Antifreeze shall be deemed to be misbranded:
(a) If it does not bear a label which, (1) specifies the identity of the product, (2) states the name and place of business of the registrant, (3) states the net quantity of contents, in terms of liquid measure, separately and accurately in a uniform location upon the principal display panel, and (4) contains a statement warning of any hazard of substantial injury to human beings which may result from the intended use or reasonably foreseeable misuse of the antifreeze.
(b) If the product is to be diluted with another substance for use and the label on a container of less than five gallons, or the labeling for a container of five gallons or more, does not contain a statement or chart showing the appropriate amount, percentage, proportion or concentration of the antifreeze to be used to provide (1) claimed protection from freezing at a specified degree of temperature, (2) claimed protection from corrosion, or (3) claimed increase of boiling point or protection from overheating.
(c) If its labeling contains any claim that it has been approved or recommended by the Commissioner.
(d) If its labeling is false, deceptive, or misleading.
HISTORY: 1975 (59) 567.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Section 39-51-10. Short title.
Section 39-51-20. Definitions.
Section 39-51-30. Commissioner of Agriculture shall administer chapter.
Section 39-51-50. Anti-freeze deemed adulterated.
Section 39-51-60. Anti-freeze deemed misbranded.
Section 39-51-80. Inspection; analysis of antifreeze.
Section 39-51-90. Unlawful acts.
Section 39-51-110. Commissioner may require disclosure of formula of antifreeze.