(a) When the Commissioner finds any antifreeze being distributed in violation of Section 39-51-90 or any rule of the Department of Agriculture, he may issue and enforce a written or printed "stop sale" or "withdrawal from distribution" order, warning the distributor not to dispose of any of the lot of antifreeze in any manner until written permission is given by the Commissioner or the court. Copies of such orders shall also be sent by registered mail to the registrant and to the person whose name and address appears on the labeling of the antifreeze. The Commissioner shall release for distribution the lot of antifreeze so withdrawn when the provisions of Section 39-51-90 and applicable rules are complied with. If compliance is not obtained within thirty days, the Commissioner may begin proceedings for condemnation.
(b) Any lot of antifreeze not in compliance with such provisions and regulations shall be subject to seizure upon complaint of the Commissioner, or any of his agents, to the circuit court in the county in which such antifreeze is located. In the event the court finds the antifreeze to be in violation of this chapter, it may then order the condemnation of such antifreeze and it shall be disposed of in any manner consistent with the rules and regulations of the Commissioner and the laws of the State; provided, however, that in no instance shall the disposition of such antifreeze be ordered by the court without first giving twenty days' notice, by registered mail at his last known address, to the owner, if he is known to the Commissioner and to the registrant, if the antifreeze is registered, at the address shown on the label or on the registration certificate, so that such persons may apply to the court for the release of such antifreeze or for permission to process or relabel such antifreeze so as to bring it into compliance with this chapter.
(c) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as requiring the Commissioner to institute legal proceedings whenever he believes that the public interest will be best served by a suitable notice of warning in writing to the registrant or the person whose name and address appears in the label.
HISTORY: 1975 (59) 567.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Section 39-51-10. Short title.
Section 39-51-20. Definitions.
Section 39-51-30. Commissioner of Agriculture shall administer chapter.
Section 39-51-50. Anti-freeze deemed adulterated.
Section 39-51-60. Anti-freeze deemed misbranded.
Section 39-51-80. Inspection; analysis of antifreeze.
Section 39-51-90. Unlawful acts.
Section 39-51-110. Commissioner may require disclosure of formula of antifreeze.