South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 47 - Physicians And Miscellaneous Health Care Professionals
Section 40-47-1205. Short title.

This article may be cited as the "South Carolina Anesthesiologist's Assistants Practice Act".
HISTORY: 2001 Act No. 57, Section 1.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 40 - Professions and Occupations

Chapter 47 - Physicians And Miscellaneous Health Care Professionals

Section 40-47-5. Application of Chapter 1; conflict with other articles.

Section 40-47-10. State Board of Medical Examiners; appointment; terms and vacancies; powers and duties.

Section 40-47-11. Medical Disciplinary Commission; qualifications of members; hearings; service as expert witnesses.

Section 40-47-20. Definitions.

Section 40-47-25. Rights and privileges of licensees.

Section 40-47-30. Licensure requirement; excepted activities; physician licensed in another state.

Section 40-47-31. Limited and temporary licenses.

Section 40-47-32. Permanent licenses; requirements; examinations; post-graduate medical residency training requirements; fee.

Section 40-47-33. Academic license; qualifications; responsibility of dean for compliance with practice limitations.

Section 40-47-34. Special volunteer licenses; waiver of fees; restrictions; qualifications.

Section 40-47-35. Licensure as expert medical witness; waiver of fee.

Section 40-47-36. Criminal history background checks; costs; confidentiality of information obtained.

Section 40-47-37. Practice of telemedicine, requirements.

Section 40-47-38. Maintenance of Certification not required for licensure, reimbursement, employments, or admitting privileges.

Section 40-47-40. Continuing professional education.

Section 40-47-41. License renewal; notification of change of address or adverse disciplinary action in another jurisdiction.

Section 40-47-42. Reactivation of inactive license.

Section 40-47-43. Renewal of expired license.

Section 40-47-44. Application for reinstatement of license.

Section 40-47-45. Appeal; presumption of service of notice of board action; review of motions for continuance and other interlocutory relief.

Section 40-47-50. Administrative support; fees to cover costs of operation of board; maintenance of records.

Section 40-47-70. Code of ethics.

Section 40-47-80. Investigation of complaints.

Section 40-47-90. Administering oaths.

Section 40-47-100. Restraining orders.

Section 40-47-110. Misconduct constituting grounds for disciplinary action; temporary suspensions; review of final actions; conduct subverting security or integrity of medical licensing examination process.

Section 40-47-111. Disciplinary action in another state.

Section 40-47-112. Attending patient while under the influence of alcohol or drugs; penalty; suspension and disqualification from practice.

Section 40-47-113. Establishment of physician-patient relationship as prerequisite to prescribing drugs; unprofessional conduct.

Section 40-47-114. Requiring professional competency, mental, or physical examination; request for review; obtaining records; confidentiality.

Section 40-47-115. Jurisdiction of the board.

Section 40-47-116. Initial complaint; informal conference; approval of agreement.

Section 40-47-117. Formal complaint; service; answer; formal hearing by panel; filing of report with board; board action; notice.

Section 40-47-118. Discovery; exchange of information and evidence; depositions; prehearing motions.

Section 40-47-119. Information to be exchanged before hearing; admissibility; identification of relevant portions of information.

Section 40-47-120. Sanctions; relinquishment of authorization to practice; issuance and notice of final orders.

Section 40-47-130. Grounds for denial of licensure.

Section 40-47-140. Denial of license based on prior criminal record.

Section 40-47-150. Surrender of license; public disclosure.

Section 40-47-160. Appeal.

Section 40-47-170. Costs.

Section 40-47-180. Collection of fines and costs.

Section 40-47-190. Disclosure of information relating to proceedings; public access; information relating to patients and witnesses.

Section 40-47-195. Supervising physicians; scope of practice guidelines.

Section 40-47-196. Delegation of tasks.

Section 40-47-197. Supervision of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.

Section 40-47-200. Practice without license or with license obtained by submitting false information; penalty.

Section 40-47-210. Civil action for injunctive relief against person or entity violating chapter; fines.

Section 40-47-220. Severability.

Section 40-47-500. Short title.

Section 40-47-510. Definitions.

Section 40-47-520. Licensing requirement.

Section 40-47-530. Persons not subject to provisions of this article.

Section 40-47-540. Respiratory Care Committee created; membership.

Section 40-47-550. Terms of committee members; appointment and removal; expenses.

Section 40-47-560. Committee meetings; election of officers; recommendation, review, and approval of regulations.

Section 40-47-570. Employment of additional staff by director.

Section 40-47-580. Requirement that board receive and account for monies and pay them to State Treasurer.

Section 40-47-590. Responsibilities of committee; investigatory powers of board.

Section 40-47-600. Requirements for certification of respiratory care practitioners.

Section 40-47-610. Licensure of practitioners of other states; educational and examination requirements.

Section 40-47-620. Issuance of license by board.

Section 40-47-625. Temporary licenses.

Section 40-47-630. Grounds for disciplinary action; recommendations of committee as to disciplinary action; appeal.

Section 40-47-640. Renewal and reinstatement of licenses.

Section 40-47-650. Fees.

Section 40-47-655. Limited license to practice respiratory care.

Section 40-47-660. Enforcement of article.

Section 40-47-700. Citation of article.

Section 40-47-705. Definitions.

Section 40-47-710. Acupuncture Advisory Committee; membership; terms; filling vacancies; removal of members; meeting schedule; officers.

Section 40-47-715. Powers and duties.

Section 40-47-720. License to practice acupuncture; requirements and qualifications; temporary licenses.

Section 40-47-725. Licensing of current acupuncture practitioners.

Section 40-47-730. Licenses to perform auricular therapy; qualifications; temporary licenses.

Section 40-47-735. Licenses to perform auricular detoxification therapy; qualifications; temporary licenses.

Section 40-47-740. Licensing of current auricular therapists or auricular detoxification specialists.

Section 40-47-745. Unauthorized practice; penalty; cease and desist orders and injunctions; privileged communications.

Section 40-47-750. Auricular therapy defined; supervision.

Section 40-47-755. Auricular detoxification therapy defined; supervision.

Section 40-47-760. Exempted activities.

Section 40-47-765. Grounds for revocation, suspension, or denial of license.

Section 40-47-770. Inspections.

Section 40-47-775. Display of license.

Section 40-47-780. Renewal of licenses.

Section 40-47-785. Request for inactive status.

Section 40-47-790. Licensee not to hold himself or herself out as authorized to practice medicine.

Section 40-47-800. Licensing fees.

Section 40-47-810. Third party reimbursement.

Section 40-47-905. Short title.

Section 40-47-910. Definitions.

Section 40-47-915. Application of article.

Section 40-47-920. Authority to employ staff.

Section 40-47-925. Physician Assistant Committee; membership; term; filling vacancies; meetings; duty to receive and account for monies collected under article.

Section 40-47-930. Powers and duties of committee and board.

Section 40-47-935. Acts and duties PAs authorized to perform; agency relationship to supervising physician.

Section 40-47-938. Supervisory relationships.

Section 40-47-940. Application for license; compliance with Section 40-47-938.

Section 40-47-945. Conditions for granting permanent license.

Section 40-47-950. Limited PA license; conditions for issuance; duration; responsibilities of supervising physician.

Section 40-47-955. Scope of PA's practice; physical presence requirements of supervising physician; practices in separate locations.

Section 40-47-960. Scope of practice guidelines; signature and filing requirements; contents.

Section 40-47-965. Requirements for writing prescriptions for drugs, controlled substances, and medical devices.

Section 40-47-970. Limitations on permissible medical act, task, or function PA may perform.

Section 40-47-975, 40-47-980. Repealed by 2013 Act No. 28, Section 12, eff May 21, 2013.

Section 40-47-985. Inspection of office or facility employing physician assistant.

Section 40-47-990. Identification as PA; badge size and content.

Section 40-47-995. Termination of supervisory relationship; notice to board.

Section 40-47-1000. Unlicensed person holding himself out as PA; penalty; investigation; desist and refrain order; injunction; privileged communications; due process rights of respondent protected.

Section 40-47-1005. Misconduct mandating revocation or denial of license.

Section 40-47-1010. Renewal of license.

Section 40-47-1015. Fees for licensure.

Section 40-47-1020. Third party reimbursement to PA.

Section 40-47-1205. Short title.

Section 40-47-1210. Definitions.

Section 40-47-1215. Application of this article.

Section 40-47-1220. Department of Labor staff.

Section 40-47-1225. Anesthesiologist's Assistant Committee.

Section 40-47-1230. Duties of Anesthesiologist's Assistant Committee.

Section 40-47-1235. Functions and duties of anesthesiologist's assistants.

Section 40-47-1240. Licensure of anesthesiologist's assistants.

Section 40-47-1245. Sponsoring anesthesiologist; protocol delineating services provided by anesthesiologist's assistant.

Section 40-47-1250. Supervision of anesthesiologist's assistants.

Section 40-47-1255. Anesthesiologist's assistants to practice pursuant to written protocol.

Section 40-47-1260. Limitations on practice of anesthesiologist's assistants.

Section 40-47-1265. Inspections.

Section 40-47-1270. Identification of anesthesiologist's assistants.

Section 40-47-1275. Termination of sponsoring relationship between anesthesiologist and assistant.

Section 40-47-1280. Violations of this article.

Section 40-47-1285. Grounds for disciplinary action.

Section 40-47-1290. License renewal.

Section 40-47-1295. Maximum fees.

Section 40-47-1300. Third party reimbursement.

Section 40-47-1510. Citation of article.

Section 40-47-1520. Definitions.

Section 40-47-1530. Registration requirement.

Section 40-47-1540. Application for registration.

Section 40-47-1550. Renewal; lapse of registration.

Section 40-47-1560. Authorized tasks and services; supervision by cardiologist; written protocols.

Section 40-47-1570. Administration of registration program; registry maintenance and availability; promulgation of regulations.

Section 40-47-1580. Investigations of unfitness to practice or unauthorized practice.

Section 40-47-1590. Hearing before Administrative Law Court; grounds for revocation, suspension, or other discipline.

Section 40-47-1600. Proscribed activities; identification badges and notification of involvement in cardiac care.

Section 40-47-1610. Injunctions; fines; actions by unregistered persons.

Section 40-47-1620. Promulgation of regulations.