(A) In addition to the other powers conferred by state law, a licensing board has the authority to:
(1) Take adverse action against a nurse's multistate licensure privilege to practice within that party state, provided:
(a) only the home state has the power to take adverse action against a nurse's license issued by the home state; and
(b) for purposes of taking adverse action, the home state licensing board shall give the same priority and effect to reported conduct received from a remote state as it would if such conduct had occurred within the home state, and in so doing, the home state shall apply its own state laws to determine appropriate action.
(2) Issue cease and desist orders or impose an encumbrance on a nurse's authority to practice within that party state.
(3) Complete any pending investigations of a nurse who changes primary state of residence during the course of such investigations. The licensing board also has the authority to take appropriate action and shall promptly report the conclusions of such investigations to the administrator of the coordinated licensure information system. The administrator of the coordinated licensure information system shall promptly notify the new home state of any such actions.
(4) Issue subpoenas for both hearings and investigations that require the attendance and testimony of witnesses, as well as the production of evidence. Subpoenas issued by a licensing board in a party state for the attendance and testimony of witnesses or the production of evidence from another party state must be enforced in the latter state by any court of competent jurisdiction, according to the practice and procedure of that court applicable to subpoenas issued in proceedings pending before it. The issuing authority shall pay any witness fees, travel expenses, mileage, and other fees required by the service statutes of the state in which the witnesses or evidence are located.
(5) Obtain and submit, for each nurse licensure applicant, fingerprint or other biometric-based information to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for criminal background checks, receive the results of the Federal Bureau of Investigation record search on criminal background checks, and use the results in making licensure decisions.
(6) If otherwise permitted by state law, recover from the affected nurse the costs of investigations and disposition of cases resulting from any adverse action taken against that nurse.
(7) Take adverse action based on the factual findings of the remote state, provided that the licensing board follows its own procedures for taking such adverse action.
(B) If adverse action is taken by the home state against a nurse's multistate license, the nurse's multistate licensure privilege to practice in all other party states must be deactivated until all encumbrances have been removed from the multistate license. All home state disciplinary orders that impose adverse action against a nurse's multistate license must include a statement that the nurse's multistate licensure privilege is deactivated in all party states during the pendency of the order.
(C) Nothing in this compact may override a party state's decision that participation in an alternative program may be used in lieu of adverse action. The home state licensing board shall deactivate the multistate licensure privilege under the multistate license of any nurse for the duration of the nurse's participation in an alternative program.
HISTORY: 2005 Act No. 87, Section 2; 2017 Act No. 41 (H.3349), Section 1, eff May 10, 2017.
Editor's Note
2005 Act No. 87, Section 7, provides as follows:
"This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor and applies to nursing licenses applied for after September 30, 2006."
Effect of Amendment
2017 Act No. 41, Section 1, rewrote the section to reflect changes mandated for membership in the Nurse Licensure Compact. Former section was titled Adverse actions affecting license; reporting to coordinated licensure information system.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 40 - Professions and Occupations
Section 40-33-5. Application of Chapter 1, Article 1; conflicts.
Section 40-33-20. Definitions.
Section 40-33-25. Criminal records checks; dishonored check as evidence of act of moral turpitude.
Section 40-33-32. Initial licensure examination; foreign educated nurses.
Section 40-33-33. Inactive status of certain licenses.
Section 40-33-35. Licensing of applicant authorized to practice in other states.
Section 40-33-36. Issuance of licenses; temporary or limited licenses.
Section 40-33-37. Volunteer licenses.
Section 40-33-38. Renewal of licenses.
Section 40-33-39. Identification badges.
Section 40-33-40. Demonstration of competency for initial and renewal of licenses.
Section 40-33-41. Request for inactive status.
Section 40-33-42. Delegation of tasks to unlicensed assistive personnel.
Section 40-33-44. Exceptions to supervision requirements for licensed practical nurses.
Section 40-33-50. Administrative support of board activities; establishment of fees.
Section 40-33-70. Code of ethics.
Section 40-33-80. Investigation of complaints and violations.
Section 40-33-90. Administration of oaths.
Section 40-33-100. Issuance of restraining orders and cease and desist orders.
Section 40-33-110. Grounds for discipline of licensees.
Section 40-33-111. Reporting misconduct; review of findings of board.
Section 40-33-115. Jurisdiction of the board.
Section 40-33-120. Fines and other discipline; effective date; stay or supersedeas.
Section 40-33-130. Denial of licensure.
Section 40-33-140. Effect of criminal record.
Section 40-33-150. Surrender of license.
Section 40-33-160. Appeal; board decision not stayed pending appeal.
Section 40-33-180. Payment of costs and fines.
Section 40-33-190. Matters relating to complaint and proceeding privileged.
Section 40-33-200. Unauthorized practice; penalty.
Section 40-33-210. Civil action for injunctive relief.
Section 40-33-220. Severability.
Section 40-33-230. Licensure requirements for foreign-educated nurses.
Section 40-33-1300. Nurse Licensure Compact enacted.
Section 40-33-1305. Findings; purposes.
Section 40-33-1310. Definitions.
Section 40-33-1315. General provisions and jurisdiction.
Section 40-33-1320. Applications for licensure in a party state.
Section 40-33-1325. Additional authorities invested in party state licensing boards.
Section 40-33-1340. Coordinated licensure information system and exchange of information.
Section 40-33-1350. Rulemaking.
Section 40-33-1355. Oversight, dispute resolution and enforcement.
Section 40-33-1360. Effective date, withdrawal and amendment.