Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 81 - Emergency Medical Services System
Section 8107.1 - Accreditation of trauma centers

(a) Standards.--The foundation shall accredit Level III trauma centers by adopting, at a minimum, current guidelines defined by the American College of Surgeons for Level III trauma centers. The accreditation process shall be conducted in compliance with section 8107 (relating to Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation).
(b) Additional requirements.--In addition to the Level III standards established by the foundation under subsection (a), a hospital must meet all of the following criteria to qualify for Level III accreditation:
(1) Provide comprehensive emergency services.
(2) Total on an annual basis at least 4,000 inpatient admissions from its emergency department.
(3) Be located in a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth class county. The requirement under this paragraph shall not apply to accredited Level III trauma centers as of the effective date of this subsection.
(4) Be located more than 25 miles of travel distance established by roadways from a Level I, Level II or Level III trauma center.
(c) Submission of application required.--To be eligible for accreditation as a Level III trauma center and to qualify for funds under section 8107.3 (relating to funding), a hospital must comply with subsection (b) to submit an application to the foundation.
(d) Review of application.--Within 120 days of the receipt of an application, the foundation shall complete its review of the application to determine compliance with the criteria under subsection (b). No later than 240 days from the completion of a site survey, the foundation shall grant or deny a certificate to a hospital seeking to be accredited as a Level III trauma center under subsections (a) and (b).
(e) Additional accreditation criteria.--For a hospital that submits an application for Level I, Level II or Level III accreditation after the effective date of this subsection, the hospital shall be located more than 25 miles of travel distance established by roadways from a Level I, Level II or Level III trauma center. If a trauma center is accredited before the effective date of this subsection, and the accreditation is denied or voluntarily withdrawn, notwithstanding the reason, the trauma center shall be subject to the travel distance requirement under this section in the same manner as a trauma center that has never been accredited if the hospital reapplies for accreditation.
(f) Applicability.--The travel distance requirements under this section shall not apply in the following situations:
(1) For a trauma center accredited before the effective date of this subsection, the trauma center may move or relocate the trauma center within 10 miles by roadway from the original location.
(2) In a merger or acquisition of a trauma center.
(3) For a hospital seeking accreditation under subsection (e), the travel distance requirement shall not apply if the hospital can demonstrate that the other trauma centers in the catchment area have a volume of excess cases above the volumes required for reaccreditation under section 8107(a)(1) that is, for a period of three preceding years, twice the amount required for reaccreditation under section 8107(a)(1).
(g) Volume waiver process.--The foundation shall develop a process to allow a hospital seeking accreditation under subsection (e) and a waiver of the travel distance requirement under subsection (f)(3) to have patient volume data reviewed to determine eligibility for the waiver prior to the pursuit of trauma center accreditation.
(July 2, 2019, P.L.359, No.54, eff. imd.)

2019 Amendment. Act 54 added section 8107.1. See section 5 of Act 54 in the appendix to this title for special provisions relating to continuation of prior law.
Cross References. Section 8107.1 is referred to in section 8107.3 of this title.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 81 - Emergency Medical Services System

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 8101 - Short title of chapter

Section 8102 - Declaration of policy

Section 8103 - Definitions

Section 8104 - Emergency medical services system programs

Section 8105 - Duties of department

Section 8106 - Emergency medical services patient care reports

Section 8107 - Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation

Section 8107.1 - Accreditation of trauma centers

Section 8107.2 - Submission of list

Section 8107.3 - Funding

Section 8107.4 - Notification of trauma center closure

Section 8107.5 - Reporting

Section 8107.6 - Certification and financial report

Section 8108 - State Advisory Board

Section 8109 - Regional emergency medical services councils

Section 8111 - Comprehensive plan

Section 8112 - Contracts and grants

Section 8112.1 - Scholarships for recruitment, training and retention

Section 8113 - Emergency medical services providers

Section 8114 - Emergency medical responders

Section 8115 - Emergency medical technicians

Section 8116 - Advanced emergency medical technicians

Section 8117 - Paramedics

Section 8118 - Prehospital registered nurses

Section 8119 - Prehospital physician extenders

Section 8120 - Prehospital emergency medical services physicians

Section 8121 - Certification sanctions

Section 8122 - Emergency medical services vehicle operators

Section 8123 - Suspension of certification

Section 8124 - Emergency medical services instructors

Section 8125 - Medical director of emergency medical services agency

Section 8126 - Medical command physicians and facility medical directors

Section 8127 - Medical command facilities

Section 8128 - Receiving facilities

Section 8129 - Emergency medical services agencies

Section 8130 - Advanced life support ambulances

Section 8131 - Air ambulances

Section 8132 - Advanced life support squad vehicles

Section 8133 - Basic life support ambulances

Section 8134 - Basic life support squad vehicles

Section 8135 - Quick response services

Section 8136 - Special operations emergency medical services

Section 8137 - First aid and other services

Section 8138 - Other vehicles and services

Section 8139 - Stretcher and wheelchair vehicles

Section 8140 - Conditional temporary licenses

Section 8141 - Plans of correction

Section 8142 - Emergency medical services agency license sanctions

Section 8151 - Limitations on liability

Section 8152 - Peer review

Section 8153 - Support of emergency medical services

Section 8154 - Prohibited acts

Section 8155 - Surrender of license, accreditation or certification

Section 8156 - Penalties

Section 8157 - Adjudications and judicial review

Section 8158 - Injured police animals