Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.315 - Organization and Reorganization of School Districts.
28A.315.105 - Regional committees—Appointment and terms of members—New regional committees.

RCW 28A.315.105
Regional committees—Appointment and terms of members—New regional committees.

(1) There is hereby created in each educational service district a committee which shall be known as the regional committee on school district organization, which committee shall be composed of not less than seven nor more than nine registered voters of the educational service district, the number to correspond with the number of board member districts established for the governance of the educational service district in which the regional committee is located.
(2) Members of each regional committee shall be appointed to serve a four-year term by the educational service district board of the district in which the regional committee is located. One member of the regional committee shall be appointed from each such educational service district board member district. Appointed members of regional committees must be registered voters and reside in the educational service district board member district from which they are appointed. Members of regional committees who were elected before June 12, 2008, may serve the remainder of their four-year terms. Vacancies occurring for any reason, including at the end of the term of any member of a regional committee who was elected before June 12, 2008, shall be filled by appointment by the educational service district board of directors as provided in this section.
(3) In the event of a change in the number of educational service districts or in the number of educational service district board members pursuant to chapter 28A.310 RCW, a new regional committee shall be appointed for each affected educational service district at the expiration of the terms of the majority of the members of the regional committee. Those persons who were serving on a regional committee within an educational service district affected by a change in the number of districts or board members shall continue to constitute the regional committee for the educational service district within which they are registered to vote until the majority of a new board has been appointed.
(4) No appointed member of a regional committee may continue to serve on the committee if he or she ceases to be a registered voter of the educational service district board member district or if he or she is absent from three consecutive meetings of the committee without an excuse acceptable to the committee.

[ 2008 c 159 § 4; 1985 c 385 § 2; 1969 ex.s. c 223 § 28A.57.030. Prior: 1947 c 266 § 11, part; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 4693-30, part; prior: 1941 c 248 § 3, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 4709-3, part. Formerly RCW 28A.315.040, 28A.57.030, 28.57.030, part.]

Severability—1985 c 385: See note following RCW 28A.315.025.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.315 - Organization and Reorganization of School Districts.

28A.315.005 - Governance structure.

28A.315.015 - Purpose—Policy.

28A.315.025 - Definitions.

28A.315.035 - Organization of school districts.

28A.315.045 - Reorganization.

28A.315.055 - Conflicting or incorrectly described school district boundaries.

28A.315.065 - District boundary changes—Filing with county auditor.

28A.315.085 - Personnel and supplies—Reimbursement.

28A.315.095 - Regional committees—Powers and duties.

28A.315.105 - Regional committees—Appointment and terms of members—New regional committees.

28A.315.115 - Regional committees—Membership limitation.

28A.315.155 - Regional committees—Members' expenses reimbursed.

28A.315.165 - Regional committees—Organization, meetings, quorum.

28A.315.175 - Superintendent of public instruction—Powers and duties.

28A.315.185 - Annual training.

28A.315.195 - Transfer of territory by petition—Requirements—Rules.

28A.315.199 - Transfer of territory or dissolution of financially insolvent school district by petition—Notification to affected districts—Mediation—Request for hearing—Notification to regional committee—Costs.

28A.315.205 - Transfer of territory or dissolution by petition—Regional committee responsibilities—Rules—Appeals.

28A.315.215 - Transfer of territory or annexation of financially insolvent district by agreement or order—Approval—Order—Previously approved and imposed excess tax levies.

28A.315.221 - Financial oversight committee—Membership—Review of financially insolvent districts—Enhanced financial monitoring—Rules.

28A.315.225 - Dissolution and annexation of certain districts—Dissolution of financially insolvent districts—Annexation of nondistrict property.

28A.315.229 - Employment contracts and collective bargaining agreements in dissolved financially insolvent districts.

28A.315.235 - Consolidation—Petition.

28A.315.245 - Adjustment of assets and liabilities.

28A.315.255 - Adjustment of indebtedness.

28A.315.265 - Adjustment of bonded indebtedness—Order—Special elections.

28A.315.275 - Notice of elections.

28A.315.285 - Special election—Determination—Order—Certification.

28A.315.295 - Rejection of proposal.

28A.315.305 - School district organizational changes—Corporate existence—Payment of bonded indebtedness—Levy authority—Levy requirements for dissolved or annexed financially insolvent school districts.

28A.315.308 - School district organization changes—Adjustment of school district assets and liabilities—School districts in two or more educational service districts.

28A.315.311 - Validation of proceedings to effect dissolution, annexation, consolidation, or transfer of territory between districts.

28A.315.315 - Appeal.

28A.315.325 - Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.

28A.315.902 - Rule-making authority—2012 c 186.