In all judicial circuits of the State which have a population of more than one hundred seventy-five thousand persons, as determined by the latest official United States census, the resident circuit judge may appoint an assistant court stenographer whose duties, compensation and term of office shall be the same as provided for chief stenographers in Sections 14-15-10, 14-15-30 and 14-15-40. Provided, that assistant court stenographers shall be available for assignment in other judicial circuits to substitute for regular stenographers who are sick or otherwise incapacitated. The Chief Justice shall make such assignments.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 15-1901.1; 1967 (55) 584.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 15 - Court Stenographers And Bailiffs
Section 14-15-10. Appointment, term, and removal of court stenographer.
Section 14-15-30. Duties of stenographers.
Section 14-15-40. Fees of stenographers.
Section 14-15-50. Rules for stenographers in the seventh circuit.
Section 14-15-60. Appointment and compensation of special stenographers.
Section 14-15-70. Stenographer for special term of court.
Section 14-15-80. Compensation of stenographer appointed for special term of court.
Section 14-15-210. Bailiffs; appointment, number and removal.