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Section 40-43-10. Short title; purpose of chapter; severability. - This chapter may be cited as the "South Carolina Pharmacy...
Section 40-43-20. License required. - Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, it is unlawful...
Section 40-43-30. Definitions. - For purposes of this chapter: (1) "Administer" means the direct...
Section 40-43-40. State Board of Pharmacy; creation; membership; terms; qualifications; vacancies; removal. - (A) There is created the State Board of Pharmacy to...
Section 40-43-50. Board meetings; quorum; chair and vice chair. - (A) The board is styled the "Board of Pharmacy" and...
Section 40-43-60. Chief drug inspector; staff inspectors; duties; violation corrections or prosecution; duties of board; adulterated or misbranded drugs; destruction at owner's expense; seal of drugs and devices under control of licensee when license... - (A) There must be an administrator of the Board of...
Section 40-43-70. Federally qualified health centers. - (A) For purposes of this section: (1) "Board" means the...
Section 40-43-75. Renal dialysis facilities; authority to deliver a legend drug or device to a patient. - (A) For purposes of this section: (1) "Renal dialysis facility"...
Section 40-43-80. Qualifications of applicants for pharmacy license examination. - To obtain a license to engage in the practice of...
Section 40-43-81. Transfer of pharmacist licenses from other jurisdictions; reciprocity required. - (A) In order for a pharmacist currently licensed in another...
Section 40-43-82. Pharmacy technicians; registration; approval of training programs; minimum requirements; pharmacists previously disciplined not eligible to be technicians; volunteers at free medical clinics. - (A)(1) The Board of Pharmacy shall register pharmacy technicians who...
Section 40-43-83. In-state facilities dealing with prescription drugs; out-of-state facilities in mail order pharmacy service; permits; registered agents; required pharmacist-in-charge; display of permit; penalty; refusal of permit if not in public i... - (A) All facilities located within this State engaging in the...
Section 40-43-84. Internship and externship certificates; program requirements; intern and extern restrictions; requirements for supervisory site and pharmacist. - (A) All applicants for licensure by examination shall obtain one...
Section 40-43-85. Notification form regarding internship; practical experience; experience gained outside State; credit for externship programs; requirements for site and supervising pharmacists. - (A) An intern shall notify the Board of Pharmacy within...
Section 40-43-86. Facility requirements for pharmacies; presence of pharmacist-in-charge; consultant pharmacists; prescription drug orders; transferring of prescriptions; substitution of equivalent drug or interchangeable biological product; label re... - (A) A pharmacy, at a minimum, shall: (1) be of...
Section 40-43-87. Nuclear/radiologic pharmacy practice; regulations set by Nuclear Regulatory Commission; revocation of materials license; inspections; hearings regarding violations of state or federal law; space and equipment requirements. - (A) Nuclear/radiologic pharmacy practice refers to a patient-oriented service that...
Section 40-43-88. Standards for preparation, labeling, and distribution of sterile products by pharmacies. - (A) The purpose of this section is to provide standards...
Section 40-43-89. Wholesale distributor permits and renewals; required information; changes; forms; personnel and facility requirements; recordkeeping; disposal of outdated, damaged, impure, or unsealed drugs; adherence to policies and procedures; in... - (A)(1) The following information must be provided to the board...
Section 40-43-90. Permit requirements for applicants; permits not transferrable or assignable. - (A) To obtain a permit, an applicant shall: (1) submit...
Section 40-43-91. Reports to Board of Pharmacy regarding thefts, convictions, changes in ownership or pharmacy employment, disasters, and accidents; return of permit; penalty for failure to comply. - (A) A permit holder shall report to the Board of...
Section 40-43-110. License expiration; license renewals; lapsed licenses. - (A) A license issued by the board pursuant to this...
Section 40-43-130. Continuing education; topics; hours; carry over of hours; exemption period following examination; certificate of completion; authority to grant exemption for postgraduate degree work. - (A) Topics and formats of study for continuing education shall...
Section 40-43-140. Grounds for suspension, revocation, denial, or refusal of board to renew permit or imposition of disciplinary action; penalties for persons distributing or delivering drugs or devices not in accordance with this chapter. - (A)(1) The board may suspend, revoke, deny, or refuse to...
Section 40-43-150. Procedures for investigations, hearings, injunctive actions, and disciplinary actions; voluntary surrender of license; appeal. - (A) Investigations and hearings must be conducted in accordance with...
Section 40-43-160. Unlawful practice of pharmacy following hearing; fine; penalty. - (A) An individual who, after a hearing, shall be found...
Section 40-43-170. State of Emergency; prerequisites to emergency refills; dispensing of medications by pharmacists not licensed in this State. - (A) When the Governor issues a "State of Emergency": (1)...
Section 40-43-180. Construction of chapter; third party payors not required to provide service or pay for services provided for in this chapter. - Nothing in this chapter may be construed to require a...
Section 40-43-190. Protocol for pharmacists to administer vaccines without order of practitioner; informed consent; records. - (A)(1) Upon recommendation of the Joint Pharmacist Administered Vaccines Committee,...
Section 40-43-195. Central fill pharmacies. - (A) For purposes of this section: (1) "Central fill" means...
Section 40-43-200. Joint Pharmacist Administered Vaccines Committee; meetings, quorum, and chairperson; duties of committee. - (A) There is created a Joint Pharmacist Administered Vaccines Committee...
Section 40-43-210. Definitions. - Text of section effective upon contingency. See, Editor's Note. As...
Section 40-43-230. Pharmacists permitted to dispense self-administered hormonal contraceptives in certain circumstances. - Text of section effective upon contingency. See, Editor's Note. (A)...
Section 40-43-240. Written joint protocol to authorize pharmacists to dispense self-administered hormonal contraceptives. - Text of section effective upon contingency. See, Editor's Note. (A)...
Section 40-43-250. Initial education requirement; continuing education. - Text of section effective upon contingency. See, Editor's Note. (A)...
Section 40-43-260. Information to be provided to patients; patient counseling. - Text of section effective upon contingency. See, Editor's Note. (A)...
Section 40-43-270. Limitations from liability and professional discipline. - Text of section effective upon contingency. See, Editor's Note. (A)...