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Section 14-15-10. Appointment, term, and removal of court stenographer. - There shall be at least one court stenographer for each...
Section 14-15-15. Court reporters employed by Judicial Department subject to removal by Department or judge only for just cause; filling vacancies. - Notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary, all court...
Section 14-15-20. Assistant court stenographers may be appointed for certain judicial circuits; use as substitutes in other circuits. - In all judicial circuits of the State which have a...
Section 14-15-30. Duties of stenographers. - Every stenographer so appointed, under the direction of the presiding...
Section 14-15-40. Fees of stenographers. - The Court Stenographers shall, in addition to their salaries, receive...
Section 14-15-50. Rules for stenographers in the seventh circuit. - The resident circuit judge of the seventh judicial circuit may...
Section 14-15-60. Appointment and compensation of special stenographers. - The circuit judges of this State may appoint a special...
Section 14-15-70. Stenographer for special term of court. - The presiding judge at any special term of the circuit...
Section 14-15-80. Compensation of stenographer appointed for special term of court. - The stenographer appointed under the provision of Section 14-15-70 shall...
Section 14-15-210. Bailiffs; appointment, number and removal. - The sheriffs of the respective counties in this State shall...