Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.315 - Organization and Reorganization of School Districts.
28A.315.265 - Adjustment of bonded indebtedness—Order—Special elections.

RCW 28A.315.265
Adjustment of bonded indebtedness—Order—Special elections.

If adjustments of bonded indebtedness are made between or among school districts in connection with the alteration of the boundaries of the school districts under this chapter, the order of the educational service district superintendent establishing the terms of adjustment of bonded indebtedness shall provide and specify:
(1) In every case where bonded indebtedness is transferred from one school district to another school district:
(a) That such bonded indebtedness is assumed by the school district to which it is transferred;
(b) That thereafter such bonded indebtedness shall be the obligation of the school district to which it is transferred;
(c) That, if the terms of adjustment so provide, any bonded indebtedness thereafter incurred by such transferee school district through the sale of bonds authorized before the date its boundaries were altered shall be the obligation of such school district including the territory added thereto; and
(d) That taxes shall be levied thereafter against the taxable property located within such school district as it is constituted after its boundaries were altered, the taxes to be levied at the times and in the amounts required to pay the principal of and the interest on the bonded indebtedness assumed or incurred, as the same become due and payable.
(2) In computing the debt limitation of any school district from which or to which bonded indebtedness has been transferred, the amount of transferred bonded indebtedness at any time outstanding:
(a) Shall be an offset against and deducted from the total bonded indebtedness, if any, of the school district from which the bonded indebtedness was transferred; and
(b) Shall be deemed to be bonded indebtedness solely of the transferee school district that assumed the indebtedness.
(3) In every case where adjustments of bonded indebtedness do not provide for transfer of bonded indebtedness from one school district to another school district:
(a) That the existing bonded indebtedness of each school district, the boundaries of which are altered and any bonded indebtedness incurred by each such school district through the sale of bonds authorized before the date its boundaries were altered is the obligation of the school district in its reduced or enlarged form, as the case may be; and
(b) That taxes shall be levied thereafter against the taxable property located within each such school district in its reduced or enlarged form, as the case may be, at the times and in the amounts required to pay the principal of and interest on such bonded indebtedness as the same become due and payable.
(4) If a change in school district organization approved by the regional committee concerns a proposal to form a new school district or if a change in school district organization includes a proposal for adjustment of voted general obligation bonded indebtedness, a special election of the voters residing within the territory of the proposed new district, or of the school district involved in a proposal for adjustment of bonded indebtedness as the case may be, shall be held for the purpose of affording those voters an opportunity to approve or reject such proposals as concern or affect them.
(5) In a case involving both the question of the formation of a new school district and the question of adjustment of bonded indebtedness, the questions may be submitted to the voters either in the form of a single proposition or as separate propositions, whichever seems expedient to the educational service district superintendent. When the regional committee has passed appropriate resolutions for the questions to be submitted and the educational service district superintendent has given notice thereof to the county auditor, the special election shall be called and conducted, and the returns canvassed as in regular school district elections.

[ 2012 c 186 § 11; 1999 c 315 § 703.]

Effective date—2012 c 186: See note following RCW 28A.315.025.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.315 - Organization and Reorganization of School Districts.

28A.315.005 - Governance structure.

28A.315.015 - Purpose—Policy.

28A.315.025 - Definitions.

28A.315.035 - Organization of school districts.

28A.315.045 - Reorganization.

28A.315.055 - Conflicting or incorrectly described school district boundaries.

28A.315.065 - District boundary changes—Filing with county auditor.

28A.315.085 - Personnel and supplies—Reimbursement.

28A.315.095 - Regional committees—Powers and duties.

28A.315.105 - Regional committees—Appointment and terms of members—New regional committees.

28A.315.115 - Regional committees—Membership limitation.

28A.315.155 - Regional committees—Members' expenses reimbursed.

28A.315.165 - Regional committees—Organization, meetings, quorum.

28A.315.175 - Superintendent of public instruction—Powers and duties.

28A.315.185 - Annual training.

28A.315.195 - Transfer of territory by petition—Requirements—Rules.

28A.315.199 - Transfer of territory or dissolution of financially insolvent school district by petition—Notification to affected districts—Mediation—Request for hearing—Notification to regional committee—Costs.

28A.315.205 - Transfer of territory or dissolution by petition—Regional committee responsibilities—Rules—Appeals.

28A.315.215 - Transfer of territory or annexation of financially insolvent district by agreement or order—Approval—Order—Previously approved and imposed excess tax levies.

28A.315.221 - Financial oversight committee—Membership—Review of financially insolvent districts—Enhanced financial monitoring—Rules.

28A.315.225 - Dissolution and annexation of certain districts—Dissolution of financially insolvent districts—Annexation of nondistrict property.

28A.315.229 - Employment contracts and collective bargaining agreements in dissolved financially insolvent districts.

28A.315.235 - Consolidation—Petition.

28A.315.245 - Adjustment of assets and liabilities.

28A.315.255 - Adjustment of indebtedness.

28A.315.265 - Adjustment of bonded indebtedness—Order—Special elections.

28A.315.275 - Notice of elections.

28A.315.285 - Special election—Determination—Order—Certification.

28A.315.295 - Rejection of proposal.

28A.315.305 - School district organizational changes—Corporate existence—Payment of bonded indebtedness—Levy authority—Levy requirements for dissolved or annexed financially insolvent school districts.

28A.315.308 - School district organization changes—Adjustment of school district assets and liabilities—School districts in two or more educational service districts.

28A.315.311 - Validation of proceedings to effect dissolution, annexation, consolidation, or transfer of territory between districts.

28A.315.315 - Appeal.

28A.315.325 - Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.

28A.315.902 - Rule-making authority—2012 c 186.