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Section 39-51-10. Short title. - This chapter shall be known as the "South Carolina Antifreeze...
Section 39-51-20. Definitions. - As used in this chapter. (a)(1) "Antifreeze" means any substance...
Section 39-51-30. Commissioner of Agriculture shall administer chapter. - This chapter shall be administered by the Commissioner of Agriculture...
Section 39-51-40. Application for registration for anti-freeze; issuance of or refusal to issue certificate of registration. - On or before the first day of January of each...
Section 39-51-50. Anti-freeze deemed adulterated. - Antifreeze shall be deemed to be adulterated: (a) If, in...
Section 39-51-60. Anti-freeze deemed misbranded. - Antifreeze shall be deemed to be misbranded: (a) If it...
Section 39-51-70. Promulgation of rules and regulations; cooperation with state agencies and with other states. - (a) The Commissioner, after due notice to interested persons, is...
Section 39-51-80. Inspection; analysis of antifreeze. - The Commissioner, or his authorized agent, shall have the right...
Section 39-51-90. Unlawful acts. - It shall be unlawful to: (a) Distribute any antifreeze which...
Section 39-51-100. Stop sale or withdrawal from distribution order; release of antifreeze upon compliance; condemnation procedure. - (a) When the Commissioner finds any antifreeze being distributed in...
Section 39-51-110. Commissioner may require disclosure of formula of antifreeze. - The Commissioner may, if required for the analysis of antifreeze...
Section 39-51-120. Penalties. - Except where otherwise provided by this chapter, any person who...