On or before the first day of January of each year, and before any antifreeze may be distributed, the manufacturer, packager, or person whose name appears on the label shall make application to the Commissioner on forms provided by him for registration for each brand of antifreeze which he desires to distribute. The application shall be accompanied by specimens or facsimiles of its labeling, an inspection fee of fifty dollars for each product, and a properly labeled sample of the antifreeze. The Commissioner may inspect, test, or analyze the antifreeze and review the labeling. If the antifreeze is not adulterated or misbranded the Commissioner shall issue a certificate of registration, authorizing the distribution of such antifreeze in this State for the permit year. If the antifreeze is adulterated or misbranded, the Commission shall refuse to register the antifreeze, and he shall return the application to the applicant, stating how the antifreeze or labeling is not in conformity. All inspection fees received by the Commissioner shall be remitted to the general funds of the State.
HISTORY: 1975 (59) 567.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Section 39-51-10. Short title.
Section 39-51-20. Definitions.
Section 39-51-30. Commissioner of Agriculture shall administer chapter.
Section 39-51-50. Anti-freeze deemed adulterated.
Section 39-51-60. Anti-freeze deemed misbranded.
Section 39-51-80. Inspection; analysis of antifreeze.
Section 39-51-90. Unlawful acts.
Section 39-51-110. Commissioner may require disclosure of formula of antifreeze.