South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 15 - Labels And Trademarks
Section 39-15-1120. Application, registration of mark, examination and amendment.

(A) Upon the filing of an application for registration and payment of the application fee, the secretary may examine the application for conformity with this article.
(B) The applicant shall provide additional pertinent information requested by the secretary including a description of a design mark and may make or authorize the secretary to make amendments to the application as may be reasonably requested by the secretary or considered by the applicant to be advisable to respond to a rejection or objection.
(C) The secretary may require the applicant to disclaim an unregisterable component of a mark otherwise registerable, and an applicant may voluntarily disclaim a component of a mark sought to be registered. No disclaimer may prejudice or affect the applicant's or registrant's rights then existing or thereafter arising in the disclaimed matter or the applicant's or registrant's rights of registration on another application if the disclaimed matter is or becomes distinctive of the applicant's or registrant's goods or services.
(D) Amendments may be made by the secretary to the application submitted by the applicant with the applicant's consent, or the secretary may require that the applicant submit a fresh application.
(E) If the applicant is found not to be entitled to registration, the secretary shall notify the applicant of this and of the reasons registration was denied. The applicant must be given a reasonable period of time specified by the secretary in which to reply or to amend the application, after which the application must be reexamined. This procedure may be repeated until the secretary finally refuses registration of the mark or the applicant fails to reply or amend within the specified period, at which time the application is deemed to have been abandoned.
(F) If the secretary finally refuses registration of the mark, the applicant may appeal the decision to the circuit court in Richland County in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act without costs to the secretary.
(G) In the instance of applications concurrently being processed by the secretary seeking registration of the same or confusingly similar marks for the same or related goods or services, the secretary shall grant priority to the applications in order of filing. If a prior-filed application is granted a registration, the other application or applications must be rejected. A rejected applicant may bring an action for cancellation of the registration upon grounds of prior or superior rights to the mark in accordance with Section 39-15-1145 of this article.
HISTORY: 1994 Act No. 486, Section 1, eff 3 months after July 13, 1994.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 39 - Trade and Commerce

Chapter 15 - Labels And Trademarks

Section 39-15-10. Use of marked beer, soda water, or mineral water containers.

Section 39-15-15. Requirements for labeling product as "peat"; penalties.

Section 39-15-20. Fraud in sale of goods marked "sterling".

Section 39-15-30. Fraud in sale of goods marked "coin" or "coin silver".

Section 39-15-40. Penalties.

Section 39-15-410. Adoption and use of individual brands or marks.

Section 39-15-420. Registration of mark or brand with Secretary of State; registered number.

Section 39-15-430. Issuance of certificate; fees; admissibility of certificate as evidence.

Section 39-15-440. Transfer, release, or sale of brand or mark; records.

Section 39-15-450. Effect of use of brand or mark.

Section 39-15-460. Unauthorized alteration, change, removal, or obliteration of registered mark or brand.

Section 39-15-470. Purchase or receipt of containers marked or branded from other than registered owner.

Section 39-15-480. Unauthorized possession of marked or branded containers.

Section 39-15-490. Effect of refusal to deliver containers to lawful owner.

Section 39-15-500. Taking or sending containers out of State without consent of owner.

Section 39-15-510. Situation in which article is inapplicable.

Section 39-15-520. Article is cumulative.

Section 39-15-710. Definitions.

Section 39-15-720. Authority to use trademark on timber.

Section 39-15-730. Purchaser's lien on branded timber.

Section 39-15-740. Loss of lien upon default in payments; removal of brand.

Section 39-15-750. Destruction of brand; removal or transfer of timber.

Section 39-15-910. Use of name or trade name in advertising.

Section 39-15-920. Penalties.

Section 39-15-1105. Definitions.

Section 39-15-1110. Registration of distinguishing mark for goods or services; exceptions.

Section 39-15-1115. Registration of mark; required information.

Section 39-15-1120. Application, registration of mark, examination and amendment.

Section 39-15-1125. Certificate of registration; issuance; admissibility as evidence.

Section 39-15-1130. Effective period, registration of mark; renewal.

Section 39-15-1135. Mark and registration, assignment; change of name; recording.

Section 39-15-1140. Registered or renewed marks, public record.

Section 39-15-1145. Registration of mark, cancellation from register; conditions.

Section 39-15-1150. Goods and services, classification.

Section 39-15-1155. Fraudulent filing, registration of mark; liability.

Section 39-15-1160. Liability for unapproved use.

Section 39-15-1165. Famous mark; factors used in determining; injunctive or other relief against use by another.

Section 39-15-1170. Action to enjoin counterfeit or imitation use of registered mark; damages.

Section 39-15-1175. Action for cancellation of registered mark or appeal from refusal to register; process in action against nonresident.

Section 39-15-1180. Rights in marks not adversely affected by article.

Section 39-15-1185. Application fees.

Section 39-15-1190. Sale of goods or services with counterfeit mark; production or reproduction of counterfeit mark; penalties.

Section 39-15-1195. Seizure and forfeiture; storage and maintenance of seized property; reports to prosecuting agencies; return of items.