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Section 40-33-5. Application of Chapter 1, Article 1; conflicts. - Unless otherwise provided for in this chapter, Article 1, Chapter...
Section 40-33-10. State Board of Nursing; membership; seal; promulgation of regulations; powers and duties. - (A) There is created the State Board of Nursing composed...
Section 40-33-20. Definitions. - In addition to the definitions provided in Section 40-1-20, for...
Section 40-33-25. Criminal records checks; dishonored check as evidence of act of moral turpitude. - (A) In addition to other requirements established by law and...
Section 40-33-30. Licensing requirement; use of title "nurse"; exceptions; establishment of policies to cover special health care needs. - (A) A person may not practice nursing without an active...
Section 40-33-32. Initial licensure examination; foreign educated nurses. - (A) An applicant for initial licensure must pass the appropriate...
Section 40-33-33. Inactive status of certain licenses. - (A) When a licensed practical nurse becomes licensed as a...
Section 40-33-34. Performance of medical acts; qualifications; practice agreements; prescriptive authorization; anesthesia care; definitions. - (A) An advanced practice registered nurse applicant shall furnish evidence...
Section 40-33-35. Licensing of applicant authorized to practice in other states. - An applicant for a license who currently holds or has...
Section 40-33-36. Issuance of licenses; temporary or limited licenses. - (A) The board shall examine all candidates for licensure as...
Section 40-33-37. Volunteer licenses. - (A) The board may issue a volunteer license without a...
Section 40-33-38. Renewal of licenses. - (A) A license issued pursuant to this chapter may be...
Section 40-33-39. Identification badges. - A licensed nurse must clearly identify himself or herself as...
Section 40-33-40. Demonstration of competency for initial and renewal of licenses. - (A) Demonstration of competency for initial licensure requires documented evidence...
Section 40-33-41. Request for inactive status. - Upon request on a form provided by the board and...
Section 40-33-42. Delegation of tasks to unlicensed assistive personnel. - (A) An advanced practice registered nurse, registered nurse, or licensed...
Section 40-33-43. Provision of medications in certain facilities by selected unlicensed persons; creation of Medication Technician Certification Program; Medication Technician Registry. - In intermediate care facilities for persons with intellectual disability as...
Section 40-33-44. Exceptions to supervision requirements for licensed practical nurses. - Notwithstanding any other provision of law, requiring the practice of...
Section 40-33-50. Administrative support of board activities; establishment of fees. - (A) The Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation shall provide...
Section 40-33-70. Code of ethics. - Nurses shall conduct themselves in accordance with the code of...
Section 40-33-80. Investigation of complaints and violations. - The department shall investigate complaints and violations of this chapter...
Section 40-33-90. Administration of oaths. - In addition to the powers and duties enumerated in Section...
Section 40-33-100. Issuance of restraining orders and cease and desist orders. - Restraining orders and cease and desist orders may be issued...
Section 40-33-110. Grounds for discipline of licensees. - (A) In addition to the grounds provided in Section 40-1-110,...
Section 40-33-111. Reporting misconduct; review of findings of board. - (A) An employer, including an agency, or supervisor of nurses,...
Section 40-33-115. Jurisdiction of the board. - The board has jurisdiction over the acts and omissions of...
Section 40-33-116. Mental or physical examinations; consent to submit; review hearing; admissibility of medical records. - (A) If the board finds that probable cause exists that...
Section 40-33-120. Fines and other discipline; effective date; stay or supersedeas. - (A) In addition to the powers and duties enumerated in...
Section 40-33-130. Denial of licensure. - As provided in Section 40-1-130, the board may deny licensure...
Section 40-33-140. Effect of criminal record. - As provided for in Section 40-1-140, a license may not...
Section 40-33-150. Surrender of license. - A licensee under investigation for a violation of this chapter...
Section 40-33-160. Appeal; board decision not stayed pending appeal. - A person aggrieved by a final action of the board...
Section 40-33-170. Costs. - A person found in violation of this chapter or regulations...
Section 40-33-180. Payment of costs and fines. - All costs and fines imposed pursuant to this chapter must...
Section 40-33-190. Matters relating to complaint and proceeding privileged. - (A) No person connected with any complaint, investigation, or other...
Section 40-33-200. Unauthorized practice; penalty. - A person who practices or offers to practice nursing in...
Section 40-33-210. Civil action for injunctive relief. - The department, in addition to instituting a criminal proceeding, may...
Section 40-33-220. Severability. - If a provision of this chapter or the application of...
Section 40-33-230. Licensure requirements for foreign-educated nurses. - Beginning January 1, 2007, the State Board of Nursing shall...
Section 40-33-1300. Nurse Licensure Compact enacted. - The Nurse Licensure Compact is hereby enacted into law and...
Section 40-33-1305. Findings; purposes. - (A) The party states find that: (1) the health and...
Section 40-33-1310. Definitions. - As used in this article: (1) "Adverse action" means any...
Section 40-33-1315. General provisions and jurisdiction. - (A) A multistate license to practice registered or licensed practical/vocational...
Section 40-33-1320. Applications for licensure in a party state. - (A) Upon application for a multistate license, the licensing board...
Section 40-33-1325. Additional authorities invested in party state licensing boards. - (A) In addition to the other powers conferred by state...
Section 40-33-1330. Reserved. - HISTORY: Former Section, titled Actions by licensing board against licensee,...
Section 40-33-1335. Reserved. - HISTORY: Former Section, titled Powers of licensing board; recovery of...
Section 40-33-1340. Coordinated licensure information system and exchange of information. - (A) All party states shall participate in a coordinated licensure...
Section 40-33-1345. Establishment of the Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators. - (A) The party states hereby create and establish a joint...
Section 40-33-1350. Rulemaking. - (A) The commission shall exercise its rulemaking powers pursuant to...
Section 40-33-1355. Oversight, dispute resolution and enforcement. - (A) Oversight. (1) Each party state shall enforce this compact...
Section 40-33-1360. Effective date, withdrawal and amendment. - (A) This compact must become effective and binding on the...
Section 40-33-1365. Construction and severability. - This compact must be liberally construed so as to effectuate...