(A) An intern shall notify the Board of Pharmacy within ten days after the beginning and again within ten days after the ending of each and every calendar year, if the intern is employed, and within ten days after the beginning of each new employment and within ten days after the ending of each employment, on forms provided by the board, of the identity of the internship site and of the designated pharmacist. This form must be certified by the designated pharmacist. The pharmacy intern is responsible for the submission of the appropriate forms within the time limits as set.
(B) An intern may gain practical experience toward licensure as a pharmacist in accordance with this section and as may otherwise be required by this chapter.
(C) Where practical experience is gained in a pharmacy, other site, or program located outside of the State, the board has the discretion to determine whether such experience meets the requirements of the board. The applicant shall submit from the secretary of the Board of Pharmacy of the state in which practical experience was gained certification of the validity of the supervising pharmacist's license and the pharmacy permit.
(D) A minimum of five hundred hours of practical experience must be obtained in a retail or institutional pharmacy. Approval of all experience gained is left to the discretion of the board after receiving a description of the experience by the intern and the designated pharmacist.
(E) Students enrolled in an approved program leading to a bachelor of science degree in pharmacy may receive practical experience credit for up to five hundred hours for participation in an externship program upon completion of the program. Hours earned must be certified by the college of pharmacy, none of which may be used to fulfill the requirement in subsection (D).
(F) Students enrolled in an approved doctor of pharmacy program consisting of six or more years of collegiate studies may receive practical experience credit for up to one thousand hours for practice related experiences upon completion of such program, the number of hours certified by the college of pharmacy, none of which shall be used to fulfill the requirements in subsection (D).
(G) A pharmacy, site, or program offering interns/externs practical experience toward licensure as a pharmacist shall conform to the best traditions of pharmacy, shall have available all necessary reference books, in addition to the official standards and current professional journals and periodicals, and must be operated at all times under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist as required by law. The designated pharmacist must signify willingness to train interns/externs desiring to obtain practical experience in accordance with this chapter. The pharmacy at which an intern/extern is being trained shall provide an environment that is conducive to the learning of the practice of pharmacy by an intern/extern. It is expected that the intern/extern will be exposed to all facets of the practice of pharmacy in that setting including, but not limited to:
(1) evaluation of prescription drug orders;
(2) preparation and labeling of drugs;
(3) dispensing of drugs;
(4) patient profile update and review;
(5) drug use review;
(6) patient counseling; and
(7) proper and safe storage of drugs.
(H) No more than forty hours per week of internship training may be allowed.
HISTORY: 1998 Act No. 366, Section 1; 1999 Act No. 76, Section 5.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 40 - Professions and Occupations
Chapter 43 - South Carolina Pharmacy Practice Act
Section 40-43-10. Short title; purpose of chapter; severability.
Section 40-43-20. License required.
Section 40-43-30. Definitions.
Section 40-43-50. Board meetings; quorum; chair and vice chair.
Section 40-43-70. Federally qualified health centers.
Section 40-43-80. Qualifications of applicants for pharmacy license examination.
Section 40-43-81. Transfer of pharmacist licenses from other jurisdictions; reciprocity required.
Section 40-43-90. Permit requirements for applicants; permits not transferrable or assignable.
Section 40-43-110. License expiration; license renewals; lapsed licenses.
Section 40-43-160. Unlawful practice of pharmacy following hearing; fine; penalty.
Section 40-43-195. Central fill pharmacies.
Section 40-43-210. Definitions.
Section 40-43-250. Initial education requirement; continuing education.
Section 40-43-260. Information to be provided to patients; patient counseling.
Section 40-43-270. Limitations from liability and professional discipline.