Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 81 - Emergency Medical Services System
Section 8121 - Certification sanctions

§ 8121. Certification sanctions.
(a) Grounds for discipline.--The department may discipline an EMS provider or applicant for EMS provider certification for any of the following reasons:
(1) Lack of physical or mental ability to provide adequate services.
(2) Deceptive or fraudulent procurement or representation of certification or registration credentials or for making misleading, deceptive or untrue representations to secure or aid or abet another person to secure a certification, license, registration or any other authorization issued by the department under this chapter.
(3) Willful or negligent misconduct in providing EMS or practicing beyond the scope of certification authorization without legal authority to do so.
(4) Abuse or abandonment of a patient.
(5) The rendering of services while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs or the knowing abuse of legal drugs.
(6) The operation of an emergency vehicle in a reckless manner or while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs or the knowing abuse of legal drugs.
(7) Disclosure of medical or other information about a patient where prohibited by Federal or State law.
(8) Willful preparation or filing of a false medical report or record or the inducement of others to do so.
(9) Destruction of a medical report or record required to be maintained.
(10) Refusal to render emergency medical care because of a patient's race, sex, creed, national origin, sexual preference, age, handicap, medical problem or financial inability to pay.
(11) Failure to comply with department-approved protocols.
(12) Failure to comply with reporting requirements imposed under this chapter or as established by the department.
(13) Practicing without the current registration of a certification.
(14) Conviction of a felony, a crime related to the practice of the EMS provider or a crime involving moral turpitude. For the purposes of this paragraph, a conviction includes a judgment of guilt, a plea of guilty or a plea of nolo contendere.
(15) Willful falsification of or a failure to complete details on an EMS patient care report.
(16) Misappropriation of drugs or EMS agency property.
(17) Having a certification or other authorization to practice a profession or occupation revoked, suspended or subjected to other disciplinary sanction.
(18) Violating or aiding or abetting another person to violate a duty imposed under this chapter, a regulation promulgated under this chapter or an order of the department previously entered in a disciplinary proceeding.
(19) Based upon a finding of misconduct by the relevant Federal or State agency, having been excluded from a Federal or State health care program or having had equity or capital, stock or profits of an entity equal to 5% or more of the value of the property or assets of the entity when it was excluded from a Federal or State health care program.
(20) Any other reason as determined by the department which poses a threat to the health and safety of the public.
(b) Disciplinary options.--If the department is empowered to take disciplinary action against an individual under this section, the department may do one or more of the following:
(1) Deny the application for certification.
(2) Issue a public reprimand.
(3) Revoke, suspend, limit or otherwise restrict the certification.
(4) Require the person to take refresher educational courses.
(5) Impose a civil money penalty not exceeding $1,000 for each incident in which the EMS provider engages in conduct that constitutes a basis for discipline.
(6) Stay enforcement of any suspension, revocation or other discipline and place the individual on probation with the right to vacate the probationary order for noncompliance.
(c) Registration of certification.--The department shall not deny a registration of an EMS provider certification without giving the applicant prior notice of the reason for the denial and providing an opportunity for a hearing.
(d) Reinstatement.--A person whose certification has been revoked may not apply for reinstatement of that certification. A person may petition the department for allowance to apply for a new certification five years from the effective date of the revocation by filing with the department a petition that avers facts to establish that the person has been rehabilitated to an extent that issuing the person a certification would not be detrimental to the public interest. The department may grant or deny the petition, without conducting a hearing, if it accepts as true all facts averred, other than the conclusory averments, such as that the person has been rehabilitated. If the department grants the person allowance to apply for a new certification, the person shall repeat the training program and the certification examinations for the level of certification for which the person is applying and satisfy all other requirements for the certification that exist at the time of reapplication. If the department does not grant the person allowance to apply for a new certification, the person may not again petition the department for allowance to apply for a new certification until another year from the date of denial.
Effective Date. Section 9(1) of Act 37 of 2009 provided that section 8121 shall take effect 180 days after the publication of the notice in section 7.
Cross References. Section 8121 is referred to in sections 8113, 8123, 8124 of this title.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 81 - Emergency Medical Services System

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 8101 - Short title of chapter

Section 8102 - Declaration of policy

Section 8103 - Definitions

Section 8104 - Emergency medical services system programs

Section 8105 - Duties of department

Section 8106 - Emergency medical services patient care reports

Section 8107 - Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation

Section 8107.1 - Accreditation of trauma centers

Section 8107.2 - Submission of list

Section 8107.3 - Funding

Section 8107.4 - Notification of trauma center closure

Section 8107.5 - Reporting

Section 8107.6 - Certification and financial report

Section 8108 - State Advisory Board

Section 8109 - Regional emergency medical services councils

Section 8111 - Comprehensive plan

Section 8112 - Contracts and grants

Section 8112.1 - Scholarships for recruitment, training and retention

Section 8113 - Emergency medical services providers

Section 8114 - Emergency medical responders

Section 8115 - Emergency medical technicians

Section 8116 - Advanced emergency medical technicians

Section 8117 - Paramedics

Section 8118 - Prehospital registered nurses

Section 8119 - Prehospital physician extenders

Section 8120 - Prehospital emergency medical services physicians

Section 8121 - Certification sanctions

Section 8122 - Emergency medical services vehicle operators

Section 8123 - Suspension of certification

Section 8124 - Emergency medical services instructors

Section 8125 - Medical director of emergency medical services agency

Section 8126 - Medical command physicians and facility medical directors

Section 8127 - Medical command facilities

Section 8128 - Receiving facilities

Section 8129 - Emergency medical services agencies

Section 8130 - Advanced life support ambulances

Section 8131 - Air ambulances

Section 8132 - Advanced life support squad vehicles

Section 8133 - Basic life support ambulances

Section 8134 - Basic life support squad vehicles

Section 8135 - Quick response services

Section 8136 - Special operations emergency medical services

Section 8137 - First aid and other services

Section 8138 - Other vehicles and services

Section 8139 - Stretcher and wheelchair vehicles

Section 8140 - Conditional temporary licenses

Section 8141 - Plans of correction

Section 8142 - Emergency medical services agency license sanctions

Section 8151 - Limitations on liability

Section 8152 - Peer review

Section 8153 - Support of emergency medical services

Section 8154 - Prohibited acts

Section 8155 - Surrender of license, accreditation or certification

Section 8156 - Penalties

Section 8157 - Adjudications and judicial review

Section 8158 - Injured police animals