The stenographer appointed under the provision of Section 14-15-70 shall receive the same compensation as that allowed by law to the official stenographer in proportion to the time of service, to be paid out of the county treasury upon the warrant of the clerk of the court, approved by the presiding judge, and also the usual fees for copies of testimony and reports of court proceedings to be paid by the parties ordering the same.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 15-1907; 1952 Code Section 15-1907; 1942 Code Section 49; 1932 Code Section 49; Civ. P. '22 Section 47; Civ. C. '12 Section 3846; Civ. C. '02 Section 2749; 1900 (23) 329.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 15 - Court Stenographers And Bailiffs
Section 14-15-10. Appointment, term, and removal of court stenographer.
Section 14-15-30. Duties of stenographers.
Section 14-15-40. Fees of stenographers.
Section 14-15-50. Rules for stenographers in the seventh circuit.
Section 14-15-60. Appointment and compensation of special stenographers.
Section 14-15-70. Stenographer for special term of court.
Section 14-15-80. Compensation of stenographer appointed for special term of court.
Section 14-15-210. Bailiffs; appointment, number and removal.