acupuncture practitioners.
Section 40-47-730. Licenses to perform auricular therapy; qualifications; temporary licenses.
Section 40-47-750. Auricular therapy defined; supervision.
Section 40-47-755. Auricular detoxification therapy defined; supervision.
Section 40-47-760. Exempted activities.
Section 40-47-765. Grounds for revocation, suspension, or denial of license.
Section 40-47-770. Inspections.
Section 40-47-775. Display of license.
Section 40-47-780. Renewal of licenses.
Section 40-47-785. Request for inactive status.
Section 40-47-790. Licensee not to hold himself or herself out as authorized to practice medicine.
Section 40-47-800. Licensing fees.
Section 40-47-810. Third party reimbursement.
Section 40-47-905. Short title.
Section 40-47-910. Definitions.
Section 40-47-915. Application of article.
Section 40-47-920. Authority to employ staff.
Section 40-47-930. Powers and duties of committee and board.
Section 40-47-938. Supervisory relationships.
Section 40-47-940. Application for license; compliance with Section 40-47-938.
Section 40-47-945. Conditions for granting permanent license.
Section 40-47-960. Scope of practice guidelines; signature and filing requirements; contents.
Section 40-47-970. Limitations on permissible medical act, task, or function PA may perform.
Section 40-47-975, 40-47-980. Repealed by 2013 Act No. 28, Section 12, eff May 21, 2013.
Section 40-47-985. Inspection of office or facility employing physician assistant.
Section 40-47-990. Identification as PA; badge size and content.
Section 40-47-995. Termination of supervisory relationship; notice to board.
Section 40-47-1005. Misconduct mandating revocation or denial of license.
Section 40-47-1010. Renewal of license.
Section 40-47-1015. Fees for licensure.
Section 40-47-1020. Third party reimbursement to PA.
Section 40-47-1205. Short title.
Section 40-47-1210. Definitions.
Section 40-47-1215. Application of this article.
Section 40-47-1220. Department of Labor staff.
Section 40-47-1225. Anesthesiologist's Assistant Committee.
Section 40-47-1230. Duties of Anesthesiologist's Assistant Committee.
Section 40-47-1235. Functions and duties of anesthesiologist's assistants.
Section 40-47-1240. Licensure of anesthesiologist's assistants.
Section 40-47-1250. Supervision of anesthesiologist's assistants.
Section 40-47-1255. Anesthesiologist's assistants to practice pursuant to written protocol.
Section 40-47-1260. Limitations on practice of anesthesiologist's assistants.
Section 40-47-1265. Inspections.
Section 40-47-1270. Identification of anesthesiologist's assistants.
Section 40-47-1275. Termination of sponsoring relationship between anesthesiologist and assistant.
Section 40-47-1280. Violations of this article.
Section 40-47-1285. Grounds for disciplinary action.
Section 40-47-1290. License renewal.
Section 40-47-1295. Maximum fees.
Section 40-47-1300. Third party reimbursement.
Section 40-47-1510. Citation of article.
Section 40-47-1520. Definitions.
Section 40-47-1530. Registration requirement.
Section 40-47-1540. Application for registration.
Section 40-47-1550. Renewal; lapse of registration.
Section 40-47-1560. Authorized tasks and services; supervision by cardiologist; written protocols.
Section 40-47-1580. Investigations of unfitness to practice or unauthorized practice.
Section 40-47-1610. Injunctions; fines; actions by unregistered persons.