Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 81 - Emergency Medical Services System
Section 8111 - Comprehensive plan

(a) Preparation.--
(1) The department, with the assistance of the board, shall prepare a Statewide EMS system plan, which plan shall include both short-range and long-range goals and objectives, and shall make the plan available to the General Assembly and all concerned agencies, entities and individuals.
(2) A regional EMS system plan, upon approval of the department, shall:
(i) Become part of the Statewide EMS system plan.
(ii) Include for the EMS region the same types of information that subsection (b) requires for the Statewide plan.
(b) Contents.--At a minimum, the Statewide plan shall contain:
(1) An inventory of EMS resources available within this Commonwealth.
(2) An assessment of the effectiveness of the existing EMS system and a determination of the need for changes to the EMS system.
(3) Performance measures for delivery of EMS to all persons in this Commonwealth.
(4) Methods to be used in achieving the stated performance measures.
(5) A schedule for achievement of the stated performance measures.
(6) A method for monitoring and evaluating whether the stated performance measures are being achieved.
(7) Estimated costs for achieving the stated performance measures.
(c) Revisions.--
(1) The department shall collect and analyze EMS data for the purpose of:
(i) Revising the Statewide EMS system plan, including determining the status of the Statewide EMS system, the degree of compliance with the requirements of this chapter and the effectiveness of EMS systems in reducing morbidity and mortality associated with medical emergencies.
(ii) Planning future EMS system initiatives.
(2) Persons regulated by the department under this chapter and dispatchers of EMS agencies shall provide data, without charge, as reasonably requested by the department and regional EMS councils, to aid them in developing and revising Statewide and regional EMS system plans and in conducting investigations under this chapter as authorized by the department.
(d) Annual reports.--The department shall annually publish comprehensive and specific reports of activity and plan implementation.
(e) Use of Statewide plan.--
(1) The department shall use the Statewide plan for contract and grant purposes as set forth in section 8112(a) (relating to contracts and grants).
(2) Nothing in the Statewide plan shall be construed to vest the department with any regulatory authority.

Cross References. Section 8111 is referred to in section 8105 of this title.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 81 - Emergency Medical Services System

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 8101 - Short title of chapter

Section 8102 - Declaration of policy

Section 8103 - Definitions

Section 8104 - Emergency medical services system programs

Section 8105 - Duties of department

Section 8106 - Emergency medical services patient care reports

Section 8107 - Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation

Section 8107.1 - Accreditation of trauma centers

Section 8107.2 - Submission of list

Section 8107.3 - Funding

Section 8107.4 - Notification of trauma center closure

Section 8107.5 - Reporting

Section 8107.6 - Certification and financial report

Section 8108 - State Advisory Board

Section 8109 - Regional emergency medical services councils

Section 8111 - Comprehensive plan

Section 8112 - Contracts and grants

Section 8112.1 - Scholarships for recruitment, training and retention

Section 8113 - Emergency medical services providers

Section 8114 - Emergency medical responders

Section 8115 - Emergency medical technicians

Section 8116 - Advanced emergency medical technicians

Section 8117 - Paramedics

Section 8118 - Prehospital registered nurses

Section 8119 - Prehospital physician extenders

Section 8120 - Prehospital emergency medical services physicians

Section 8121 - Certification sanctions

Section 8122 - Emergency medical services vehicle operators

Section 8123 - Suspension of certification

Section 8124 - Emergency medical services instructors

Section 8125 - Medical director of emergency medical services agency

Section 8126 - Medical command physicians and facility medical directors

Section 8127 - Medical command facilities

Section 8128 - Receiving facilities

Section 8129 - Emergency medical services agencies

Section 8130 - Advanced life support ambulances

Section 8131 - Air ambulances

Section 8132 - Advanced life support squad vehicles

Section 8133 - Basic life support ambulances

Section 8134 - Basic life support squad vehicles

Section 8135 - Quick response services

Section 8136 - Special operations emergency medical services

Section 8137 - First aid and other services

Section 8138 - Other vehicles and services

Section 8139 - Stretcher and wheelchair vehicles

Section 8140 - Conditional temporary licenses

Section 8141 - Plans of correction

Section 8142 - Emergency medical services agency license sanctions

Section 8151 - Limitations on liability

Section 8152 - Peer review

Section 8153 - Support of emergency medical services

Section 8154 - Prohibited acts

Section 8155 - Surrender of license, accreditation or certification

Section 8156 - Penalties

Section 8157 - Adjudications and judicial review

Section 8158 - Injured police animals