Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.315 - Organization and Reorganization of School Districts.
28A.315.025 - Definitions.

RCW 28A.315.025

As used in this chapter:
(1) "Change in the organization and extent of school districts" means the formation and establishment of new school districts, the dissolution of existing school districts, the alteration of the boundaries of existing school districts, or all of them.
(2) "Educational service district superintendent" means the educational service district superintendent as provided for in RCW 28A.310.170 or his or her designee.
(3) "Financial oversight committee" means a committee convened pursuant to RCW 28A.315.221.
(4) "Financially insolvent district" means a school district that:
(a) Has been on binding conditions pursuant to RCW 28A.505.110 for two consecutive years and is unable to prepare a satisfactory financial plan; or
(b) Is reasonably foreseeable and likely to have a deficit general fund balance within three years and is unable to prepare a satisfactory financial plan.
(5) "Regional committee" means the regional committee on school district organization created by this chapter.
(6) "Satisfactory financial plan" means a plan approved by the superintendent of public instruction and the educational service district where a school district is located demonstrating the school district will have an adequate fund balance at the end of the plan period relying on:
(a) Currently available revenue streams provided by federal, state, or local resources; or
(b) Other revenue streams determined reasonably reliable by the educational service district where the school district is located.
(7) "School district" means the territory under the jurisdiction of a single governing board designated and referred to as the board of directors.

[ 2012 c 186 § 1; 2006 c 263 § 505; 1990 c 33 § 293; 1985 c 385 § 1; 1983 c 3 § 33; 1975 1st ex.s. c 275 § 78; 1971 c 48 § 25; 1969 ex.s. c 223 § 28A.57.020. Prior: 1955 c 395 § 1; 1947 c 266 § 2; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 4693-21. Formerly RCW 28A.315.020, 28A.57.020, 28.57.020.]

Reviser's note: The definitions in this section have been alphabetized pursuant to RCW 1.08.015(2)(k).

Effective date—2012 c 186: "This act takes effect September 1, 2012." [ 2012 c 186 § 26.]

Findings—Purpose—Part headings not law—2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.

Severability—1985 c 385: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1985 c 385 § 41.]

Severability—1971 c 48: See note following RCW 28A.310.250.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.315 - Organization and Reorganization of School Districts.

28A.315.005 - Governance structure.

28A.315.015 - Purpose—Policy.

28A.315.025 - Definitions.

28A.315.035 - Organization of school districts.

28A.315.045 - Reorganization.

28A.315.055 - Conflicting or incorrectly described school district boundaries.

28A.315.065 - District boundary changes—Filing with county auditor.

28A.315.085 - Personnel and supplies—Reimbursement.

28A.315.095 - Regional committees—Powers and duties.

28A.315.105 - Regional committees—Appointment and terms of members—New regional committees.

28A.315.115 - Regional committees—Membership limitation.

28A.315.155 - Regional committees—Members' expenses reimbursed.

28A.315.165 - Regional committees—Organization, meetings, quorum.

28A.315.175 - Superintendent of public instruction—Powers and duties.

28A.315.185 - Annual training.

28A.315.195 - Transfer of territory by petition—Requirements—Rules.

28A.315.199 - Transfer of territory or dissolution of financially insolvent school district by petition—Notification to affected districts—Mediation—Request for hearing—Notification to regional committee—Costs.

28A.315.205 - Transfer of territory or dissolution by petition—Regional committee responsibilities—Rules—Appeals.

28A.315.215 - Transfer of territory or annexation of financially insolvent district by agreement or order—Approval—Order—Previously approved and imposed excess tax levies.

28A.315.221 - Financial oversight committee—Membership—Review of financially insolvent districts—Enhanced financial monitoring—Rules.

28A.315.225 - Dissolution and annexation of certain districts—Dissolution of financially insolvent districts—Annexation of nondistrict property.

28A.315.229 - Employment contracts and collective bargaining agreements in dissolved financially insolvent districts.

28A.315.235 - Consolidation—Petition.

28A.315.245 - Adjustment of assets and liabilities.

28A.315.255 - Adjustment of indebtedness.

28A.315.265 - Adjustment of bonded indebtedness—Order—Special elections.

28A.315.275 - Notice of elections.

28A.315.285 - Special election—Determination—Order—Certification.

28A.315.295 - Rejection of proposal.

28A.315.305 - School district organizational changes—Corporate existence—Payment of bonded indebtedness—Levy authority—Levy requirements for dissolved or annexed financially insolvent school districts.

28A.315.308 - School district organization changes—Adjustment of school district assets and liabilities—School districts in two or more educational service districts.

28A.315.311 - Validation of proceedings to effect dissolution, annexation, consolidation, or transfer of territory between districts.

28A.315.315 - Appeal.

28A.315.325 - Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.

28A.315.902 - Rule-making authority—2012 c 186.