South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 8 - Consolidation Of Political Subdivisions
Section 4-8-30. Convening of commission; selection of officers; rules; quorum; compensation; expenses; employment of staff; contracts for special studies for preparation of charter.

(A) Within ten days following the appointment of all the members of the commission, it is the duty of the chairman of the county governing body to call an organizational meeting of the commission and to set the date, time, and location of the meeting.
(B) The first order of business at the organizational meeting is the election of the permanent chairman who must be elected by majority vote of the members of the commission.
(C) After organization and election of a permanent chairman, the commission shall elect a secretary, who need not be a member, and such other officers as it considers necessary. The commission shall adopt rules to govern the conduct of its business as it considers necessary. A majority of members of the commission constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business, but no recommendation of the commission may be included in the proposed charter unless adopted by a two-thirds vote of all of the members of the commission.
(D) The members of the commission shall receive no compensation for their services except reimbursement for actual expenses incurred by them in carrying out their duties as members of the commission. The governing body of the county and the governing bodies of municipalities and special purpose districts within the county are authorized to expend public funds in carrying out the provisions of this chapter.
(E) The commission is authorized to employ such staff and contract with such consultants as it considers necessary to conduct special studies and assemble information for preparation of the charter subject to the limitation of funds made available to it. No person who holds an elected public office may be employed by the commission.
HISTORY: 1992 Act No. 319, Section 3, eff April 8, 1992.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 4 - Counties

Chapter 8 - Consolidation Of Political Subdivisions

Section 4-8-10. Special purpose district defined.

Section 4-8-20. Authorization to create consolidated government charter commission; creation; membership and appointment; vacancies.

Section 4-8-30. Convening of commission; selection of officers; rules; quorum; compensation; expenses; employment of staff; contracts for special studies for preparation of charter.

Section 4-8-40. Preliminary study; draft of proposed charter; provisions allowable in proposed charter.

Section 4-8-50. Completion of studies and draft of charter within twelve months; extension of time.

Section 4-8-60. Matters involving public education not affected.

Section 4-8-70. Public hearings; notice; certification and filing of proposed charter; public nature of records; informing public.

Section 4-8-80. Election by all qualified voters of county; notice and publication; form of ballot.

Section 4-8-90. Presentation of consolidation question; adoption of charter; effect of unsuccessful election; conduct and expenses of election.

Section 4-8-95. Election of city or special purpose district to be excluded from consolidation.

Section 4-8-100. Certified copy of adopted charter for consolidation furnished to Secretary of State with election returns; proclamation of results.

Section 4-8-110. When government of consolidated political subdivision becomes effective; governing body to implement provisions of charter.

Section 4-8-120. Subsequent inclusion of municipality or special purpose district in consolidated political subdivision; referenda.

Section 4-8-130. Zoning ordinances and regulations not affected.

Section 4-8-140. Consolidated government, obligations and privileges; ownership of assets and property; inapplicability to municipality or special purpose district that does not approve charter.

Section 4-8-150. Furnishing of electric services within consolidated political subdivision.