South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 33 - Nurses
Section 40-33-1355. Oversight, dispute resolution and enforcement.

(A) Oversight.
(1) Each party state shall enforce this compact and take all actions necessary and appropriate to effectuate this compact's purposes and intent.
(2) The commission is entitled to receive service of process in any proceeding that may affect the powers, responsibilities, or actions of the commission, and has standing to intervene in such a proceeding for all purposes. Failure to provide service of process in such proceeding to the commission renders a judgment or order void as to the commission, this compact, or promulgated rules.
(B) Default, technical assistance, and termination.
(1) If the commission determines that a party state has defaulted in the performance of its obligations or responsibilities under this compact or the promulgated rules, the commission shall provide:
(a) written notice to the defaulting state and other party states of the nature of the default, the proposed means of curing the default or any other action to be taken by the commission; and
(b) remedial training and specific technical assistance regarding the default.
(2) If a state in default fails to cure the default, the defaulting state's membership in this compact may be terminated upon an affirmative vote of a majority of the administrators, and all rights, privileges, and benefits conferred by this compact may be terminated on the effective date of termination. A cure of the default does not relieve the offending state of obligations or liabilities incurred during the period of default.
(3) Termination of membership in this compact may be imposed only after all other means of securing compliance have been exhausted. Notice of intent to suspend or terminate must be given by the commission to the governor of the defaulting state and to the executive officer of the defaulting state's licensing board and each of the party states.
(4) A state whose membership in this compact has been terminated is responsible for all assessments, obligations, and liabilities incurred through the effective date of termination, including obligations that extend beyond the effective date of termination.
(5) The commission may not bear any costs related to a state that is found to be in default or whose membership in this compact has been terminated unless agreed upon in writing between the commission and the defaulting state.
(6) The defaulting state may appeal the action of the commission by petitioning the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia or the federal district in which the commission has its principal offices. The prevailing party must be awarded all costs of such litigation, including reasonable attorney's fees.
(C) Dispute resolution.
(1) Upon request by a party state, the commission shall attempt to resolve disputes related to the compact that arise among party states and between party and nonparty states.
(2) The commission shall promulgate a rule providing for both mediation and binding dispute resolution for disputes, as appropriate.
(3) In the event the commission cannot resolve disputes among party states arising under this compact:
(a) the party states may submit the issues in dispute to an arbitration panel, which must be comprised of individuals appointed by the compact administrator in each of the affected party states and an individual mutually agreed upon by the compact administrators of all the party states involved in the dispute; and
(b) a decision of a majority of the arbitrators is final and binding.
(D) Enforcement.
(1) The commission, in the reasonable exercise of its discretion, shall enforce the provisions and rules of this compact.
(2) By majority vote, the commission may initiate legal action in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia or the federal district in which the commission has its principal offices against a party state that is in default to enforce compliance with the provisions of this compact and its promulgated rules and bylaws. The relief sought may include both injunctive relief and damages. In the event judicial enforcement is necessary, the prevailing party must be awarded all costs of such litigation, including reasonable attorney's fees.
(3) The remedies in this section are not the exclusive remedies of the commission. The commission may pursue any other remedies available under federal or state law.
HISTORY: 2005 Act No. 87, Section 2; 2017 Act No. 41 (H.3349), Section 1, eff May 10, 2017.

Editor's Note
2005 Act No. 87, Section 7, provides as follows:
"This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor and applies to nursing licenses applied for after September 30, 2006."
Effect of Amendment
2017 Act No. 41, Section 1, rewrote the section to reflect changes mandated for membership in the Nurse Licensure Compact. Former section was titled Compact; effective date; withdrawal; agreements with nonparty state; amendment.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 40 - Professions and Occupations

Chapter 33 - Nurses

Section 40-33-5. Application of Chapter 1, Article 1; conflicts.

Section 40-33-10. State Board of Nursing; membership; seal; promulgation of regulations; powers and duties.

Section 40-33-20. Definitions.

Section 40-33-25. Criminal records checks; dishonored check as evidence of act of moral turpitude.

Section 40-33-30. Licensing requirement; use of title "nurse"; exceptions; establishment of policies to cover special health care needs.

Section 40-33-32. Initial licensure examination; foreign educated nurses.

Section 40-33-33. Inactive status of certain licenses.

Section 40-33-34. Performance of medical acts; qualifications; practice agreements; prescriptive authorization; anesthesia care; definitions.

Section 40-33-35. Licensing of applicant authorized to practice in other states.

Section 40-33-36. Issuance of licenses; temporary or limited licenses.

Section 40-33-37. Volunteer licenses.

Section 40-33-38. Renewal of licenses.

Section 40-33-39. Identification badges.

Section 40-33-40. Demonstration of competency for initial and renewal of licenses.

Section 40-33-41. Request for inactive status.

Section 40-33-42. Delegation of tasks to unlicensed assistive personnel.

Section 40-33-43. Provision of medications in certain facilities by selected unlicensed persons; creation of Medication Technician Certification Program; Medication Technician Registry.

Section 40-33-44. Exceptions to supervision requirements for licensed practical nurses.

Section 40-33-50. Administrative support of board activities; establishment of fees.

Section 40-33-70. Code of ethics.

Section 40-33-80. Investigation of complaints and violations.

Section 40-33-90. Administration of oaths.

Section 40-33-100. Issuance of restraining orders and cease and desist orders.

Section 40-33-110. Grounds for discipline of licensees.

Section 40-33-111. Reporting misconduct; review of findings of board.

Section 40-33-115. Jurisdiction of the board.

Section 40-33-116. Mental or physical examinations; consent to submit; review hearing; admissibility of medical records.

Section 40-33-120. Fines and other discipline; effective date; stay or supersedeas.

Section 40-33-130. Denial of licensure.

Section 40-33-140. Effect of criminal record.

Section 40-33-150. Surrender of license.

Section 40-33-160. Appeal; board decision not stayed pending appeal.

Section 40-33-170. Costs.

Section 40-33-180. Payment of costs and fines.

Section 40-33-190. Matters relating to complaint and proceeding privileged.

Section 40-33-200. Unauthorized practice; penalty.

Section 40-33-210. Civil action for injunctive relief.

Section 40-33-220. Severability.

Section 40-33-230. Licensure requirements for foreign-educated nurses.

Section 40-33-1300. Nurse Licensure Compact enacted.

Section 40-33-1305. Findings; purposes.

Section 40-33-1310. Definitions.

Section 40-33-1315. General provisions and jurisdiction.

Section 40-33-1320. Applications for licensure in a party state.

Section 40-33-1325. Additional authorities invested in party state licensing boards.

Section 40-33-1330. Reserved.

Section 40-33-1335. Reserved.

Section 40-33-1340. Coordinated licensure information system and exchange of information.

Section 40-33-1345. Establishment of the Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators.

Section 40-33-1350. Rulemaking.

Section 40-33-1355. Oversight, dispute resolution and enforcement.

Section 40-33-1360. Effective date, withdrawal and amendment.

Section 40-33-1365. Construction and severability.