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Section 39-15-10. Use of marked beer, soda water, or mineral water containers. - It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the...
Section 39-15-15. Requirements for labeling product as "peat"; penalties. - (A) It is unlawful for a person engaged in the...
Section 39-15-20. Fraud in sale of goods marked "sterling". - A person who makes, sells, offers to sell or dispose...
Section 39-15-30. Fraud in sale of goods marked "coin" or "coin silver". - A person who makes, sells, offers to sell or dispose...
Section 39-15-40. Penalties. - Whoever violates any of the provisions of Section 39-15-20 or...
Section 39-15-410. Adoption and use of individual brands or marks. - Any person being the owner of field boxes, crates, containers...
Section 39-15-420. Registration of mark or brand with Secretary of State; registered number. - Any person desiring to avail himself of the benefits of...
Section 39-15-430. Issuance of certificate; fees; admissibility of certificate as evidence. - Such application for filing and recording shall be accompanied by...
Section 39-15-440. Transfer, release, or sale of brand or mark; records. - The owner of any such registered mark or brand may...
Section 39-15-450. Effect of use of brand or mark. - The presence of such identifying mark or brand on any...
Section 39-15-460. Unauthorized alteration, change, removal, or obliteration of registered mark or brand. - If any person shall alter, change, remove or obliterate the...
Section 39-15-470. Purchase or receipt of containers marked or branded from other than registered owner. - It is unlawful for a person to receive or purchase...
Section 39-15-480. Unauthorized possession of marked or branded containers. - Any person who shall have in his unauthorized possession any...
Section 39-15-490. Effect of refusal to deliver containers to lawful owner. - The refusal of any person in possession thereof to deliver...
Section 39-15-500. Taking or sending containers out of State without consent of owner. - Any person who shall take or send out of the...
Section 39-15-510. Situation in which article is inapplicable. - The provisions of this article shall not be construed to...
Section 39-15-520. Article is cumulative. - The provisions of this article shall be cumulative to all...
Section 39-15-710. Definitions. - (1) The terms "owner" and "purchaser" as used in this...
Section 39-15-720. Authority to use trademark on timber. - A person who has adopted or used a label, trademark,...
Section 39-15-730. Purchaser's lien on branded timber. - When any owner of timber shall agree to sell it,...
Section 39-15-740. Loss of lien upon default in payments; removal of brand. - The lien of the purchaser upon such timber when the...
Section 39-15-750. Destruction of brand; removal or transfer of timber. - The owner of such timber or any other person who...
Section 39-15-910. Use of name or trade name in advertising. - Household goods carriers in intrastate commerce shall not use any...
Section 39-15-920. Penalties. - Any carrier violating the provisions of this article shall be...
Section 39-15-1105. Definitions. - As used in this article: (1) "Applicant" means the person...
Section 39-15-1110. Registration of distinguishing mark for goods or services; exceptions. - (A) A mark by which the goods or services of...
Section 39-15-1115. Registration of mark; required information. - (A) Subject to the limitations set forth in this article,...
Section 39-15-1120. Application, registration of mark, examination and amendment. - (A) Upon the filing of an application for registration and...
Section 39-15-1125. Certificate of registration; issuance; admissibility as evidence. - (A) Upon compliance by the applicant with the requirements of...
Section 39-15-1130. Effective period, registration of mark; renewal. - (A) A registration of a mark is effective for five...
Section 39-15-1135. Mark and registration, assignment; change of name; recording. - (A) A mark and its registration under this article is...
Section 39-15-1140. Registered or renewed marks, public record. - The secretary shall keep for public examination a record of...
Section 39-15-1145. Registration of mark, cancellation from register; conditions. - The secretary shall cancel from the register, in whole or...
Section 39-15-1150. Goods and services, classification. - (A) The general classification of goods and services provided for...
Section 39-15-1155. Fraudulent filing, registration of mark; liability. - A person who procures or who on behalf of another...
Section 39-15-1160. Liability for unapproved use. - (A) Subject to Section 39-15-1180 and subsection (B) of this...
Section 39-15-1165. Famous mark; factors used in determining; injunctive or other relief against use by another. - (A) The owner of a mark which is famous in...
Section 39-15-1170. Action to enjoin counterfeit or imitation use of registered mark; damages. - (A) An owner of a mark registered under this article...
Section 39-15-1175. Action for cancellation of registered mark or appeal from refusal to register; process in action against nonresident. - (A) An action to require cancellation of a mark registered...
Section 39-15-1180. Rights in marks not adversely affected by article. - Nothing in this article may adversely affect the rights or...
Section 39-15-1185. Application fees. - The secretary shall charge a fee of fifteen dollars for...
Section 39-15-1190. Sale of goods or services with counterfeit mark; production or reproduction of counterfeit mark; penalties. - (A) For purposes of this section: (1) "Counterfeit mark" means...
Section 39-15-1195. Seizure and forfeiture; storage and maintenance of seized property; reports to prosecuting agencies; return of items. - (A) The following property is subject to seizure by and...