Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 81 - Emergency Medical Services System
Section 8112.1 - Scholarships for recruitment, training and retention

(a) Utilization.--Except as provided under subsection (d), money transferred under 3 Pa.C.S. § 1113(a)(4) (relating to disposition of certain funds) shall be utilized by the department's Bureau of Emergency Medical Services to:
(1) Issue scholarships to EMS providers who complete EMS training provided by an approved entity under section 8105(b)(6) (relating to duties of department).
(2) Reimburse EMS agencies for recruitment and retention costs, which are to be determined by the department's Bureau of Emergency Medical Services.
(3) Make available a pilot program for high school students with instruction through partnerships between institutions of higher education in this Commonwealth and school entities or nonpublic schools, or both, to increase the number of individuals capable of becoming EMS providers. The pilot program shall be conducted in accordance with section 7 of the act of October 24, 2012 (P.L.1209, No.151), known as the Child Labor Act. The following shall apply:
(i) The Bureau of Emergency Medical Services of the Department of Health shall accept proposals from institutions of higher education in this Commonwealth for the pilot program. From the proposals submitted, the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services of the Department of Health shall select three institutions of higher education to offer a pilot program. The Bureau of Emergency Medical Services of the Department of Health, to the greatest extent practicable, shall select one institution of higher education from each eastern, central and western region of this Commonwealth. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prohibit an institution of higher education from incorporating fire instruction into the pilot program.
(ii) An institution of higher education selected by the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services of the Department of Health under subparagraph (i) shall operate the pilot program by entering into an agreement with a school entity or nonpublic school, or both, for the provision of instruction to students who are in at least the ninth grade.
(iii) The EMS Training Fund is established in the State Treasury. The Bureau of Emergency Medical Services of the Department of Health may accept monetary donations and other money for deposit into the EMS Training Fund from a person, business, foundation, tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3)) or government entity on behalf of the Commonwealth.
(iv) The Bureau of Emergency Medical Services of the Department of Health shall disburse no less than $50,000 from the EMS Training Fund to each institution of higher education operating the pilot program for each year of the pilot program. After the fourth year of operation of the pilot program, the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services of the Department of Health may not disburse money from the EMS Training Fund.
(v) The State Treasurer shall transfer any money appropriated, transferred or donated for the pilot program into the EMS Training Fund, and interest earned on the money in the EMS Training Fund shall remain in the EMS Training Fund.
(b) Application.--An individual shall submit an application for a scholarship to the department on a form approved by the department.
(c) Form.--The scholarships shall be in the form of:
(1) Reimbursement to EMS providers who obtain certification upon successful completion of EMS training by an approved provider.
(2) Reimbursement to an EMS agency for recruitment and retention costs, which are to be determined by the department's Bureau of Emergency Medical Services.
(d) Administrative costs.--No more than $50,000 of the money transferred under 3 Pa.C.S. § 1113(a)(4) may be used by the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services for administrative costs.
(e) Annual reports.--
(1) The Bureau of Emergency Medical Services of the Department of Health shall prepare an annual report on the scholarships under subsection (a)(1) and the pilot program under subsection (a)(3). The report shall include all of the following information:
(i) The total number of scholarship applications received.
(ii) The total number of scholarship applications approved and the amounts funded for each recipient.
(iii) An analysis of the classes taken and the levels of education obtained through the scholarships.
(iv) The number of applications received for the pilot program.
(v) The applications approved for the pilot program.
(vi) The number of high school students served by the pilot program.
(2) The Bureau of Emergency Medical Services of the Department of Health shall submit the annual report under paragraph (1) no later than October 1, 2023, and by October 1 of each year thereafter, to all of the following:
(i) The chair and minority chair of the Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee of the Senate.
(ii) The chair and minority chair of the Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee of the House of Representatives.
(3) The Secretary of Health shall post the annual report under paragraph (1) on the department's publicly accessible Internet website.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 81 - Emergency Medical Services System

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 8101 - Short title of chapter

Section 8102 - Declaration of policy

Section 8103 - Definitions

Section 8104 - Emergency medical services system programs

Section 8105 - Duties of department

Section 8106 - Emergency medical services patient care reports

Section 8107 - Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation

Section 8107.1 - Accreditation of trauma centers

Section 8107.2 - Submission of list

Section 8107.3 - Funding

Section 8107.4 - Notification of trauma center closure

Section 8107.5 - Reporting

Section 8107.6 - Certification and financial report

Section 8108 - State Advisory Board

Section 8109 - Regional emergency medical services councils

Section 8111 - Comprehensive plan

Section 8112 - Contracts and grants

Section 8112.1 - Scholarships for recruitment, training and retention

Section 8113 - Emergency medical services providers

Section 8114 - Emergency medical responders

Section 8115 - Emergency medical technicians

Section 8116 - Advanced emergency medical technicians

Section 8117 - Paramedics

Section 8118 - Prehospital registered nurses

Section 8119 - Prehospital physician extenders

Section 8120 - Prehospital emergency medical services physicians

Section 8121 - Certification sanctions

Section 8122 - Emergency medical services vehicle operators

Section 8123 - Suspension of certification

Section 8124 - Emergency medical services instructors

Section 8125 - Medical director of emergency medical services agency

Section 8126 - Medical command physicians and facility medical directors

Section 8127 - Medical command facilities

Section 8128 - Receiving facilities

Section 8129 - Emergency medical services agencies

Section 8130 - Advanced life support ambulances

Section 8131 - Air ambulances

Section 8132 - Advanced life support squad vehicles

Section 8133 - Basic life support ambulances

Section 8134 - Basic life support squad vehicles

Section 8135 - Quick response services

Section 8136 - Special operations emergency medical services

Section 8137 - First aid and other services

Section 8138 - Other vehicles and services

Section 8139 - Stretcher and wheelchair vehicles

Section 8140 - Conditional temporary licenses

Section 8141 - Plans of correction

Section 8142 - Emergency medical services agency license sanctions

Section 8151 - Limitations on liability

Section 8152 - Peer review

Section 8153 - Support of emergency medical services

Section 8154 - Prohibited acts

Section 8155 - Surrender of license, accreditation or certification

Section 8156 - Penalties

Section 8157 - Adjudications and judicial review

Section 8158 - Injured police animals