Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.315 - Organization and Reorganization of School Districts.
28A.315.015 - Purpose—Policy.

RCW 28A.315.015

(1) It is the purpose of this chapter to:
(a) Incorporate into a single, comprehensive, school district organization law all essential provisions governing:
(i) The formation and establishment of new school districts;
(ii) The alteration of the boundaries of existing districts; and
(iii) The adjustment of the assets and liabilities of school districts when changes are made under this chapter; and
(b) Establish methods and procedures whereby changes in the school district system may be brought about by the people concerned and affected.
(2) It is the state's policy that decisions on proposed changes in school district organization should be made, whenever possible, by negotiated agreement between the affected school districts. If the districts cannot agree, the decision shall be made by the regional committees on school district organization, based on the committees' best judgment, taking into consideration the following factors and factors under RCW 28A.315.205:
(a) A balance of local petition requests and the needs of the statewide community at large in a manner that advances the best interest of public education in the affected school districts and communities, the educational service district, and the state;
(b) Responsibly serving all of the affected citizens and students by contributing to logical service boundaries and recognizing a changing economic pattern within the educational service districts of the state;
(c) Enhancing the educational opportunities of pupils in the territory by reducing existing disparities among the affected school districts' ability to provide operating and capital funds through an equitable adjustment of the assets and liabilities of the affected districts;
(d) Promoting a wiser use of public funds through improvement in the school district system of the educational service districts and the state; and
(e) Other criteria or considerations as may be established in rule by the superintendent of public instruction.
(3) It is neither the intent nor purpose of this chapter to apply to organizational changes and the procedure therefor relating to capital fund aid by nonhigh school districts as provided for in chapter 28A.540 RCW.

[ 2006 c 263 § 504; 1999 c 315 § 101.]

Findings—Purpose—Part headings not law—2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.315 - Organization and Reorganization of School Districts.

28A.315.005 - Governance structure.

28A.315.015 - Purpose—Policy.

28A.315.025 - Definitions.

28A.315.035 - Organization of school districts.

28A.315.045 - Reorganization.

28A.315.055 - Conflicting or incorrectly described school district boundaries.

28A.315.065 - District boundary changes—Filing with county auditor.

28A.315.085 - Personnel and supplies—Reimbursement.

28A.315.095 - Regional committees—Powers and duties.

28A.315.105 - Regional committees—Appointment and terms of members—New regional committees.

28A.315.115 - Regional committees—Membership limitation.

28A.315.155 - Regional committees—Members' expenses reimbursed.

28A.315.165 - Regional committees—Organization, meetings, quorum.

28A.315.175 - Superintendent of public instruction—Powers and duties.

28A.315.185 - Annual training.

28A.315.195 - Transfer of territory by petition—Requirements—Rules.

28A.315.199 - Transfer of territory or dissolution of financially insolvent school district by petition—Notification to affected districts—Mediation—Request for hearing—Notification to regional committee—Costs.

28A.315.205 - Transfer of territory or dissolution by petition—Regional committee responsibilities—Rules—Appeals.

28A.315.215 - Transfer of territory or annexation of financially insolvent district by agreement or order—Approval—Order—Previously approved and imposed excess tax levies.

28A.315.221 - Financial oversight committee—Membership—Review of financially insolvent districts—Enhanced financial monitoring—Rules.

28A.315.225 - Dissolution and annexation of certain districts—Dissolution of financially insolvent districts—Annexation of nondistrict property.

28A.315.229 - Employment contracts and collective bargaining agreements in dissolved financially insolvent districts.

28A.315.235 - Consolidation—Petition.

28A.315.245 - Adjustment of assets and liabilities.

28A.315.255 - Adjustment of indebtedness.

28A.315.265 - Adjustment of bonded indebtedness—Order—Special elections.

28A.315.275 - Notice of elections.

28A.315.285 - Special election—Determination—Order—Certification.

28A.315.295 - Rejection of proposal.

28A.315.305 - School district organizational changes—Corporate existence—Payment of bonded indebtedness—Levy authority—Levy requirements for dissolved or annexed financially insolvent school districts.

28A.315.308 - School district organization changes—Adjustment of school district assets and liabilities—School districts in two or more educational service districts.

28A.315.311 - Validation of proceedings to effect dissolution, annexation, consolidation, or transfer of territory between districts.

28A.315.315 - Appeal.

28A.315.325 - Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.

28A.315.902 - Rule-making authority—2012 c 186.