A duplicate or any other document of title purporting to cover goods already represented by an outstanding document of the same issuer does not confer any right in the goods, except as provided in the case of tangible bills of lading in a set of parts, overissue of documents for fungible goods, substitutes for lost, stolen or destroyed documents, or substitute documents issued pursuant to Section 36-7-105. The issuer is liable for damages caused by its overissue or failure to identify a duplicate document as such by conspicuous notation.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 10.7-402; 1966 (54) 2716; 2014 Act No. 213 (S.343), Section 2, eff October 1, 2014.
Prior Uniform Statutory Provision: Former Section 7-402.
Changes: Changes to accommodate electronic documents.
1. This section treats a duplicate which is not properly identified as a duplicate like any other overissue of documents: a purchaser of such a document acquires no title but only a cause of action for damages against the person that made the deception possible, except in the cases noted in the section. But parts of a tangible bill lawfully issued in a set of parts are not "overissue" (Section 7-304). Of course, if the issuer has clearly indicated that a document is a duplicate so that no one can be deceived by it, and in fact the duplicate is a correct copy of the original, the issuer is not liable for preparing and delivering such a duplicate copy.
Section 7-105 allows documents of title to be reissued in another medium. Re-issuance of a document in an alternative medium under Section 7-105 requires that the original document be surrendered to the issuer in order to make the substitute document the effective document. If the substitute document is not issued in compliance with section 7-105, then the document should be treated as a duplicate under this section.
2. The section applies to nonnegotiable documents to the extent of providing an action for damages for one who acquires an unmarked duplicate from a transferor who knew the facts and would therefore have had no cause of action against the issuer of the duplicate. Ordinarily the transferee of a nonnegotiable document acquires only the rights of its transferor.
3. Overissue is defined so as to exclude the common situation where two valid documents of different issuers are outstanding for the same goods at the same time. Thus freight forwarders commonly issue bills of lading to their customers for small shipments to be combined into carload shipments for which the railroad will issue a bill of lading to the forwarder. So also a warehouse receipt may be outstanding against goods, and the holder of the receipt may issue delivery orders against the same goods. In these cases dealings with the subsequently issued documents may be effective to transfer title; e.g. negotiation of a delivery order will effectively transfer title in the ordinary case where no dishonesty has occurred and the goods are available to satisfy the orders. Section 7-503 provides for cases of conflict between documents of different issuers.
Cross References:
Point 1: Sections 7-105, 7-207, 7-304, and 7-601.
Point 3: Section 7-503.
Definitional Cross References:
"Bill of lading". Section 1-201.
"Conspicuous". Section 1-201.
"Document of title". Section 1-201.
"Fungible goods." Section 1-201.
"Goods". Section 7-102.
"Issuer". Section 7-102.
"Right". Section 1-201.
Editor's Note
2014 Act No. 213, Section 51, provides as follows:
"SECTION 51. This act becomes effective on October 1, 2014. It applies to transactions entered into and events occurring after that date."
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 7 - Commercial Code - Warehouse Receipts, Bills Of Lading And Other Documents Of Title
Section 36-7-101. Short title.
Section 36-7-102. Definitions and index of definitions.
Section 36-7-103. Relation of chapter to treaty, statute, tariff, classification or regulation.
Section 36-7-105. Reissuance in alternative medium.
Section 36-7-106. Control of electronic document of title.
Section 36-7-201. Who may issue a warehouse receipt; storage under government bond.
Section 36-7-202. Form of warehouse receipt; essential terms; optional terms.
Section 36-7-203. Liability for nonreceipt or misdescription.
Section 36-7-204. Duty of care; contractual limitation of warehouse's liability.
Section 36-7-205. Title under warehouse receipt defeated in certain cases.
Section 36-7-206. Termination of storage at warehouse's option.
Section 36-7-207. Goods must be kept separate; fungible goods.
Section 36-7-208. Altered warehouse receipts.
Section 36-7-209. Lien of warehouse.
Section 36-7-210. Enforcement of warehouse's Lien.
Section 36-7-302. Through bills of lading and similar documents.
Section 36-7-303. Diversion; reconsignment; change of instructions.
Section 36-7-304. Tangible bills of lading in a set.
Section 36-7-305. Destination bills.
Section 36-7-306. Altered bills of lading.
Section 36-7-307. Lien of carrier.
Section 36-7-308. Enforcement of carrier's lien.
Section 36-7-309. Duty of care; contractual limitation of carrier's liability.
Section 36-7-401. Irregularities in issue of receipt or bill or conduct of issuer.
Section 36-7-402. Duplicate document of title; overissue.
Section 36-7-403. Obligation of bailee to deliver; excuse.
Section 36-7-404. No liability for good-faith delivery pursuant to document of title.
Section 36-7-501. Form of negotiation and requirements of "due negotiation".
Section 36-7-502. Rights acquired by due negotiation.
Section 36-7-503. Document of title to goods defeated in certain cases.
Section 36-7-505. Indorser not a guarantor for other parties.
Section 36-7-506. Delivery without indorsement; right to compel indorsement.
Section 36-7-507. Warranties on negotiation or delivery of document of title.
Section 36-7-508. Warranties of collecting bank as to documents of title.
Section 36-7-509. Adequate compliance with commercial contract.
Section 36-7-601. Lost, stolen, or destroyed documents of title.
Section 36-7-602. Judicial process against goods covered by negotiable document of title.