The Court Stenographers shall, in addition to their salaries, receive such fees for all transcripts furnished litigants as shall be provided by rule of the Supreme Court. The Court Reporters shall furnish a transcript of any case or any part thereof, after a demand for same has been made, within such time period as the Supreme Court shall provide by rule. Any sum so paid by any party for the transcript of any case or any part thereof shall be considered a necessary disbursement in the taxation of cost.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 15-1903; 1952 Code Section 15-1903; 1942 Code Section 596; 1932 Code Section 596; Civ. P. '22 Section 536; Civ. P. '12 Section 315; Civ. P. '02 Sections 277, 278; 1906 (25) 7; 1910 (26) 713; 1912 (27) 767, 774; 1919 (31) 101; 1943 (43) 216; 1951 (47) 506; 1977 Act No. 219 Pt II Section 18.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 15 - Court Stenographers And Bailiffs
Section 14-15-10. Appointment, term, and removal of court stenographer.
Section 14-15-30. Duties of stenographers.
Section 14-15-40. Fees of stenographers.
Section 14-15-50. Rules for stenographers in the seventh circuit.
Section 14-15-60. Appointment and compensation of special stenographers.
Section 14-15-70. Stenographer for special term of court.
Section 14-15-80. Compensation of stenographer appointed for special term of court.
Section 14-15-210. Bailiffs; appointment, number and removal.