(A) A permit holder shall report to the Board of Pharmacy within thirty working days of the discovery of the occurrence of:
(1) theft or loss of drugs or devices; or
(2) conviction of any employee of any state or federal drug law.
(B) All permit holders shall report to the Board of Pharmacy within ten working days of the discovery of the occurrence of any of the following:
(1) permanent closing;
(2) change of ownership, management, location, consultant pharmacists, or pharmacist-in-charge of a pharmacy;
(3) change in employment of pharmacists or pharmacy technicians within a pharmacy permitted by the board;
(4) disasters, accidents, destruction, or loss of records required to be maintained by state or federal law.
(C) Upon permanent closing a permittee shall return the permit to the board within thirty days.
(D) The board may assess a civil penalty of not more than one hundred dollars upon any individual who fails to comply with the rules as provided in this section.
(E) Any currently licensed pharmacist or pharmacy technician who changes his mailing address must notify the board in writing within ten days listing his name, license or registration number, and new mailing address.
(F) When a licensed pharmacist in the employ of or in charge of the pharmacy duties of a permitted facility within this State leaves the employ of or ceases to have charge of the pharmacy duties of the permitted facility, he shall notify the board in writing within ten days of the change, giving the name and address of the permitted facility at which he was last employed. When a licensed pharmacist or registered pharmacy technician within this State makes any change in employment from one permitted facility to another, he shall notify the board of the change within ten days, listing the name and address of the permitted facility at which he was last employed and of the facility to which he expects to move.
HISTORY: 1998 Act No. 366, Section 1; 2002 Act No. 314, Section 10.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 40 - Professions and Occupations
Chapter 43 - South Carolina Pharmacy Practice Act
Section 40-43-10. Short title; purpose of chapter; severability.
Section 40-43-20. License required.
Section 40-43-30. Definitions.
Section 40-43-50. Board meetings; quorum; chair and vice chair.
Section 40-43-70. Federally qualified health centers.
Section 40-43-80. Qualifications of applicants for pharmacy license examination.
Section 40-43-81. Transfer of pharmacist licenses from other jurisdictions; reciprocity required.
Section 40-43-90. Permit requirements for applicants; permits not transferrable or assignable.
Section 40-43-110. License expiration; license renewals; lapsed licenses.
Section 40-43-160. Unlawful practice of pharmacy following hearing; fine; penalty.
Section 40-43-195. Central fill pharmacies.
Section 40-43-210. Definitions.
Section 40-43-250. Initial education requirement; continuing education.
Section 40-43-260. Information to be provided to patients; patient counseling.
Section 40-43-270. Limitations from liability and professional discipline.