(A)(1) A person connected with any complaint, investigation, or other proceeding before the board including, but not limited to, a witness, counsel, counsel's staff, board member, board employee, court reporter, or investigator may not mention the existence of the complaint investigation, or other proceeding, or disclose any information tending to identify the initial complainant or any witness or discuss testimony or other evidence in the complaint, investigation, or proceeding, except as otherwise provided in this section.
(2) Information may be disclosed to persons involved and having a direct interest in the complaint, investigation, or other proceeding to the extent necessary for the proper disposition of the complaint, investigation, or other proceeding. The name of the initial complainant must be provided to the licensee who is the subject of the complaint, investigation, or proceeding unless the board, hearing officer, or panel determines there is good cause to withhold that information.
(3) When the board receives information in any complaint, investigation, or other proceeding indicating a violation of state or federal law, the board may provide that information, to the extent the board considers necessary, to the appropriate state or federal law enforcement agency or regulatory body. The department may provide any information it considers necessary or appropriate to a substance abuse treatment program facility or monitoring program approved by the board, and this information must continue to be kept confidential and privileged from disclosure, except as provided by law.
(B) When a formal complaint is made regarding allegations of misconduct, the formal complaint and an answer must be available for public inspection and copying ten days after the answer is filed or if no answer is filed, ten days after the expiration of the time to answer. Once the formal complaint becomes available for public inspection and copying, subsequent records and proceedings relating to the misconduct allegations must be open to the public except as otherwise provided in this section.
(1) Patient records and identities must remain confidential unless the patient or legal representative of the patient consents in writing to the release of the records.
(2) If allegations of incapacity of a licensee due to physical or mental causes are raised in the complaint or answer, all records, information, and proceedings relating to those allegations of incapacity must remain confidential. Any order relating to the licensee's authorization to practice must be made public; however, the order must not disclose the nature of the incapacity.
(C) Once a proceeding becomes public as provided in this section, there is a presumption that any hearing, other proceeding, or record must remain public unless a party to the proceeding makes a showing on the record before the board, hearing officer, or panel that closure of the hearing or the record, in whole or in part, is essential to protect patients, witnesses, or the respondent from unreasonable disclosure of personal or confidential information. Public notice must be given of the request or motion to close any portion of a hearing or record, and the board, hearing officer, or panel shall provide an opportunity for a person opposing the closure to be heard prior to the decision on closure being made.
(D) Subject to the right of public access and utilizing the procedure regarding closure described in this section, a witness in a proceeding or a patient whose care is at issue in a proceeding may petition the board, hearing officer, or panel for an order to close the hearing or record, in whole or part, to protect the witness or patient from unreasonable disclosure of personal or confidential information; however, the identity of a minor or sexual battery victim must remain confidential without a motion being made.
(E) Upon a finding on the record that the health or safety or the personal privacy of a witness or patient would be put at risk unreasonably by the public disclosure of identifying information or of other personal information, the board, hearing officer, or panel may issue an order to protect the witness or patient from the harm shown to be probable from public disclosure.
(F) Information that has been declared confidential or personal pursuant to this chapter or another applicable law must not be disclosed, except to the extent necessary for the proper disposition of the matter before the board, and is protected in the same manner as provided in Section 40-71-20, or as otherwise provided by law.
(G) Except as provided in this section, the identity of confidential informants or other witnesses who do not testify must be kept confidential and must not be disclosed to other parties, entities, or persons, and all information contained in confidential investigative files is privileged from disclosure for any reason whatsoever.
(H)(1) The department shall make reasonable efforts to provide written acknowledgment of every initial complaint and the disposition of the matter. Although entitled to notice, an initial complainant is not a party to the proceeding and is not entitled to appeal or otherwise seek review of the dismissal or other disposition of the matter.
(2) For every unauthorized disclosure of confidential or personal information by a person in violation of this chapter, the department may issue an administrative citation and may assess an administrative penalty of up to five hundred dollars per violation, not to exceed a total of ten thousand dollars per matter. Upon disclosure of confidential or personal information in violation of this chapter, the department may refuse to provide further information to the violator.
(3) An entity or individual assessed administrative penalties may appeal those penalties to the board within ten days of receipt of the citation. If an appeal is filed, the department shall schedule a hearing before the board, which shall make a determination in the matter. If no appeal is filed, the citation is considered a final order and the administrative penalties must be paid within thirty days of receipt of the citation or other written demand.
(I) No information in investigative files or disciplinary proceedings is required to be expunged pursuant to any other provision of state law.
(J) Every communication, oral or written, to the board, department, staff, counsel, expert reviewers or witnesses, or any other person acting on behalf of the board or department during the investigation, hearing, or adjudication of the disciplinary matters including, but not limited to, investigative reports concerning interviews and issues under investigation, correspondence, summaries, incident reports, computer printouts, and documents created during peer review proceedings are privileged from disclosure. Those persons and entities making such communications are immune from liability.
(K) Nothing in this chapter may be construed as prohibiting the respondent or the respondent's counsel from exercising the respondent's right of due process under the law or as prohibiting the respondent from access to the evidence relevant to the formal charges, documents to be presented at the hearing, and statements of witnesses who will be called at the hearing.
HISTORY: 2006 Act No. 385, Section 1.
Editor's Note
Prior Laws:1962 Code Section 56-1369.2; 1976 Code Section 40-47-212.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 40 - Professions and Occupations
Chapter 47 - Physicians And Miscellaneous Health Care Professionals
Section 40-47-5. Application of Chapter 1; conflict with other articles.
Section 40-47-20. Definitions.
Section 40-47-25. Rights and privileges of licensees.
Section 40-47-30. Licensure requirement; excepted activities; physician licensed in another state.
Section 40-47-31. Limited and temporary licenses.
Section 40-47-34. Special volunteer licenses; waiver of fees; restrictions; qualifications.
Section 40-47-35. Licensure as expert medical witness; waiver of fee.
Section 40-47-37. Practice of telemedicine, requirements.
Section 40-47-40. Continuing professional education.
Section 40-47-42. Reactivation of inactive license.
Section 40-47-43. Renewal of expired license.
Section 40-47-44. Application for reinstatement of license.
Section 40-47-70. Code of ethics.
Section 40-47-80. Investigation of complaints.
Section 40-47-90. Administering oaths.
Section 40-47-100. Restraining orders.
Section 40-47-111. Disciplinary action in another state.
Section 40-47-115. Jurisdiction of the board.
Section 40-47-116. Initial complaint; informal conference; approval of agreement.
Section 40-47-118. Discovery; exchange of information and evidence; depositions; prehearing motions.
Section 40-47-130. Grounds for denial of licensure.
Section 40-47-140. Denial of license based on prior criminal record.
Section 40-47-150. Surrender of license; public disclosure.
Section 40-47-180. Collection of fines and costs.
Section 40-47-195. Supervising physicians; scope of practice guidelines.
Section 40-47-196. Delegation of tasks.
Section 40-47-197. Supervision of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.
Section 40-47-220. Severability.
Section 40-47-500. Short title.
Section 40-47-510. Definitions.
Section 40-47-520. Licensing requirement.
Section 40-47-530. Persons not subject to provisions of this article.
Section 40-47-540. Respiratory Care Committee created; membership.
Section 40-47-550. Terms of committee members; appointment and removal; expenses.
Section 40-47-570. Employment of additional staff by director.
Section 40-47-590. Responsibilities of committee; investigatory powers of board.
Section 40-47-600. Requirements for certification of respiratory care practitioners.
Section 40-47-620. Issuance of license by board.
Section 40-47-625. Temporary licenses.
Section 40-47-640. Renewal and reinstatement of licenses.
Section 40-47-655. Limited license to practice respiratory care.
Section 40-47-660. Enforcement of article.
Section 40-47-700. Citation of article.
Section 40-47-705. Definitions.
Section 40-47-715. Powers and duties.
Section 40-47-725. Licensing of current acupuncture practitioners.
Section 40-47-730. Licenses to perform auricular therapy; qualifications; temporary licenses.
Section 40-47-750. Auricular therapy defined; supervision.
Section 40-47-755. Auricular detoxification therapy defined; supervision.
Section 40-47-760. Exempted activities.
Section 40-47-765. Grounds for revocation, suspension, or denial of license.
Section 40-47-770. Inspections.
Section 40-47-775. Display of license.
Section 40-47-780. Renewal of licenses.
Section 40-47-785. Request for inactive status.
Section 40-47-790. Licensee not to hold himself or herself out as authorized to practice medicine.
Section 40-47-800. Licensing fees.
Section 40-47-810. Third party reimbursement.
Section 40-47-905. Short title.
Section 40-47-910. Definitions.
Section 40-47-915. Application of article.
Section 40-47-920. Authority to employ staff.
Section 40-47-930. Powers and duties of committee and board.
Section 40-47-938. Supervisory relationships.
Section 40-47-940. Application for license; compliance with Section 40-47-938.
Section 40-47-945. Conditions for granting permanent license.
Section 40-47-960. Scope of practice guidelines; signature and filing requirements; contents.
Section 40-47-970. Limitations on permissible medical act, task, or function PA may perform.
Section 40-47-975, 40-47-980. Repealed by 2013 Act No. 28, Section 12, eff May 21, 2013.
Section 40-47-985. Inspection of office or facility employing physician assistant.
Section 40-47-990. Identification as PA; badge size and content.
Section 40-47-995. Termination of supervisory relationship; notice to board.
Section 40-47-1005. Misconduct mandating revocation or denial of license.
Section 40-47-1010. Renewal of license.
Section 40-47-1015. Fees for licensure.
Section 40-47-1020. Third party reimbursement to PA.
Section 40-47-1205. Short title.
Section 40-47-1210. Definitions.
Section 40-47-1215. Application of this article.
Section 40-47-1220. Department of Labor staff.
Section 40-47-1225. Anesthesiologist's Assistant Committee.
Section 40-47-1230. Duties of Anesthesiologist's Assistant Committee.
Section 40-47-1235. Functions and duties of anesthesiologist's assistants.
Section 40-47-1240. Licensure of anesthesiologist's assistants.
Section 40-47-1250. Supervision of anesthesiologist's assistants.
Section 40-47-1255. Anesthesiologist's assistants to practice pursuant to written protocol.
Section 40-47-1260. Limitations on practice of anesthesiologist's assistants.
Section 40-47-1265. Inspections.
Section 40-47-1270. Identification of anesthesiologist's assistants.
Section 40-47-1275. Termination of sponsoring relationship between anesthesiologist and assistant.
Section 40-47-1280. Violations of this article.
Section 40-47-1285. Grounds for disciplinary action.
Section 40-47-1290. License renewal.
Section 40-47-1295. Maximum fees.
Section 40-47-1300. Third party reimbursement.
Section 40-47-1510. Citation of article.
Section 40-47-1520. Definitions.
Section 40-47-1530. Registration requirement.
Section 40-47-1540. Application for registration.
Section 40-47-1550. Renewal; lapse of registration.
Section 40-47-1560. Authorized tasks and services; supervision by cardiologist; written protocols.
Section 40-47-1580. Investigations of unfitness to practice or unauthorized practice.
Section 40-47-1610. Injunctions; fines; actions by unregistered persons.